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oson structured object notation
// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-anyimport { assertEquals } from "";import { describe, it } from "";import fc from "npm:fast-check@3.3.0";
import { parse, stringify } from "./mod.ts";
function test<T>(value: T) { assertEquals(parse(stringify(value)), value);}
describe("oson", () => { it("can work with numbers", () => { test(3); test(0); test(-1.3); test(NaN); test(Infinity); test(-Infinity); }); it("can work with strings", () => { test("a"); test("abc"); test(""); }); it("can work with booleans", () => { test(true); test(false); }); it("can work with nullish values", () => { test(undefined); test(void 0); test(null); }); it("can work with bigints", () => { test(0n); test(-100n); test(523547235723763498657304658394876094765029746509275n); test(-(2n << 1024n)); }); it("can work with arrays", () => { test(["a", "b", "c"]); test([1, 2, 3]); test([]); test([-1]); test([0, ""]); }); it("can work with sparse arrays", () => { test([]); test([, 1]); test([1, , 3]); test([1, , 3, , 4]); }); it("can work with objects", () => { test({ a: 0 }); test({ a: "b" }); test({ a: 0, b: 1 }); test({}); test(JSON.parse('{"__proto__":0}')); }); it("can work with nested objects", () => { test({ a: { b: 0 } }); test({ a: ["", 0] }); test({ a: 0, b: 1, c: [{ x: "a", y: ["b"] }] }); test({ v: { w: {} } }); }); it("can work with built-in types", () => { const e = new Error("damn"); const r = parse(stringify(e)); assertEquals(,; assertEquals(e.message, r.message); assertEquals(e.stack, r.stack); assertEquals(e.cause, r.cause); test(new Uint8Array([3, 2, 1])); test(new Map([["a", "b"], ["c", "d"], ["e", "f"]])); test(new Set([..."hello oson"])); test([new Date(), new Date( - 1000000)]); test([/asdf/, /jjj.+/gmi]); test([new URL("file:///home/user/"), new URL("")]); }); it("can work with objects with circular references", () => { const obj: any = { a: { b: { c: 0 } } }; obj.a.b.c = obj; test(obj); const left: any = { value: 0 }; const right: any = { value: left }; left.value = right; test([left, right]); }); it("can work with objects with repeated references", () => { const inner = { a: { b: 42 } }; const outer = { x: inner, y: inner }; test(outer); const copy: typeof outer = parse(stringify(outer)); copy.x.a.b++; assertEquals(copy.x, copy.y); }); it("passes property-based string tests", () => { fc.assert(, test)); }); it("passed property-based object tests", () => { fc.assert( fc.object({ withDate: true, withMap: true, withSet: true }), test, ), ); }); it("supports everything that JSON supports", () => { fc.assert(, test)); fc.assert(, test)); });});