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A library and language for building parsers, interpreters, compilers, etc.
import BuiltInRules from '../dist/built-in-rules.js';import {Builder} from '../src/Builder.js';import {Failure} from '../src/Failure.js';import {TerminalNode} from '../src/nodes.js';import * as pexprs from '../src/pexprs.js';import {findIndentation} from './findIndentation.js';import {InputStream} from './InputStream.js';
const INDENT_DESCRIPTION = 'an indented block';const DEDENT_DESCRIPTION = 'a dedent';
// A sentinel value that is out of range for both charCodeAt() and codePointAt().const INVALID_CODE_POINT = 0x10ffff + 1;
class InputStreamWithIndentation extends InputStream { constructor(state) { super(state.input); this.state = state; }
_indentationAt(pos) { return this.state.userData[pos] || 0; }
atEnd() { return super.atEnd() && this._indentationAt(this.pos) === 0; }
next() { if (this._indentationAt(this.pos) !== 0) { this.examinedLength = Math.max(this.examinedLength, this.pos); return undefined; } return; }
nextCharCode() { if (this._indentationAt(this.pos) !== 0) { this.examinedLength = Math.max(this.examinedLength, this.pos); return INVALID_CODE_POINT; } return super.nextCharCode(); }
nextCodePoint() { if (this._indentationAt(this.pos) !== 0) { this.examinedLength = Math.max(this.examinedLength, this.pos); return INVALID_CODE_POINT; } return super.nextCodePoint(); }}
class Indentation extends pexprs.PExpr { constructor(isIndent = true) { super(); this.isIndent = isIndent; }
allowsSkippingPrecedingSpace() { return true; }
eval(state) { const {inputStream} = state; const pseudoTokens = state.userData; state.doNotMemoize = true;
const origPos = inputStream.pos;
const sign = this.isIndent ? 1 : -1; const count = (pseudoTokens[origPos] || 0) * sign; if (count > 0) { // Update the count to consume the pseudotoken. state.userData = Object.create(pseudoTokens); state.userData[origPos] -= sign;
state.pushBinding(new TerminalNode(0), origPos); return true; } else { state.processFailure(origPos, this); return false; } }
getArity() { return 1; }
_assertAllApplicationsAreValid(ruleName, grammar) {}
_isNullable(grammar, memo) { return false; }
assertChoicesHaveUniformArity(ruleName) {}
assertIteratedExprsAreNotNullable(grammar) {}
introduceParams(formals) { return this; }
substituteParams(actuals) { return this; }
toString() { return this.isIndent ? 'indent' : 'dedent'; }
toDisplayString() { return this.toString(); }
toFailure(grammar) { const description = this.isIndent ? INDENT_DESCRIPTION : DEDENT_DESCRIPTION; return new Failure(this, description, 'description'); }}
// Create a new definition for `any` that can consume indent & dedent.const applyIndent = new pexprs.Apply('indent');const applyDedent = new pexprs.Apply('dedent');const newAnyBody = new pexprs.Splice(BuiltInRules, 'any', [applyIndent, applyDedent], []);
export const IndentationSensitive = new Builder() .newGrammar('IndentationSensitive') .withSuperGrammar(BuiltInRules) .define('indent', [], new Indentation(true), INDENT_DESCRIPTION, undefined, true) .define('dedent', [], new Indentation(false), DEDENT_DESCRIPTION, undefined, true) .extend('any', [], newAnyBody, 'any character', undefined) .build();
Object.assign(IndentationSensitive, { _matchStateInitializer(state) { state.userData = findIndentation(state.input); state.inputStream = new InputStreamWithIndentation(state); }, supportsIncrementalParsing: false,});