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OpenPGP implementation for JavaScript
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/* eslint-disable no-console */const assert = require('assert');const stream = require('@openpgp/web-stream-tools');const path = require('path');const { writeFileSync, unlinkSync } = require('fs');const { fork } = require('child_process');const openpgp = require('../..');
/** * Benchmark max memory usage recorded during execution of the given function. * This spawns a new v8 instance and runs the code there in isolation, to avoid interference between tests. * @param {Funtion} function to benchmark (can be async) * @returns {NodeJS.MemoryUsage} memory usage snapshot with max RSS (sizes in bytes) */const benchmark = async function(fn) { const tmpFileName = path.join(__dirname, 'tmp.js'); // the code to execute must be written to a file writeFileSync(tmpFileName, `const assert = require('assert');const stream = require('@openpgp/web-stream-tools');const openpgp = require('../..');let maxMemoryComsumption;let activeSampling = false;
function sampleOnce() { const memUsage = process.memoryUsage(); if (!maxMemoryComsumption || memUsage.rss > maxMemoryComsumption.rss) { maxMemoryComsumption = memUsage; }}
function samplePeriodically() { setImmediate(() => { sampleOnce(); activeSampling && samplePeriodically(); });}
// main body(async () => { maxMemoryComsumption = null; activeSampling = true; samplePeriodically(); await (${fn.toString()})(); // setImmediate is run at the end of the event loop, so we need to manually collect the latest sample sampleOnce(); process.send(maxMemoryComsumption); process.exit(); // child process doesn't exit otherwise})();`);
const maxMemoryComsumption = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const child = fork(tmpFileName); child.on('message', function (message) { resolve(message); }); child.on('error', function (err) { reject(err); }); });
unlinkSync(tmpFileName); return maxMemoryComsumption;};
const onError = err => { console.error('The memory benchmark tests failed by throwing the following error:'); console.error(err); // eslint-disable-next-line no-process-exit process.exit(1);};
class MemoryBenchamrkSuite { constructor() { this.tests = []; }
add(name, fn) { this.tests.push({ name, fn }); }
async run() { const stats = []; for (const { name, fn } of this.tests) { const memoryUsage = await benchmark(fn).catch(onError); // convert values to MB Object.entries(memoryUsage).forEach(([name, value]) => { memoryUsage[name] = (value / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2); }); const { rss, ...usageDetails } = memoryUsage; // raw entry format accepted by github-action-pull-request-benchmark stats.push({ name, value: rss, range: Object.entries(usageDetails).map(([name, value]) => `${name}: ${value}`).join(', '), unit: 'MB', biggerIsBetter: false }); } return stats; }}
/** * Memory usage tests. * All the necessary variables must be declared inside the test function. */(async () => { const suite = new MemoryBenchamrkSuite();
suite.add('empty test (baseline)', () => {});
suite.add('openpgp.encrypt/decrypt (CFB, binary)', async () => { const passwords = 'password'; const config = { aeadProtect: false, preferredCompressionAlgorithm: openpgp.enums.compression.uncompressed }; const plaintextMessage = await openpgp.createMessage({ binary: new Uint8Array(1000000).fill(1) });
const armoredEncryptedMessage = await openpgp.encrypt({ message: plaintextMessage, passwords, config }); const encryptedMessage = await openpgp.readMessage({ armoredMessage: armoredEncryptedMessage }); assert.ok(encryptedMessage.packets[1] instanceof openpgp.SymEncryptedIntegrityProtectedDataPacket); await openpgp.decrypt({ message: encryptedMessage, passwords, config }); });
suite.add('openpgp.encrypt/decrypt (CFB, text)', async () => { const passwords = 'password'; const config = { aeadProtect: false, preferredCompressionAlgorithm: openpgp.enums.compression.uncompressed }; const plaintextMessage = await openpgp.createMessage({ text: 'a'.repeat(10000000 / 2) }); // two bytes per character
const armoredEncryptedMessage = await openpgp.encrypt({ message: plaintextMessage, passwords, config }); const encryptedMessage = await openpgp.readMessage({ armoredMessage: armoredEncryptedMessage }); assert.ok(encryptedMessage.packets[1] instanceof openpgp.SymEncryptedIntegrityProtectedDataPacket); await openpgp.decrypt({ message: encryptedMessage, passwords, config }); });
