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import { Command } from "";import { main } from "./core/runtime.ts";import Instance from "";import { encode } from "";
const RUNTIME_URL = ""; // Deno.mainModule.replace("main.ts", "./core/runtime.ts");await new Command() .name("p5 whistle") .version("0.1.0") .description("p5js runtime for whistle & deno") .command("run <source:string>", "runs the specified wasm file") .action(async (_, source: string) => { const file = Deno.readFileSync(source); const mod = await WebAssembly.compile(file); await main(mod); }) .command("build <source:string>", "builds the specified wasm file") .option( "-o, --output [PATH_OF_FILE:string]", "output location of the exacutable", ) .action(async ({ output }, source: string) => { const file = encode(Deno.readFileSync(source)); const tempFilePath = await Deno.makeTempFile({ suffix: ".ts" }); await Deno.writeTextFile( tempFilePath, `import { decode } from "";\nimport { main } from "${RUNTIME_URL}";\n await main(await WebAssembly.compile(decode("${file}")))`, ); const instance = new Instance(tempFilePath); await instance.compile([ "--unstable", "--allow-env", "--allow-ffi", "--allow-write", "--allow-read", ]); await instance.windowify(); if (typeof output === "string") { instance.rename(output); } }) .parse(Deno.args);