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A library and language for building parsers, interpreters, compilers, etc.
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import fs from 'fs';import test from 'ava';import * as ohm from '../index.mjs';
import * as testUtil from './helpers/testUtil.js';
// --------------------------------------------------------------------// Helpers// --------------------------------------------------------------------
const arithmeticGrammarSource = fs.readFileSync('test/arithmetic.ohm').toString();
const passThroughOp = ls => => c.op());
// --------------------------------------------------------------------// Tests// --------------------------------------------------------------------
test('operations', t => { const Arithmetic = ohm.grammar(arithmeticGrammarSource); const s = Arithmetic.createSemantics();
// An operation that evaluates an expression s.addOperation('value', { addExp_plus(x, op, y) { return x.value() + y.value(); }, mulExp_times(x, op, y) { return x.value() * y.value(); }, number_rec(n, d) { return n.value() * 10 + d.value(); }, digit(_) { return this.sourceString.charCodeAt(0) - '0'.charCodeAt(0); }, });'1+2')).value(), 3, 'single addExp');'13+10*2*3')).value(), 73, 'more complicated case');
// An operation that produces a list of the values of all the numbers in the tree. s.addOperation('numberValues', { addExp_plus(x, op, y) { return x.numberValues().concat(y.numberValues()); }, mulExp_times(x, op, y) { return x.numberValues().concat(y.numberValues()); }, number(n) { return [n.value()]; }, digit(d) { return this.sourceString; }, }); t.deepEqual(s(Arithmetic.match('9')).numberValues(), [9]); t.deepEqual(s(Arithmetic.match('13+10*2*3')).numberValues(), [13, 10, 2, 3]);
// An operation that (like the others above) doesn't take any arguments. s.addOperation('noArgs', { addExp_plus(x, op, y) { return x.noArgs() + y.noArgs(); }, mulExp_times(x, op, y) { return x.noArgs(1); // should result in an error }, number(n) { return '#'; }, });'1+2')).noArgs(), '##'); t.throws( () => { s(Arithmetic.match('1*2')).noArgs(); }, { message: 'Invalid number of arguments passed to noArgs operation (expected 0, got 1)', }, );
// An operation that failed checks when first added but then succeeds t.throws( () => { s.addOperation('failSuccess', { exp() {}, }); }, {message: /wrong arity/}, ); t.falsy(s(Arithmetic.match('1+2')).failSuccess, 'failed operation not added'); s.addOperation('failSuccess', { exp(arg) { return arg.value(); }, }); t.truthy(s(Arithmetic.match('1+2')).failSuccess, 'operation added successfully');'1+2')).failSuccess(), 3, 'corrected operation');});
test('operations with arguments', t => { const Arithmetic = ohm.grammar(arithmeticGrammarSource); const s = Arithmetic.createSemantics();
s.addOperation('op1(level)', { number(n) { return this.sourceString + '@L' + this.args.level; }, _default(...children) { let ans = []; children.forEach(child => { ans = ans.concat(child.op1(this.args.level + 1)); }); return ans; }, }); t.deepEqual(s(Arithmetic.match('1+2*3')).op1(0), ['1@L6', '2@L7', '3@L6']); t.throws( () => { s(Arithmetic.match('(5)-2')).op1(); }, { message: 'Invalid number of arguments passed to op1 operation (expected 1, got 0)', }, ); t.throws( () => { s(Arithmetic.match('(5)-2')).op1(1, 2); }, { message: 'Invalid number of arguments passed to op1 operation (expected 1, got 2)', }, );
s.addOperation('op2(a, b)', { number(n) { return this.args.a * 100 + this.args.b * 10 + parseInt(this.sourceString); }, }); t.throws( () => { s(Arithmetic.match('(5)-2')).op2(); }, { message: 'Invalid number of arguments passed to op2 operation (expected 2, got 0)', }, ); t.throws( () => { s(Arithmetic.match('(5)-2')).op2(1); }, {message: 'Invalid number of arguments passed to op2 operation (expected 2, got 1)'}, );'3')).op2(1, 2), 123); t.throws( () => { s(Arithmetic.match('(5)-2')).op1(1, 2, 3); }, { message: 'Invalid number of arguments passed to op1 operation (expected 1, got 3)', }, );
