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A library and language for building parsers, interpreters, compilers, etc.
import {InputStream} from './InputStream.js';import {MatchResult} from './MatchResult.js';import {PosInfo} from './PosInfo.js';import {Trace} from './Trace.js';import * as pexprs from './pexprs.js';import * as util from './util.js';
// --------------------------------------------------------------------// Private stuff// --------------------------------------------------------------------
let builtInApplySyntacticBody;
util.awaitBuiltInRules(builtInRules => { builtInApplySyntacticBody = builtInRules.rules.applySyntactic.body;});
const applySpaces = new pexprs.Apply('spaces');
export class MatchState { constructor(matcher, startExpr, optPositionToRecordFailures) { this.matcher = matcher; this.startExpr = startExpr;
this.grammar = matcher.grammar; this.input = matcher.getInput(); this.inputStream = new InputStream(this.input); this.memoTable = matcher._memoTable;
this.userData = undefined; this.doNotMemoize = false;
this._bindings = []; this._bindingOffsets = []; this._applicationStack = []; this._posStack = [0]; this.inLexifiedContextStack = [false];
this.rightmostFailurePosition = -1; this._rightmostFailurePositionStack = []; this._recordedFailuresStack = [];
if (optPositionToRecordFailures !== undefined) { this.positionToRecordFailures = optPositionToRecordFailures; this.recordedFailures = Object.create(null); } }
posToOffset(pos) { return pos - this._posStack[this._posStack.length - 1]; }
enterApplication(posInfo, app) { this._posStack.push(this.inputStream.pos); this._applicationStack.push(app); this.inLexifiedContextStack.push(false); posInfo.enter(app); this._rightmostFailurePositionStack.push(this.rightmostFailurePosition); this.rightmostFailurePosition = -1; }
exitApplication(posInfo, optNode) { const origPos = this._posStack.pop(); this._applicationStack.pop(); this.inLexifiedContextStack.pop(); posInfo.exit();
this.rightmostFailurePosition = Math.max( this.rightmostFailurePosition, this._rightmostFailurePositionStack.pop(), );
if (optNode) { this.pushBinding(optNode, origPos); } }
enterLexifiedContext() { this.inLexifiedContextStack.push(true); }
exitLexifiedContext() { this.inLexifiedContextStack.pop(); }
currentApplication() { return this._applicationStack[this._applicationStack.length - 1]; }
inSyntacticContext() { const currentApplication = this.currentApplication(); if (currentApplication) { return currentApplication.isSyntactic() && !this.inLexifiedContext(); } else { // The top-level context is syntactic if the start application is. return this.startExpr.factors[0].isSyntactic(); } }
inLexifiedContext() { return this.inLexifiedContextStack[this.inLexifiedContextStack.length - 1]; }
skipSpaces() { this.pushFailuresInfo(); this.eval(applySpaces); this.popBinding(); this.popFailuresInfo(); return this.inputStream.pos; }
skipSpacesIfInSyntacticContext() { return this.inSyntacticContext() ? this.skipSpaces() : this.inputStream.pos; }
maybeSkipSpacesBefore(expr) { if (expr.allowsSkippingPrecedingSpace() && expr !== applySpaces) { return this.skipSpacesIfInSyntacticContext(); } else { return this.inputStream.pos; } }
pushBinding(node, origPos) { this._bindings.push(node); this._bindingOffsets.push(this.posToOffset(origPos)); }
popBinding() { this._bindings.pop(); this._bindingOffsets.pop(); }
numBindings() { return this._bindings.length; }
truncateBindings(newLength) { // Yes, this is this really faster than setting the `length` property (tested with // bin/es5bench on Node v6.1.0). // Update 2021-10-25: still true on v14.15.5 — it's ~20% speedup on es5bench. while (this._bindings.length > newLength) { this.popBinding(); } }
getCurrentPosInfo() { return this.getPosInfo(this.inputStream.pos); }
getPosInfo(pos) { let posInfo = this.memoTable[pos]; if (!posInfo) { posInfo = this.memoTable[pos] = new PosInfo(); } return posInfo; }
processFailure(pos, expr) { this.rightmostFailurePosition = Math.max(this.rightmostFailurePosition, pos);
if (this.recordedFailures && pos === this.positionToRecordFailures) { const app = this.currentApplication(); if (app) { // Substitute parameters with the actual pexprs that were passed to // the current rule. expr = expr.substituteParams(app.args); } else { // This branch is only reached for the "end-check" that is // performed after the top-level application. In that case, // expr === pexprs.end so there is no need to substitute // parameters. }
this.recordFailure(expr.toFailure(this.grammar), false); } }
recordFailure(failure, shouldCloneIfNew) { const key = failure.toKey(); if (!this.recordedFailures[key]) { this.recordedFailures[key] = shouldCloneIfNew ? failure.clone() : failure; } else if (this.recordedFailures[key].isFluffy() && !failure.isFluffy()) { this.recordedFailures[key].clearFluffy(); } }
recordFailures(failures, shouldCloneIfNew) { Object.keys(failures).forEach(key => { this.recordFailure(failures[key], shouldCloneIfNew); }); }
cloneRecordedFailures() { if (!this.recordedFailures) { return undefined; }
