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A library and language for building parsers, interpreters, compilers, etc.
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import {assert} from '../src/common.js';
// Helpers
function getProp(name, thing, fn) { return fn(thing[name]);}
function mapProp(name, thing, fn) { return thing[name].map(fn);}
// Returns a function that will walk a single property of a node.// `descriptor` is a string indicating the property name, optionally ending// with '[]' (e.g., 'children[]').function getPropWalkFn(descriptor) { const parts = descriptor.split(/ ?\[\]/); if (parts.length === 2) { return mapProp.bind(null, parts[0]); } return getProp.bind(null, descriptor);}
function getProps(walkFns, thing, fn) { return => walkFn(thing, fn));}
function getWalkFn(shape) { if (typeof shape === 'string') { return getProps.bind(null, [getPropWalkFn(shape)]); } else if (Array.isArray(shape)) { return getProps.bind(null,; } else { assert(typeof shape === 'function', 'Expected a string, Array, or function'); assert(shape.length === 2, 'Expected a function of arity 2, got ' + shape.length); return shape; }}
function isRestrictedIdentifier(str) { return /^[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*$/.test(str);}
function trim(s) { return s.trim();}
function parseSignature(sig) { const parts = sig.split(/[()]/).map(trim); if (parts.length === 3 && parts[2] === '') { const name = parts[0]; let params = []; if (parts[1].length > 0) { params = parts[1].split(',').map(trim); } if (isRestrictedIdentifier(name) && params.every(isRestrictedIdentifier)) { return {name, formals: params}; } } throw new Error('Invalid operation signature: ' + sig);}
/* A VisitorFamily contains a set of recursive operations that are defined over some kind of tree structure. The `config` parameter specifies how to walk the tree: - 'getTag' is function which, given a node in the tree, returns the node's 'tag' (type) - 'shapes' an object that maps from a tag to a value that describes how to recursively evaluate the operation for nodes of that type. The value can be: * a string indicating the property name that holds that node's only child * an Array of property names (or an empty array indicating a leaf type), or * a function taking two arguments (node, fn), and returning an Array which is the result of apply `fn` to each of the node's children. */export class VisitorFamily { constructor(config) { this._shapes = config.shapes; this._getTag = config.getTag;
this.Adapter = function(thing, family) { this._adaptee = thing; this._family = family; }; this.Adapter.prototype.valueOf = function() { throw new Error('heeey!'); }; this.operations = {};
this._arities = Object.create(null); this._getChildren = Object.create(null);
Object.keys(this._shapes).forEach(k => { const shape = this._shapes[k]; this._getChildren[k] = getWalkFn(shape);
// A function means the arity isn't fixed, so don't put an entry in the arity map. if (typeof shape !== 'function') { this._arities[k] = Array.isArray(shape) ? shape.length : 1; } }); this._wrap = thing => new this.Adapter(thing, this); }
wrap(thing) { return this._wrap(thing); }
_checkActionDict(dict) { Object.keys(dict).forEach(k => { assert(k in this._getChildren, "Unrecognized action name '" + k + "'"); const action = dict[k]; assert( typeof action === 'function', "Key '" + k + "': expected function, got " + action, ); if (k in this._arities) { const expected = this._arities[k]; const actual = dict[k].length; assert( actual === expected, "Action '" + k + "' has the wrong arity: expected " + expected + ', got ' + actual, ); } }); }
addOperation(signature, actions) { const sig = parseSignature(signature); const {name} = sig; this._checkActionDict(actions); this.operations[name] = { name, formals: sig.formals, actions, };
const family = this; this.Adapter.prototype[name] = function(...args) { const tag = family._getTag(this._adaptee); assert(tag in family._getChildren, "getTag returned unrecognized tag '" + tag + "'"); assert(tag in actions, "No action for '" + tag + "' in operation '" + name + "'");
// Create an "arguments object" from the arguments that were passed to this // operation / attribute. const argsObj = Object.create(null); for (const [i, val] of Object.entries(args)) { argsObj[sig.formals[i]] = val; }
const oldArgs = this.args; this.args = argsObj; const ans = actions[tag].apply( this, family._getChildren[tag](this._adaptee, family._wrap), ); this.args = oldArgs; return ans; }; return this; }}