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oson structured object notation
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any no-explicit-anyexport type ConstructorMap<C = any> = Map<string, SerializableConstructor<C>>;export type SerializableConstructor<C, V = any> = | ValueConstructor<C, V> | BucketContructor<C, V>;export interface DecomposableConstructor<C, V = any> { instance: new () => C; from: (instance: C) => V[];}export interface ValueConstructor<C, V = any> extends DecomposableConstructor<C, V> { create: (val: V[]) => void;}export interface BucketContructor<C, V = any> extends DecomposableConstructor<C, V> { stub: () => C; hydrate: (stub: C, val: V[]) => void;}
export const PLAIN_OBJECT_LABEL = "";export const GLOBAL_CONSTRUCTOR_MAP = globalConstructorMap();
const enc = new TextEncoder();const dec8 = new TextDecoder("utf-8");export function globalConstructorMap() { const error: BucketContructor<Error> = { instance: Error, from: (err) => { const res: unknown[] = [, err.message]; if (err.stack !== undefined) res.push(err.stack); if (err.cause !== undefined) { if (err.stack === undefined) res.push(undefined); res.push(err.cause); } return res; }, stub: () => new Error(), hydrate: (err, [name, message, stack, cause]) => { = name; err.message = message; if (stack === undefined) delete err.stack; else err.stack = stack; if (cause !== undefined) err.cause = cause; }, }; const uint8Array: ValueConstructor<Uint8Array, string> = { instance: Uint8Array, from: (arr) => [btoa(dec8.decode(arr))], create: ([data]) => enc.encode(atob(data)), }; const map: BucketContructor<Map<any, any>, Array<[any, any]>> = { instance: Map, from: (m) => [...m.entries()], stub: () => new Map(), hydrate: (m, entries) => entries.forEach(([k, v]) => m.set(k, v)), }; const set: BucketContructor<Set<any>, any[]> = { instance: Set, from: (s) => [...s.values()], stub: () => new Set(), hydrate: (s, values) => values.forEach((v) => s.add(v)), }; const date: ValueConstructor<Date, string> = { instance: Date, from: (d) => [d.toJSON()], create: ([json]) => new Date(json), }; const regex: ValueConstructor<RegExp, string> = { instance: RegExp as unknown as new () => RegExp, from: ({ source, flags }) => flags ? [source, flags] : [source], create: ([source, flags]) => new RegExp(source, flags), }; const url: ValueConstructor<URL, string> = { instance: URL as unknown as new () => URL, from: (url) => [url.href], create: ([href]) => new URL(href), };
const res: ConstructorMap = new Map(); const constructors = [error, uint8Array, map, set, date, regex, url]; for (const c of constructors) res.set(, c); return res;}