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Timeout a promise after a specified amount of time
export class TimeoutError extends Error { readonly name: string constructor(message?: string) { super(message) = "TimeoutError" }}
/**Custom implementations for the `setTimeout` and `clearTimeout` functions.Useful for testing purposes*/export interface customTimerOptions { setTimeout: typeof setTimeout clearTimeout: typeof clearTimeout}
export interface ClearablePromise<T> extends Promise<T> { /** Clear the timeout. */ clear: () => void}
/**Timeout a promise after a specified amount of time.
@param options.promise - Promise to decorate.@param options.milliseconds - Milliseconds before timing out.@param options.fallbackFn - Do something other than rejecting with an error on timeout. You could for example retry.@param options.failMessage - Specify a custom error message. Default: `'Promise timed out after 50 milliseconds'`.@param options.failError - Specifgy a custom `Error`. It's recommended to sub-class `pTimeout.TimeoutError`.@param options.customTimers - Specify custom implementations for the `setTimeout` and `clearTimeout` functions.@returns A decorated `options.promise` that times out after `options.milliseconds` time. It has a `.clear()` method that clears the timeout.
@example```import pTimeout from './mod.ts'
const delayedPromise = new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 500))
await pTimeout({ promise: delayedPromise, milliseconds: 50})
//=> [TimeoutError: Promise timed out after 50 milliseconds]```*/export default function pTimeout<T>(options: { promise: Promise<T> milliseconds: number fallbackFn?: () => Promise<T> failMessage?: string failError?: Error customTimers?: customTimerOptions}) { const { promise, milliseconds, fallbackFn, failMessage, failError, customTimers } = options let timer: number | undefined const cancelablePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (milliseconds < 0) { throw new TypeError("Expected `milliseconds` to be a positive number") }
if (milliseconds === Infinity) { resolve(promise) return }
const timers = { ...{ setTimeout, clearTimeout }, ...customTimers, }
timer =, () => { if (fallbackFn) { try { resolve(fallbackFn()) } catch (error) { reject(error) }
return }
const message = failMessage ?? `Promise timed out after ${milliseconds} milliseconds` const timeoutError = failError ?? new TimeoutError(message)
reject(timeoutError) }, milliseconds)
async function run() { try { resolve(await promise) } catch (error) { reject(error) } finally {, timer) } }
run() }) as ClearablePromise<T>
cancelablePromise.clear = () => { clearTimeout(timer) timer = undefined }
return cancelablePromise}