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Rust-like error handling and options for TypeScript and Deno!
class Result
import { Result } from "";

A Rust-like Result class.

Note: Please use either Ok or Err to construct Results.


Example 1

function divide(left: number, right: number): Result<number, Error> {
  if (right === 0) return Err("Divided by zero");

  return Ok(left / right);


Result(input: T | E)

A constructor for a Result.

Type Parameters

E extends Error


val: T | E

Converts Result into a String for display purposes.


formatError(err: Error)
expect(msg: string): T

Returns the contained Ok value, consuming the Result. Throws an Error with a given message if contained value is not Ok.

expectErr(msg: string): T

Returns the contained Err value, consuming the Result. Throws an Error with a given message if contained value is not an Err.

isErr(): boolean

Returns true if contained value is an error.

isOk(): boolean

Returns true if contained value isnt an error.

map<U>(fn: (input: T) => U): Result<U, E>

Maps a Result<T, E> to Result<U, E> by applying a function to a contained Ok value, leaving an Error value untouched.

mapErr<U extends Error>(fn: (input: E) => U): Result<T, U>

Maps a Result<T, E> to Result<T, U> by applying a function to a contained Error value, leaving an Ok value untouched.

mapOr<U>(fallback: U, fn: (input: T) => U): U

Returns the provided fallback (if Error), or applies a function to the contained value.

ok(): Option<T>

Converts from Result<T, E> to Option<T>.

or(or: Result<T, E>): Result<T, E>

Returns or if the result is Error, otherwise returns self.

peek(): T | E

Returns contained value for use in matching.

Note: Please only use this to match against in if or swtich statments.

throw(): void

Throws contained Errors, consuming the Result.

Returns the contained Ok value, consuming the Result. Throws an Error if contained value is not Ok.

Returns the contained Error value, consuming the Result. Throws an Error if contained value is not an Error.

unwrapOr(fallback: T): T

Returns the contained Ok value or a provided default.

unwrapOrElse(fn: (input: E) => T): T

Returns the contained Ok value or computes it from a closure.

Iterator support for Result.

Note: This method will only yeild if the Result is Ok.

Static Methods

from<T>(fn: () => T): Result<T, Error>

Run a closure in a try/catch and convert it into a Result.

Note: Please use fromAsync to capture the Result of asynchronous closures.

fromAsync<T>(fn: () => Promise<T>): Promise<Result<T, Error>>

Run an asynchronous closure in a try/catch and convert it into a Result.

Note: Please use from to capture the Result of synchronous closures.

partition<T, E extends Error>(input: Array<Result<T, E>>): { ok: Array<T>; err: Array<E>; }

Partition an array of Results into Ok values and Errors