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Access OMDb's API with Deno.
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import { Command, GithubProvider, UpgradeCommand } from '../deps.ts';import { getMovie } from './util.ts';
await new Command() .name('omdb') .version('v1.4.3') .description('CLI tool for querying data from OMDb API.') .meta('Author', 'Tim Hårek Andreassen <>') .meta('Source', '') .example('Query with title', 'omdb \'Spider-Man Far from home\'') .example('Query with id', 'omdb tt6320628') .globalEnv('OMDB_API=<api_key:string>', 'Your OMDb API key.', { prefix: 'OMDB_', }) .globalOption('-a, --api <key:string>', 'API-key from OMDb.') .globalOption('-v, --verbose', 'A more verbose output.', { collect: true, value: (_, verbose = 0) => ++verbose, }) .arguments('[titleOrId:string]') .action(async (options, titleOrId: string) => { console.log(await getMovie(titleOrId, options)); }) .command( 'upgrade', new UpgradeCommand({ main: 'mod.ts', args: ['--allow-net', '--allow-read', '--allow-env'], provider: [new GithubProvider({ repository: 'timharek/deno-omdb' })], }), ) .parse(Deno.args);