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Orange is a testing framework for Deno. It was originally created for Mandarine Framework but it can be used in different projects no mandarine-related.


Orange uses decorator as its modality to declare tests. The reason behind this is to be as similar as the internal functionalities of Mandarine thus providing readability & reducing the lines of codes.

Deno & Orange

Under the hood, Orange uses the Deno API, although, it is required to use a tsconfig.json file.


    "compilerOptions": {
        "strict": false,
        "noImplicitAny": false,
        "noImplicitThis": false,
        "alwaysStrict": false,
        "strictNullChecks": false,
        "strictFunctionTypes": true,
        "strictPropertyInitialization": false,
        "experimentalDecorators": true,
        "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
        "allowUmdGlobalAccess": false,


  • All tests
$ deno test --config tsconfig.json --allow-run --allow-read --allow-write
  • Specific test file
deno test --config tsconfig.json --allow-run --allow-read --allow-write myTestFile.ts

For more information, visit the official Deno testing API documentation

Orange usage

In Orange, everything is a test suite, this means, all your tests will be located under a class, the methods of that class decorated with the decorator @Test will be considered a test.

@Test Decorator

The @Test decorator as mentioned before handles the creation of the proxy between the Orange’s core and the Deno API. Syntax:

@Test(options: Orange.TestOptions)


  • name
    • Name of the test to run
    • Default: Name of method
  • description
    • Descriptive information of the test to run
  • ignore
    • condition when to ignore the test
    • Default: false


import { Test, Orange } from "";

export class Tests {

    @Test({ name: "Should fail", description: "Just a test" })
    public myTest() {
        throw new Error("There was an error processing this test. Try again");

        name: "Should pass"
    public mytest2() {
        return true;
deno test --config tsconfig.json --allow-run --allow-read --allow-write


running 2 tests
            [Should fail] ... 
                [Just a test] 
                    [myTest()] ... = FAILED (101ms)
            [Should pass] ... 
                [mytest2()] ... = ok (28ms)

            [Should fail]

test result: FAILED. 1 passed; 1 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out (129ms)

Setting a Test Suite Configuration

Orange lets you set a custom configuration to your test suite such as its name, whether ignore the whole test suite under a condition, or whether it should be count for the final report. You can set your custom configuration by adding using Orange.setOptions in the constructor of your test suite. Syntax: Orange.setOptions(testInstance: any, options: Orange.Options) Orange.Options:

  • testSuiteName
    • Name of the test suite to run
    • Default: Name of the class
  • ignore
    • Conditional to decide whether the whole test suite should be ignored
    • Default: false
  • generateReport
    • Conditional to decide whether the test suite results should be added to the final report file
    • Default: true
export class Tests {

    constructor() {
        Orange.setOptions(this, {
            testSuiteName: "My set of tests",
            ignore: false,
            generateReport: true

Orange Configuration

By creating a file called orange-test.json you can decide some of the behaviors Orange uses under the hood. orange-test.json must contain a json which must follow Orange.Core.OrangeConfiguration Orange.Core.OrangeConfiguration:

  • testsFolder: string
    • Directory where the results of the tests will be created
      • Use [date] to attach yyyy-mm-dd to the folder’s name.
      • Use [timestamp] to attach the timestamp to the folder’s name
      • Example: “./tests/[date]/[timestamp]/”
  • showExceptions: boolean
    • Whether stacktraces of failed tests should be shown when running deno test
// ./orange-test.json
    "testsFolder": "./tests/",
    "showExceptions": false

Orange results

After running deno test, Orange will generate a .txt file with the results of your tests in a table.
Note: If no orange-test.json is defined, Orange will generate the output in ./tests/[date]/test-results.txt.

test-results.txt: See testing file here

│ Test ID │     Name     │       Description        │ Status │ Suite Name │ Error Class │ Error Message │ Time │
│    0    │     Sum      │ 2+2 should be equal to 4 │   Ok   │ MathTests  │      -      │       -       │ 0ms  │
│    1    │ Substraction │ 6-3 should be equal to 3 │   Ok   │ MathTests  │      -      │       -       │ 0ms  │

│ Test ID │   Name    │       Description       │ Status │ Suite Name  │  Error Class   │                                  Error Message                                   │ Time │
│    0    │ undefined │ Elon Musk is Jeff bezos │ FAILED │ StringTests │ AssertionError │ Values are not equal:    [Diff] Actual / Expected-   "Elon Musk"+   "Jeff Bezos" │ 1ms  │

| Total Tests: 4 |  Ran: 3 | Ignored: 1 | Passed: 2 | Failed: 1 |