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λ "Functions all the way down" data validation for JavaScript and TypeScript.
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import { object, string, number, and, max, min, length, nullish, or, pattern, match, integer, is, array, email, isError, hasError, listErrors, assert, orPeer, oneOf, err} from './ok-computer.ts';import { AssertError } from './errors.ts';
it('works', () => { const validator = object({ username: and(string, length(3, 30)), password: or(nullish, pattern(/^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3,30}$/)), repeat_password: match('password'), access_token: and(or(string, number)), birth_year: and( or(nullish, and(integer, min(1900), max(2021))), orPeer('age') ), age: and(or(nullish, number), orPeer('birth_year')), email: email, addresses: array( object({ line1: and(string, length(1, 255)), line2: or(is(undefined), and(string, length(1, 255))) }) ), country: err(oneOf('US', 'GB'), 'Expected either US or GB') }); const errors1 = validator({ password: 'erm', addresses: [{ line2: false }, null] }); expect(isError(errors1)).toBe(true); expect(hasError(errors1)).toBe(true); expect(() => assert(errors1)).toThrow(new AssertError(listErrors(errors1))); const error = new AssertError(listErrors(errors1)); expect(error.message).toBe( 'Invalid: first of 11 errors: username: (Expected typeof string and expected length between 3 and 30)' ); expect(error.errors).toEqual(listErrors(errors1)); expect(errors1).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "access_token": "(Expected typeof string or expected typeof number)", "addresses": Array [ Object { "line1": "(Expected typeof string and expected length between 1 and 255)", "line2": "(Expected undefined or (Expected typeof string and expected length between 1 and 255))", }, Object { "line1": "(Expected typeof string and expected length between 1 and 255)", "line2": undefined, Symbol(ok-computer.object-root): "Expected object", }, ], "age": "((Expected nullish or expected typeof number) and (not(\\"Expected nullish\\") or peer \\"birth_year\\" not(\\"Expected nullish\\")))", "birth_year": "((Expected nullish or (Expected integer and expected min 1900 and expected max 2021)) and (not(\\"Expected nullish\\") or peer \\"age\\" not(\\"Expected nullish\\")))", "country": "Expected either US or GB", "email": "Expected email", "password": undefined, "repeat_password": "Expected to match password", "username": "(Expected typeof string and expected length between 3 and 30)", } `); expect(listErrors(errors1)).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Array [ Object { "err": "(Expected typeof string and expected length between 3 and 30)", "path": "username", }, Object { "err": "Expected to match password", "path": "repeat_password", }, Object { "err": "(Expected typeof string or expected typeof number)", "path": "access_token", }, Object { "err": "((Expected nullish or (Expected integer and expected min 1900 and expected max 2021)) and (not(\\"Expected nullish\\") or peer \\"age\\" not(\\"Expected nullish\\")))", "path": "birth_year", }, Object { "err": "((Expected nullish or expected typeof number) and (not(\\"Expected nullish\\") or peer \\"birth_year\\" not(\\"Expected nullish\\")))", "path": "age", }, Object { "err": "Expected email", "path": "email", }, Object { "err": "(Expected typeof string and expected length between 1 and 255)", "path": "addresses.0.line1", }, Object { "err": "(Expected undefined or (Expected typeof string and expected length between 1 and 255))", "path": "addresses.0.line2", }, Object { "err": "(Expected typeof string and expected length between 1 and 255)", "path": "addresses.1.line1", }, Object { "err": "Expected object", "path": "addresses.1.Symbol(ok-computer.object-root)", }, Object { "err": "Expected either US or GB", "path": "country", }, ] `); const errors2 = validator({ username: 'lh44', password: 'password123', repeat_password: 'password123', access_token: 123, birth_year: 1994, email: '', addresses: [ { line1: '123 Fake street' } ], country: 'GB' }); expect(isError(errors2)).toBe(false); expect(hasError(errors2)).toBe(false); expect(() => assert(errors2)).not.toThrow(); expect(errors2).toMatchInlineSnapshot(` Object { "access_token": undefined, "addresses": Array [ Object { "line1": undefined, "line2": undefined, }, ], "age": undefined, "birth_year": undefined, "country": undefined, "email": undefined, "password": undefined, "repeat_password": undefined, "username": undefined, } `); expect(listErrors(errors2)).toEqual([]);});