s.addOperation('op3(foo, bar, baz)', { _default(...children) { const oldArgs = this.args; this.op1(0); t.deepEqual( this.args, oldArgs, "make sure that calling other operations doesn't clobber the arguments of the caller", ); }, }); s(Arithmetic.match('(5)-2')).op3(1, 2, 3);});
test('attributes', t => { const Arithmetic = ohm.grammar(arithmeticGrammarSource); let count = 0; const s = Arithmetic.createSemantics().addAttribute('value', { addExp_plus(x, op, y) { count++; return x.value + y.value; }, mulExp_times(x, op, y) { count++; return x.value * y.value; }, number_rec(n, d) { count++; return n.value * 10 + d.value; }, digit(expr) { count++; return expr.value.charCodeAt(0) - '0'.charCodeAt(0); }, _terminal() { count++; return this.sourceString; }, });
const simple = Arithmetic.match('1+2'); const complicated = Arithmetic.match('13+10*2*3');, 3, 'single addExp');, 73, 'more complicated case');
// Check that attributes are memoized const oldCount = count;, 3);, 73);, oldCount);
// Remove memoized attributes s(simple)._forgetMemoizedResultFor('value'); s(complicated)._forgetMemoizedResultFor('value');
// Change the action function for `addExp_plus` s._getActionDict('value').addExp_plus = function(x, op, y) { return 1 + x.value + y.value; };, 4, 'new value for single addExp');, 74, 'new value for more complicated case');
t.throws( () => { s._getActionDict('eval'); }, { message: '"eval" is not a valid operation or attribute name in this semantics for "Arithmetic"', }, );
t.throws( () => { Arithmetic.createSemantics().addAttribute('badAttribute(x, y)', {}); }, {message: /Expected end of input/}, 'attributes are not allowed to have arguments', );});
test("attributes - same-named attributes don't collide", t => { const g = ohm.grammar('G { start = }'); const s1 = g.createSemantics(); const s2 = g.createSemantics();
let val = 1; s1.addAttribute('attr', { start() { return val++; }, }); s2.addAttribute('attr', { start() { return val++; }, });
const m = g.match('');, 1);, 2);, 1, 's1.attr is memoized');, 2, 's2.attr is memoized');});
test('semantics', t => { const Arithmetic = ohm.grammar(arithmeticGrammarSource); const s = Arithmetic.createSemantics();'op', {}), s, 'addOperation returns the receiver');'attr', {}), s, 'addAttribute returns the receiver');'op2', {}), s, 'can add more than one operation');'attr2', {}), s, 'can add more than one attribute');
t.throws( () => { s.addOperation('op', {}); }, {message: /already exists/}, 'addOperation throws when name is already used', ); t.throws( () => { s.addOperation('attr', {}); }, {message: /already exists/}, 'addOperation throws when name is already used, even if it is an attribute', );
t.throws( () => { s.addAttribute('attr', {}); }, {message: /already exists/}, 'addAttribute throws when name is already used', ); t.throws( () => { s.addAttribute('attr', {}); }, {message: /already exists/}, 'addAttribute throws when name is already used, even if it is an operation', );
t.throws( () => { s(null); }, {message: /expected a MatchResult/}, ); t.throws( () => { s(false); }, {message: /expected a MatchResult/}, ); t.throws( () => { s(); }, {message: /expected a MatchResult/}, ); t.throws( () => { s(3); }, {message: /expected a MatchResult/}, ); t.throws( () => { s('asdf'); }, {message: /expected a MatchResult/}, ); t.throws( () => { s(Arithmetic.match('barf')); }, {message: /cannot apply Semantics to \[match failed at position 0\]/}, 'throws when arg is a MatchFailure', );
// Cannot use the semantics on nodes from another grammar... let g = ohm.grammar('G {}'); t.throws( () => { s(g.match('a', 'letter')); }, {message: /Cannot use a MatchResult from grammar/}, ); // ... even if it's a sub-grammar g = ohm.grammar('Arithmetic2 <: Arithmetic {}', {Arithmetic}); t.throws( () => { s(g.match('1+2', 'exp')); }, {message: /Cannot use a MatchResult from grammar/}, );});
test('_iter nodes', t => { const g = ohm.grammar(` G { letters = letter* optLetter = letter? ident = letter+ } `); let s = g.createSemantics().addOperation('op', { letters: passThroughOp, letter(l) { return l.sourceString; }, });
const m = g.match('abc', 'letters'); t.deepEqual(s(m).op(), ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'operations are mapped over children');
