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oson structured object notation
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any// magic numbers for valuesexport const UNDEFINED_INDEX = -1 as const;export const ARRAY_HOLE_INDEX = -2 as const;export const NAN_INDEX = -3 as const;export const POS_INF_INDEX = -4 as const;export const NEG_INF_INDEX = -5 as const;
// magic numbers for oson list type labelsexport const BIG_INT_LABEL = -6 as const;
export type OsonMagic = | typeof UNDEFINED_INDEX | typeof ARRAY_HOLE_INDEX | typeof NAN_INDEX | typeof POS_INF_INDEX | typeof NEG_INF_INDEX;
export type Oson = OsonMagic | OsonValue[];export type OsonValue = OsonPrimitive | OsonList;export type OsonList = OsonBigInt | OsonArray | OsonObject;export type OsonPrimitive = string | number | boolean | null;export type OsonBigInt = [typeof BIG_INT_LABEL, string];export type OsonArray = number[];export type OsonObject = [label: string, ...values: number[]];
function isOsonObject(array: OsonList): array is OsonObject { return typeof array[0] === "string";}function isOsonBigInt(array: OsonList): array is OsonBigInt { return array[0] === BIG_INT_LABEL;}
export * from "./constructors.ts";import { type ConstructorMap, GLOBAL_CONSTRUCTOR_MAP, PLAIN_OBJECT_LABEL,} from "./constructors.ts";
export function stringify<C = any>( value: unknown = undefined, constructors: ConstructorMap<C> = GLOBAL_CONSTRUCTOR_MAP,): string { return JSON.stringify(listify(value, constructors));}
export function parse<C = any>( text: string, constructors: ConstructorMap<C> = GLOBAL_CONSTRUCTOR_MAP,): any { return delistify(JSON.parse(text), constructors);}
function toMagicNumber(value: unknown): OsonMagic | null { if (value === undefined) return UNDEFINED_INDEX; if (typeof value === "number") { if (isNaN(value)) return NAN_INDEX; if (!isFinite(value)) return value < 0 ? NEG_INF_INDEX : POS_INF_INDEX; } return null;}function fromMagicNumber(value: number): undefined | number | null { switch (value) { case UNDEFINED_INDEX: return undefined; case NAN_INDEX: return NaN; case NEG_INF_INDEX: return -Infinity; case POS_INF_INDEX: return Infinity; default: return null; }}
const SPARSE_PROTO: number[] = [];function sparse(len: number) { if (SPARSE_PROTO.length < len) { const old = SPARSE_PROTO.length; SPARSE_PROTO.length = len; SPARSE_PROTO.fill(ARRAY_HOLE_INDEX, old, len); } return SPARSE_PROTO.slice(0, len);}
function fromObject( value: object, constructors: ConstructorMap,): [string, unknown[]] { // check if we have this instance registered const constr = value.constructor; if (typeof constr === "function") { const label =; const inst = constructors.get(label); if (inst !== undefined) { return [label, inst.from(value)]; } } // no instance found, fall back to normal object const entries = Object.entries(value); const cnt = entries.length; const val: unknown[] = Array(cnt + cnt); for (let i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { const entry = entries[i]; const ii = i + i; val[ii] = entry[0]; val[ii + 1] = entry[1]; } return [PLAIN_OBJECT_LABEL, val];}function stubObject(label: string, constructors: ConstructorMap) { // stub a plain object if (label === PLAIN_OBJECT_LABEL) return {}; // stub an instance const stub = constructors.get(label); if (stub === undefined) { throw new Error(`Unknown stub type: ${label}`); } if ("stub" in stub) return stub.stub(); else return undefined;}function hydrateObject( label: string, stub: object, val: any, constructors: ConstructorMap,) { if (label === PLAIN_OBJECT_LABEL) { const object = stub as Record<string, any>; for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i += 2) { object[val[i]] = val[i + 1]; } return object; } const hydrator = constructors.get(label); if (hydrator === undefined) { throw new Error(`Unknown object type: ${label}`); } if (!("hydrate" in hydrator)) { throw new Error(`Do not know how to hydrate stub type: ${label}`); } hydrator.hydrate(stub, val);}function createObject(label: string, val: any, constructors: ConstructorMap) { const creator = constructors.get(label); if (creator === undefined) { throw new Error(`Unknown object type: ${label}`); } if (!("create" in creator)) { throw new Error(`Do not know how to create object type: ${label}`); } return creator.create(val);}
export function listify<C = any>( value: unknown, constructors: ConstructorMap<C> = GLOBAL_CONSTRUCTOR_MAP,): Oson { const num = toMagicNumber(value); if (num !== null) return num;
const list: OsonValue[] = []; const index = new Map<unknown, number>();
return list;
function add(value: unknown): number { const num = toMagicNumber(value); if (num !== null) return num; let position = index.get(value); if (position !== undefined) return position; position = list.length; switch (typeof value) { case "number": case "string": case "boolean": list[position] = value; index.set(value, position); break; case "bigint": { list[position] = [BIG_INT_LABEL, value.toString(16)]; index.set(value, position); break; } case "object": if (value === null) { list[position] = value; index.set(value, position); } else if (Array.isArray(value)) { const arr: OsonArray = sparse(value.length); list[position] = arr; index.set(value, position); for (const i in value) { arr[i] = add(value[i]); } } else { const [label, vals] = fromObject(value, constructors); const len = vals.length; const arr = Array(len + 1) as OsonObject; arr[0] = label; list[position] = arr; index.set(value, position); for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { arr[i + 1] = add(vals[i]); } } } return position; }}
export function delistify<C = any>( oson: Oson, constructors: ConstructorMap<C> = GLOBAL_CONSTRUCTOR_MAP,): any { if (!Array.isArray(oson)) { const val = fromMagicNumber(oson); if (val !== null) return val; else throw new Error(`Invalid Oson: ${oson}`); } if (oson.length === 0) throw new Error("Empty Oson data!"); const list = oson; const index = Array(oson.length); recover(0); return index[0];
function recover(position: number) { const val = fromMagicNumber(position); if (val !== null) return val;
if (!(position in index)) { const value = list[position]; switch (typeof value) { case "object": if (value !== null) { if (isOsonBigInt(value)) { const val = value[1]; const num = val.startsWith("-") ? -BigInt("0x" + val.substring(1)) : BigInt("0x" + val); index[position] = num; } else if (isOsonObject(value)) { const [label, ...vals] = value; const stub = stubObject(label, constructors); if (stub === undefined) { const v =; const o = createObject(label, v, constructors); index[position] = o; } else { index[position] = stub; const v =; hydrateObject(label, stub, v, constructors); } } else { const len = value.length; const array = Array(len); index[position] = array; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { const val = value[i]; if (val !== ARRAY_HOLE_INDEX) { array[i] = recover(val); } } } break; } // fallthrough for null case "string": case "boolean": case "number": index[position] = value; break; } } return index[position]; }}