suite.add('openpgp.encrypt/decrypt (AEAD, binary)', async () => { const passwords = 'password'; const config = { aeadProtect: true, preferredCompressionAlgorithm: openpgp.enums.compression.uncompressed }; const plaintextMessage = await openpgp.createMessage({ binary: new Uint8Array(1000000).fill(1) });
const armoredEncryptedMessage = await openpgp.encrypt({ message: plaintextMessage, passwords, config }); const encryptedMessage = await openpgp.readMessage({ armoredMessage: armoredEncryptedMessage }); assert.ok(encryptedMessage.packets[1] instanceof openpgp.AEADEncryptedDataPacket); await openpgp.decrypt({ message: encryptedMessage, passwords, config }); });
suite.add('openpgp.encrypt/decrypt (AEAD, text)', async () => { const passwords = 'password'; const config = { aeadProtect: true, preferredCompressionAlgorithm: openpgp.enums.compression.uncompressed }; const plaintextMessage = await openpgp.createMessage({ text: 'a'.repeat(10000000 / 2) }); // two bytes per character
const armoredEncryptedMessage = await openpgp.encrypt({ message: plaintextMessage, passwords, config }); const encryptedMessage = await openpgp.readMessage({ armoredMessage: armoredEncryptedMessage }); assert.ok(encryptedMessage.packets[1] instanceof openpgp.AEADEncryptedDataPacket); await openpgp.decrypt({ message: encryptedMessage, passwords, config }); });
// streaming tests suite.add('openpgp.encrypt/decrypt (CFB, binary, with streaming)', async () => { await stream.loadStreamsPonyfill();
const passwords = 'password'; const config = { aeadProtect: false, preferredCompressionAlgorithm: openpgp.enums.compression.uncompressed }; const plaintextMessage = await openpgp.createMessage({ binary: stream.toStream(new Uint8Array(1000000).fill(1)) }); assert(plaintextMessage.fromStream);
const armoredEncryptedMessage = await openpgp.encrypt({ message: plaintextMessage, passwords, config }); const encryptedMessage = await openpgp.readMessage({ armoredMessage: armoredEncryptedMessage }); assert.ok(encryptedMessage.packets[1] instanceof openpgp.SymEncryptedIntegrityProtectedDataPacket); const { data: decryptedData } = await openpgp.decrypt({ message: encryptedMessage, passwords, config }); await stream.readToEnd(decryptedData); });
suite.add('openpgp.encrypt/decrypt (CFB, text, with streaming)', async () => { await stream.loadStreamsPonyfill();
const passwords = 'password'; const config = { aeadProtect: false, preferredCompressionAlgorithm: openpgp.enums.compression.uncompressed }; const plaintextMessage = await openpgp.createMessage({ text: stream.toStream('a'.repeat(10000000 / 2)) }); assert(plaintextMessage.fromStream);
const armoredEncryptedMessage = await openpgp.encrypt({ message: plaintextMessage, passwords, config }); const encryptedMessage = await openpgp.readMessage({ armoredMessage: armoredEncryptedMessage }); assert.ok(encryptedMessage.packets[1] instanceof openpgp.SymEncryptedIntegrityProtectedDataPacket); const { data: decryptedData } = await openpgp.decrypt({ message: encryptedMessage, passwords, config }); await stream.readToEnd(decryptedData); });
suite.add('openpgp.encrypt/decrypt (AEAD, binary, with streaming)', async () => { await stream.loadStreamsPonyfill();
const passwords = 'password'; const config = { aeadProtect: true, preferredCompressionAlgorithm: openpgp.enums.compression.uncompressed }; const plaintextMessage = await openpgp.createMessage({ binary: stream.toStream(new Uint8Array(1000000).fill(1)) }); assert(plaintextMessage.fromStream);
const armoredEncryptedMessage = await openpgp.encrypt({ message: plaintextMessage, passwords, config }); const encryptedMessage = await openpgp.readMessage({ armoredMessage: armoredEncryptedMessage }); assert.ok(encryptedMessage.packets[1] instanceof openpgp.AEADEncryptedDataPacket); await openpgp.decrypt({ message: encryptedMessage, passwords, config }); });
suite.add('openpgp.encrypt/decrypt (AEAD, text, with streaming)', async () => { await stream.loadStreamsPonyfill();
const passwords = 'password'; const config = { aeadProtect: true, preferredCompressionAlgorithm: openpgp.enums.compression.uncompressed }; const plaintextMessage = await openpgp.createMessage({ text: stream.toStream('a'.repeat(10000000 / 2)) }); assert(plaintextMessage.fromStream);
const armoredEncryptedMessage = await openpgp.encrypt({ message: plaintextMessage, passwords, config }); const encryptedMessage = await openpgp.readMessage({ armoredMessage: armoredEncryptedMessage }); assert.ok(encryptedMessage.packets[1] instanceof openpgp.AEADEncryptedDataPacket); await openpgp.decrypt({ message: encryptedMessage, passwords, config }); });
const stats = await; // Print JSON stats to stdout console.log(JSON.stringify(stats, null, 4));})();