s = g.createSemantics().addOperation('op', { letters: passThroughOp, letter(l) { return l.sourceString; }, }); t.deepEqual( s(m).op(), ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'works with pass-through default behavior of _nonterminal', );
s = g.createSemantics().addOperation('op', { letters(ls) {, '_iter', '`ls` is an _iter node'); t.truthy(ls.isIteration(), '`ls.isIteration()` returns a truthy value'); ls.op, 'function', '`ls` has an op() method'); t.truthy( ls.children.every(l => typeof l.op === 'function'), 'children is an array of wrappers', ); return => l.op()).join(','); }, letter(l) { return l.sourceString; }, });, 'a,b,c');
const m2 = g.match('', 'optLetter'); const m3 = g.match('ab', 'ident'); s = g.createSemantics().addOperation('op', { letters(ls) { return ls.isOptional(); }, optLetter(ls) { return ls.isOptional(); }, ident(ls) { return ls.isOptional(); }, }); t.falsy(s(m).op(), '`ls` should NOT be optional for *'); t.truthy(s(m2).op(), '`ls` should be optional for ?'); t.falsy(s(m3).op(), '`ls` should NOT be optional for +');});
test('_terminal nodes', t => { const g = ohm.grammar('G { letters = letter* }'); let s = g.createSemantics().addOperation('op', { letters: passThroughOp, }); const m = g.match('abc', 'letters');
t.throws( () => { const s = g.createSemantics().addOperation('op', { letters: passThroughOp, }); s(m).op(); }, {message: /Missing semantic action for '_terminal'/}, );
t.throws( () => { g.createSemantics().addOperation('op', { letters: passThroughOp, _terminal(x) {}, }); }, {message: /wrong arity/}, );
s = g.createSemantics().addOperation('op', { letters: passThroughOp, _terminal() {, 0, 'there are no arguments');, '_terminal');, 0, 'node has no children'); return this.sourceString; }, }); t.deepEqual(s(m).op(), ['a', 'b', 'c']);});
test('semantic action arity checks', t => { let g = ohm.grammar('G {}'); function makeOperation(grammar, actions) { return grammar.createSemantics().addOperation('op' + testUtil.uniqueId(), actions); } function ignore0() {} function ignoreRest0(...a) {} function ignore1(a) {} function ignore2(a, b) {}
t.truthy(makeOperation(g, {}), 'empty actions with empty grammar'); t.throws( () => { makeOperation(g, {foo: null}); }, {message: /not a valid semantic action/}, 'superfluous action dictionary keys are not allowed', );
t.throws( () => { makeOperation(g, {_nonterminal: ignore1}); }, {message: /arity/}, '_nonterminal is checked', ); t.truthy( makeOperation(g, {_nonterminal: ignoreRest0}), '_nonterminal works with one spread arg', );
t.throws( () => { makeOperation(g, {_terminal: ignore1}); }, {message: /arity/}, '_terminal is checked', ); t.truthy(makeOperation(g, {_terminal: ignore0}), '_terminal works with no args');
t.throws( () => { makeOperation(g, {letter: ignore0}); }, {message: /arity/}, 'built-in rules are checked', ); t.truthy(makeOperation(g, {letter: ignore1}), 'letter works with one arg');
g = testUtil.makeGrammar(['G {', ' one = two', ' two = "2" letter', '}']); t.truthy(makeOperation(g, {one: ignore1, two: ignore2}));
t.throws( () => { makeOperation(g, {one: ignore0, two: ignore2}); }, {message: /wrong arity/}, "'one', is checked", ); t.throws( () => { makeOperation(g, {one: ignore1, two: ignore0}); }, {message: /wrong arity/}, "'two' is checked", );
const g2 = ohm.grammar('G2 <: G {}', {G: g}); t.throws( () => { makeOperation(g2, {one: ignore2}); }, {message: /wrong arity/}, 'supergrammar rules are checked', ); t.truthy(makeOperation(g2, {one: ignore1}), 'works with one arg');
const g3 = ohm.grammar('G3 <: G { one := "now" "two" }', {G: g}); t.throws( () => { makeOperation(g3, {one: ignore1}); }, {message: /wrong arity/}, 'changing arity in an overridden rule', ); t.truthy(makeOperation(g3, {one: ignore2}));});
test('extending semantics', t => { const ns = ohm.grammars(` G { one = "one" two = "two" } G2 <: G { one := "eins" "!" three = "drei" } G3 <: G2 { } G4 { } `);
// Make sure operations behave as expected
