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A library and language for building parsers, interpreters, compilers, etc.
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'use strict';
// --------------------------------------------------------------------// Imports// --------------------------------------------------------------------
const fs = require('fs');const test = require('ava');
const ohm = require('../..');const {toAST} = require('../../extras');const {semanticsForToAST} = require('../../extras');
const g = ohm.grammar(fs.readFileSync('test/data/arithmetic.ohm'));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------// Tests// --------------------------------------------------------------------
test('semantic action', t => { const semantics = semanticsForToAST(g); const matchResult = g.match('10 + 20');
t.truthy( 'toAST' in semantics._getSemantics().operations, 'toAST operation added to semantics' ); t.truthy(semantics(matchResult).toAST, 'toAST operation added to match result');});
test('default', t => { let matchResult = g.match('10 + 20'); let ast = toAST(matchResult); let expected = { 0: '10', 2: '20', type: 'AddExp_plus', }; t.deepEqual(ast, expected, 'proper default AST');
const g2 = ohm.grammar('G { Mix = a? b* "|" a? b* a = "a" b = "b" }'); matchResult = g2.match('a|bb'); ast = toAST(matchResult, {}); expected = { 0: 'a', 1: [], 3: null, 4: ['b', 'b'], type: 'Mix', }; t.deepEqual(ast, expected, 'proper optionals and lists in AST');});
test('mapping', t => { let matchResult = g.match('10 + 20'); let ast = toAST(matchResult, { AddExp_plus: { expr1: 0, expr2: 2, }, }); let expected = { expr1: '10', expr2: '20', type: 'AddExp_plus', }; t.deepEqual(ast, expected, 'proper AST with mapped properties');
ast = toAST(matchResult, { AddExp_plus: { expr1: 0, op: 1, expr2: 2, }, }); expected = { expr1: '10', op: '+', expr2: '20', type: 'AddExp_plus', }; t.deepEqual(ast, expected, 'proper AST with explicitly mapped property');
ast = toAST(matchResult, { AddExp_plus: { 0: 0, }, }); expected = { 0: '10', type: 'AddExp_plus', }; t.deepEqual(ast, expected, 'proper AST with explicitly removed property');
ast = toAST(matchResult, { AddExp_plus: { 0: 0, type: undefined, }, }); expected = { 0: '10', }; t.deepEqual(ast, expected, 'proper AST with explicitly removed type');
ast = toAST(matchResult, { AddExp_plus: { expr1: 0, op: 'plus', expr2: 2, }, }); expected = { expr1: '10', op: 'plus', expr2: '20', type: 'AddExp_plus', }; t.deepEqual(ast, expected, 'proper AST with static property');
ast = toAST(matchResult, { AddExp_plus: { expr1: Object(0), op: 'plus', expr2: Object(2), }, }); expected = { expr1: 0, op: 'plus', expr2: 2, type: 'AddExp_plus', }; t.deepEqual(ast, expected, 'proper AST with boxed number property');
ast = toAST(matchResult, { AddExp_plus: { expr1: 0, expr2: 2, str(children) { return children .map(function(child) { return child.toAST(this.args.mapping); }, this) .join(''); }, }, }); expected = { expr1: '10', expr2: '20', str: '10+20', type: 'AddExp_plus', }; t.deepEqual(ast, expected, 'proper AST with computed property');
matchResult = g.match('10 + 20 - 30'); ast = toAST(matchResult, { AddExp_plus: 2, }); expected = { 0: '20', // child 2 of AddExp_plus 2: '30', type: 'AddExp_minus', }; t.deepEqual(ast, expected, 'proper AST with forwarded child node');
ast = toAST(matchResult, { AddExp_plus(expr1, _, expr2) { expr1 = expr1.toAST(this.args.mapping); expr2 = expr2.toAST(this.args.mapping); return 'plus(' + expr1 + ', ' + expr2 + ')'; }, }); expected = { 0: 'plus(10, 20)', // child 2 of AddExp_plus 2: '30', type: 'AddExp_minus', }; t.deepEqual(ast, expected, 'proper AST with computed node/operation extension');
ast = toAST(matchResult, { Exp: { type: 'Exp', 0: 0, }, }); expected = { 0: { 0: { 0: '10', 2: '20', type: 'AddExp_plus', }, 2: '30', type: 'AddExp_minus', }, type: 'Exp', }; t.deepEqual(ast, expected, 'proper AST with explicity reintroduced node');});
test('real examples (combinations)', t => { const matchResult = g.match('10 + 20 - 30');
let ast = toAST(matchResult, { AddExp_plus: { expr1: 0, op: 1, expr2: 2, type: 'Expression', }, AddExp_minus: { expr1: 0, op: 1, expr2: 2, type: 'Expression', }, }); let expected = { expr1: { expr1: '10', expr2: '20', op: '+', type: 'Expression', }, expr2: '30', op: '-', type: 'Expression', }; t.deepEqual(ast, expected, 'proper AST for arithmetic example #1');
ast = toAST(matchResult, { AddExp_plus: { augend: 0, addend: 2, type: 'AddExpression', }, AddExp_minus: { minuend: 0, subtrahend: 2, type: 'SubExpression', }, }); expected = { minuend: { augend: '10', addend: '20', type: 'AddExpression', }, subtrahend: '30', type: 'SubExpression', }; t.deepEqual(ast, expected, 'proper AST for arithmetic example #2');});