const ans = Object.create(null); Object.keys(this.recordedFailures).forEach(key => { ans[key] = this.recordedFailures[key].clone(); }); return ans; }
getRightmostFailurePosition() { return this.rightmostFailurePosition; }
_getRightmostFailureOffset() { return this.rightmostFailurePosition >= 0 ? this.posToOffset(this.rightmostFailurePosition) : -1; }
// Returns the memoized trace entry for `expr` at `pos`, if one exists, `null` otherwise. getMemoizedTraceEntry(pos, expr) { const posInfo = this.memoTable[pos]; if (posInfo && expr instanceof pexprs.Apply) { const memoRec = posInfo.memo[expr.toMemoKey()]; if (memoRec && memoRec.traceEntry) { const entry = memoRec.traceEntry.cloneWithExpr(expr); entry.isMemoized = true; return entry; } } return null; }
// Returns a new trace entry, with the currently active trace array as its children. getTraceEntry(pos, expr, succeeded, bindings) { if (expr instanceof pexprs.Apply) { const app = this.currentApplication(); const actuals = app ? app.args : []; expr = expr.substituteParams(actuals); } return ( this.getMemoizedTraceEntry(pos, expr) || new Trace(this.input, pos, this.inputStream.pos, expr, succeeded, bindings, this.trace) ); }
isTracing() { return !!this.trace; }
hasNecessaryInfo(memoRec) { if (this.trace && !memoRec.traceEntry) { return false; }
if ( this.recordedFailures && this.inputStream.pos + memoRec.rightmostFailureOffset === this.positionToRecordFailures ) { return !!memoRec.failuresAtRightmostPosition; }
return true; }
useMemoizedResult(origPos, memoRec) { if (this.trace) { this.trace.push(memoRec.traceEntry); }
const memoRecRightmostFailurePosition = this.inputStream.pos + memoRec.rightmostFailureOffset; this.rightmostFailurePosition = Math.max( this.rightmostFailurePosition, memoRecRightmostFailurePosition, ); if ( this.recordedFailures && this.positionToRecordFailures === memoRecRightmostFailurePosition && memoRec.failuresAtRightmostPosition ) { this.recordFailures(memoRec.failuresAtRightmostPosition, true); }
this.inputStream.examinedLength = Math.max( this.inputStream.examinedLength, memoRec.examinedLength + origPos, );
if (memoRec.value) { this.inputStream.pos += memoRec.matchLength; this.pushBinding(memoRec.value, origPos); return true; } return false; }
// Evaluate `expr` and return `true` if it succeeded, `false` otherwise. On success, `bindings` // will have `expr.getArity()` more elements than before, and the input stream's position may // have increased. On failure, `bindings` and position will be unchanged. eval(expr) { const {inputStream} = this; const origNumBindings = this._bindings.length; const origUserData = this.userData;
let origRecordedFailures; if (this.recordedFailures) { origRecordedFailures = this.recordedFailures; this.recordedFailures = Object.create(null); }
const origPos = inputStream.pos; const memoPos = this.maybeSkipSpacesBefore(expr);
let origTrace; if (this.trace) { origTrace = this.trace; this.trace = []; }
// Do the actual evaluation. const ans = expr.eval(this);
if (this.trace) { const bindings = this._bindings.slice(origNumBindings); const traceEntry = this.getTraceEntry(memoPos, expr, ans, bindings); traceEntry.isImplicitSpaces = expr === applySpaces; traceEntry.isRootNode = expr === this.startExpr; origTrace.push(traceEntry); this.trace = origTrace; }
if (ans) { if (this.recordedFailures && inputStream.pos === this.positionToRecordFailures) { Object.keys(this.recordedFailures).forEach(key => { this.recordedFailures[key].makeFluffy(); }); } } else { // Reset the position, bindings, and userData. inputStream.pos = origPos; this.truncateBindings(origNumBindings); this.userData = origUserData; }
if (this.recordedFailures) { this.recordFailures(origRecordedFailures, false); }
// The built-in applySyntactic rule needs special handling: we want to skip // trailing spaces, just as with the top-level application of a syntactic rule. if (expr === builtInApplySyntacticBody) { this.skipSpaces(); }
return ans; }
getMatchResult() { this.grammar._setUpMatchState(this); this.eval(this.startExpr); let rightmostFailures; if (this.recordedFailures) { rightmostFailures = Object.keys(this.recordedFailures).map( key => this.recordedFailures[key], ); } const cst = this._bindings[0]; if (cst) { cst.grammar = this.grammar; } return new MatchResult( this.matcher, this.input, this.startExpr, cst, this._bindingOffsets[0], this.rightmostFailurePosition, rightmostFailures, ); }
getTrace() { this.trace = []; const matchResult = this.getMatchResult();
// The trace node for the start rule is always the last entry. If it is a syntactic rule, // the first entry is for an application of 'spaces'. // TODO(pdubroy): Clean this up by introducing a special `Match<startAppl>` rule, which will // ensure that there is always a single root trace node. const rootTrace = this.trace[this.trace.length - 1]; rootTrace.result = matchResult; return rootTrace; }
pushFailuresInfo() { this._rightmostFailurePositionStack.push(this.rightmostFailurePosition); this._recordedFailuresStack.push(this.recordedFailures); }
popFailuresInfo() { this.rightmostFailurePosition = this._rightmostFailurePositionStack.pop(); this.recordedFailures = this._recordedFailuresStack.pop(); }}