let s = ns.G.createSemantics() .addOperation('value', { one(_) { return 1; }, two(_) { return 2; }, }) .addOperation('valueTimesTwo', { _nonterminal(...children) { return this.value() * 2; }, }); t.throws( () => { ns.G2.extendSemantics(s).addOperation('value', {}); }, {message: /already exists/}, ); t.throws( () => { ns.G2.extendSemantics(s).extendOperation('foo', {}); }, {message: /did not inherit/}, ); t.throws( () => { ns.G.createSemantics().extendOperation('value', {}); }, {message: /did not inherit/}, ); t.truthy(ns.G3.extendSemantics(s)); t.throws( () => { ns.G4.extendSemantics(s); }, {message: /not a sub-grammar/}, );
t.throws( () => { ns.G2.extendSemantics(s).extendOperation('value', {}); }, {message: /wrong arity/}, ); // If there is an arity mismatch due to overriding and we don't explicitly extend the operation / // attribute, we should catch this error when the derived semantics is applied to its first // CST node. t.throws( () => { ns.G2.extendSemantics(s)(ns.G2.match('eins!', 'one')); }, {message: /wrong arity/}, );
let s2 = ns.G2.extendSemantics(s).extendOperation('value', { one(str, _) { return 21; }, // overriding three(str) { return 3; }, // adding a new case }); let m = ns.G2.match('eins!', 'one');, 21);, 42);
m = ns.G2.match('two', 'two');, 2);, 4);
m = ns.G2.match('drei', 'three');, 3);, 6);
// Make sure you can't extend the same operation again t.throws( () => { s2.extendOperation('value', {}); }, {message: /again/}, );
// Make sure you can't specify arguments when you extend an operation t.throws( () => { s2.extendOperation('value(x)', {}); }, {message: /Expected end of input/}, );
// Make sure attributes behave as expected
s = ns.G.createSemantics() .addAttribute('value', { one(_) { return 1; }, two(_) { return 2; }, }) .addAttribute('valueTimesTwo', { _nonterminal(...children) { return this.value * 2; }, }); t.throws( () => { ns.G2.extendSemantics(s).addAttribute('value', {}); }, {message: /already exists/}, ); t.throws( () => { ns.G2.extendSemantics(s).extendAttribute('value', {}); }, {message: /wrong arity/}, ); t.throws( () => { ns.G2.extendSemantics(s).extendAttribute('foo', {}); }, {message: /did not inherit/}, ); t.throws( () => { ns.G.createSemantics().extendAttribute('value', {}); }, {message: /did not inherit/}, );
s2 = ns.G2.extendSemantics(s).extendAttribute('value', { one(str, _) { return 21; }, // overriding three(str) { return 3; }, // adding a new case }); m = ns.G2.match('eins!', 'one');, 21);, 42);
m = ns.G2.match('two', 'two');, 2);, 4);
m = ns.G2.match('drei', 'three');, 3);, 6);
// Make sure you can't extend the same attribute again t.throws( () => { s2.extendAttribute('value', {}); }, {message: /again/}, );
// Make sure an attribute that was inherited from a parent semantics // does not share its memo table with its parent. const s3 = ns.G2.extendSemantics(s2).extendAttribute('value', { one(str, _) { return 123; }, }); m = ns.G2.match('eins!', 'one');, 21);, 42);, 123);, 246);
// Make sure you can't specify arguments when you extend an attribute t.throws( () => { s2.extendAttribute('value(x)', {}); }, {message: /Expected end of input/}, );
// Make sure that semantics from the same grammar source are considered compatible. const arith1 = ohm.grammar(arithmeticGrammarSource); const arith2 = ohm.grammar(arithmeticGrammarSource); t.truthy(arith2.extendSemantics(arith1.createSemantics()));});
test('mixing nodes from one grammar with semantics from another', t => { const ns = ohm.grammars(` G { start = "aaa" } GPrime <: G { start := "bbb" } Unrelated { start = "asdf" } `);
const s = ns.G.createSemantics().addOperation('value', { start(x) { return x.value() + 'choo!'; }, _terminal() { return this.sourceString; }, });
let m = ns.G.match('aaa', 'start');, 'aaachoo!');
m = ns.GPrime.match('bbb', 'start'); t.throws( () => { s(m).value(); }, {message: /Cannot use a MatchResult from grammar/}, );
m = ns.Unrelated.match('asdf', 'start'); t.throws( () => { s(m).value(); }, {message: /Cannot use a MatchResult from grammar/}, );});
