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A library and language for building parsers, interpreters, compilers, etc.
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/* eslint-env node */
import test from 'ava';import * as ohm from '../index.mjs';
// --------------------------------------------------------------------// Tests// --------------------------------------------------------------------
test('require same number of params when overriding and extending', t => { const ns = ohm.grammars('G { Foo<x, y> = x y }');
// Too few parameters t.throws(() => ohm.grammars('G2 <: G { Foo<x> := "oops!" }', ns), { message: /Wrong number of parameters for rule Foo \(expected 2, got 1\)/, }); t.throws(() => ohm.grammars('G2 <: G { Foo<x> += "oops!" }', ns), { message: /Wrong number of parameters for rule Foo \(expected 2, got 1\)/, });
// Too many parameters t.throws(() => ohm.grammar('G2 <: G { Foo<x, y, z> := "oops!" }', ns), { message: /Wrong number of parameters for rule Foo \(expected 2, got 3\)/, }); t.throws(() => ohm.grammar('G2 <: G { Foo<x, y, z> += "oops!" }', ns), { message: /Wrong number of parameters for rule Foo \(expected 2, got 3\)/, });
// Just right t.truthy(ohm.grammar('G2 <: G { Foo<x, y> := "yay!" }', ns)); t.truthy(ohm.grammar('G2 <: G { Foo<x, y> += "it" "works" }', ns));});
test('require same number of args when applying', t => { const ns = ohm.grammars('G { Foo<x, y> = x y }'); t.throws(() => ohm.grammar('G2 <: G { Bar = Foo<"a"> }', ns), { message: /Wrong number of arguments for rule Foo \(expected 2, got 1\)/, }); t.throws(() => ohm.grammar('G2 <: G { Bar = Foo<"a", "b", "c"> }', ns), { message: /Wrong number of arguments for rule Foo \(expected 2, got 3\)/, });});
test('require arguments to have arity 1', t => { t.throws( () => ohm.grammar(` G { Foo<x> = x x\n Start = Foo<digit digit>\n } `), {message: /Invalid parameter to rule Foo/}, );});
test('require the rules referenced in arguments to be declared', t => { t.throws(() => ohm.grammar('G { start = listOf<asdlfk, ","> }'), { message: /Rule asdlfk is not declared in grammar G/, });});
test('simple examples', t => { const g = ohm.grammar(` G { Pair<elem> = "(" elem "," elem ")" Start = Pair<digit>\n } `); const s = g.createSemantics().addOperation('v', { Pair(oparen, x, comma, y, cparen) { return [x.v(), y.v()]; }, digit(_) { return this.sourceString; }, }); const cst = g.match('(1,2)', 'Start'); t.deepEqual(s(cst).v(), ['1', '2']);});
test('start matching from parameterized rule', t => { const g = ohm.grammar(` G { App<arg> = arg Simple = App<"x"> z = "z" } `); t.throws( () => { g.match('x'); }, {message: /Wrong number of parameters for rule App \(expected 1, got 0\)/}, 'parameterized default start rule does not work', ); t.throws( () => { g.match('y', 'App'); }, {message: /Wrong number of parameters for rule App \(expected 1, got 0\)/}, 'parameterized rule does not work as simple rule', ); t.truthy(g.match('y', 'App<"y">').succeeded(), 'matching with primitive parameter'); t.truthy(g.match('z', 'App<"z">').succeeded(), 'matching with rule parameter');});
test('inline rule declarations', t => { const g = ohm.grammar(` G { List<elem, sep> = elem (sep elem)* -- some | -- none Start = List<"x", ","> } `); const s = g.createSemantics().addOperation('v', { List_some(x, sep, xs) { return [x.v()].concat( => c.v())); }, List_none() { return []; }, _terminal() { return this.sourceString; }, }); const cst = g.match('x, x,x', 'Start'); t.deepEqual(s(cst).v(), ['x', 'x', 'x']);});
test('left recursion', t => { const g = ohm.grammar(` G { LeftAssoc<expr, op> = LeftAssoc<expr, op> op expr -- rec | expr -- base Start = LeftAssoc<digit, "+"> } `); const s = g.createSemantics().addOperation('v', { LeftAssoc_rec(x, op, y) { return [op.v(), x.v(), y.v()]; }, LeftAssoc_base(x) { return x.v(); }, _terminal() { return this.sourceString; }, }); const cst = g.match('1 + 2 + 3', 'Start'); t.deepEqual(s(cst).v(), ['+', ['+', '1', '2'], '3']);});
test('complex parameters', t => { const g = ohm.grammar(` G { start = two<~"5" digit> two<x> = x x } `); const s = g.createSemantics().addOperation('v', { two(x, y) { return [x.v(), y.v()]; }, _terminal() { return this.sourceString; }, }); t.deepEqual(s(g.match('42')).v(), ['4', '2']);'45').failed(), true);});
test('duplicate parameter names', t => { t.throws( () => ohm.grammar('G { Foo<a, b, a, b> = a }'), {message: /Duplicate parameter names in rule Foo: a, b/}, 'defining', ); t.throws( () => ohm.grammar('G { ListOf<a, a> := a }'), {message: /Duplicate parameter names in rule ListOf: a/}, 'overriding', ); t.throws( () => ohm.grammar('G { ListOf<a, a> += a }'), {message: /Duplicate parameter names in rule ListOf: a/}, 'extending', );});