test('asIteration', t => { const g = testUtil.makeGrammar([ 'G {', ' Start = ListOf<letter, ","> listOf<any, ".">', ' anyTwo = any any', ' anyThree = any any any', '}', ]); const s = g.createSemantics().addAttribute('value', { Start(list1, list2) { const arr1 = list1.asIteration() => c.value); const arr2 = list2.asIteration() => c.value); return arr1.join('') + arr2.join(''); }, letter(_) { return this.sourceString; }, any(_) { return this.sourceString; }, });'a, b, c')).value, 'abc', 'one nonempty, one empty');'a, b, c 1.2.3')).value, 'abc123', 'baby you and me');'')).value, '', 'both empty');
// Check that we can override asIteration for ListOf, and extend it with an action // for a rule of our own. s.extendOperation('asIteration', { NonemptyListOf(first, _, rest) { return this.iteration([first].concat(rest.children).reverse()); }, anyTwo(a, b) { return this.iteration([b, a]); }, }); s.addAttribute('reversedValue', { anyTwo(a, b) { const arr = this.asIteration() => c.value); return arr.join(''); }, });'a, b, c')).value, 'cba', 'overriding works');'z9', 'anyTwo')).reversedValue, '9z');
t.throws( () => { s.addAttribute('asIteration', {}); }, {message: /already exists/}, ); t.throws( () => { s.addOperation('asIteration', {}); }, {message: /already exists/}, ); t.throws( () => { s(g.match('xxx', 'anyThree')).asIteration(); // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions }, {message: /Missing semantic action/}, );});
test('sourceString', t => { const g = ohm.grammar('G { Start = "a" "b"* }');
// An operation that calls `sourceString` on a nonterminal, terminal, and iter node. const s = g.createSemantics().addOperation('foo', { Start(a, bs) { return this.sourceString + a.sourceString + bs.sourceString; }, });'abb')).foo(), 'abbabb');});
//'sourceString - issue #188', t => { const g = testUtil.makeGrammar(['G {', ' Start = num num', ' num = digit+', '}']); const s = g.createSemantics().addOperation('origSource', { Start(a, b) { return a.origSource() + b.origSource(); }, num(digits) { return digits.sourceString; }, });'1 22')).origSource(), '122');});
//'sourceString - issue #204', t => { const g = ohm.grammar('Mu{ List = NonemptyListOf<Item, ","> Item = alnum+ }'); const s = g.createSemantics().addOperation('eval()', { NonemptyListOf(x, _, xs) { return [x.eval()].concat( => c.eval())); }, Item(value) { return value.sourceString; }, }); const m = g.match('Aloha, Hi'); t.deepEqual(s(m).eval(), ['Aloha', 'Hi']);});
test('action call stacks', t => { const g = ohm.grammar('G { start = digit }'); const s = g.createSemantics().addOperation('oops', {});
let err; try { s(g.match('9')).oops(); } catch (e) { err = e; } err.message, [ "Missing semantic action for '_terminal' in operation 'oops'.", 'Action stack (most recent call last):', " oops > default action for 'start'", " oops > default action for 'digit'", ' oops > _terminal', ].join('\n'), );
s.addOperation('op2', { start(d) { return d.oops(); }, }); try { s(g.match('9')).op2(); } catch (e) { err = e; } err.message, [ "Missing semantic action for '_terminal' in operation 'oops'.", 'Action stack (most recent call last):', ' op2 > start', " oops > default action for 'digit'", ' oops > _terminal', ].join('\n'), );});
test('error message for incorrect _iter or _nonterminal arity', t => { const g = ohm.grammar('G {}');
/* eslint-disable max-len */ t.throws(() => g.createSemantics().addOperation('foo', {_iter(x) {}}), { message: /Semantic action '_iter' has the wrong arity: it should use a rest parameter, e.g. `_iter\(...children\) {}`/, }); t.throws(() => g.createSemantics().addOperation('foo', {_nonterminal(x) {}}), { message: /Semantic action '_nonterminal' has the wrong arity: it should use a rest parameter, e.g. `_nonterminal\(...children\) {}`/, }); /* eslint-enable max-len */ t.throws(() => g.createSemantics().addOperation('foo', {_terminal(x) {}}), { message: /Semantic action '_terminal' has the wrong arity: expected 0, got 1/, });});
//'toString on an inner NodeWrapper - issue #416', t => { const g = ohm.grammar('G { Start = letter }');
// Only the root CST node has a 'grammar' property. // Previously, calling toString on an inner node would cause a crash. const s = g.createSemantics().addOperation('letterToString', { letter(_) { return this.toString(); }, });'x')).letterToString(), '[semantics wrapper for G]');});