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An abstract-encoding compliant module for encoding / decoding DNS packets, for Deno.
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/// import
import { Buffer } from "node:buffer";
/// util
import { FLUSH_MASK, NOT_FLUSH_MASK } from "./utility/constants.ts";import { Name } from "./name.ts";import { OPT } from "./records/opt.ts";import { Record } from "./record.ts";import * as classes from "./utility/classes.ts";import * as types from "./utility/types.ts";

/// export
export class Answer { decodeBytes = 0; encodeBytes = 0;
decode(buf, offset?) { if (!offset) offset = 0;
const a: { [key: string]: unknown; } = {}; const name = new Name(); const oldOffset = offset; const opt = new OPT(); = name.decode(buf, offset); offset += name.decodeBytes; a.type = types.toString(buf.readUInt16BE(offset));
if (a.type === "OPT") { a.udpPayloadSize = buf.readUInt16BE(offset + 2); a.extendedRcode = buf.readUInt8(offset + 4); a.ednsVersion = buf.readUInt8(offset + 5); a.flags = buf.readUInt16BE(offset + 6); a.flag_do = ((Number(a.flags) >> 15) & 0x1) === 1; a.options = opt.decode(buf, offset + 8); offset += 8 + opt.decodeBytes; } else { const klass = buf.readUInt16BE(offset + 2);
a.ttl = buf.readUInt32BE(offset + 4); a.class = classes.toString(klass & NOT_FLUSH_MASK); a.flush = !!(klass & FLUSH_MASK);
const enc = Record(a.type); = enc.decode(buf, offset + 8); offset += 8 + enc.decodeBytes; }
this.decodeBytes = offset - oldOffset; return a; }
encode(a, buf?, offset?) { if (!buf) buf = Buffer.alloc(this.encodingLength(a));
if (!offset) offset = 0;
const name = new Name(); const oldOffset = offset; const opt = new OPT();
name.encode(, buf, offset); offset += name.encodeBytes;
buf.writeUInt16BE(types.toType(a.type), offset);
if (a.type.toUpperCase() === "OPT") { if ( !== ".") throw new Error("OPT name must be root.");
buf.writeUInt16BE(a.udpPayloadSize || 4096, offset + 2); buf.writeUInt8(a.extendedRcode || 0, offset + 4); buf.writeUInt8(a.ednsVersion || 0, offset + 5); buf.writeUInt16BE(a.flags || 0, offset + 6);
offset += 8; opt.encode(a.options || [], buf, offset); offset += opt.encodeBytes; } else { let klass = classes.toClass(a.class === undefined ? "IN" : a.class);
if (a.flush) klass |= FLUSH_MASK; // the 1st bit of the class is the flush bit
buf.writeUInt16BE(klass, offset + 2); buf.writeUInt32BE(a.ttl || 0, offset + 4); offset += 8;
const enc = Record(a.type); enc.encode(, buf, offset); offset += enc.encodeBytes; }
this.encodeBytes = offset - oldOffset; return buf; }
encodingLength(a) { const data = ( !== null && !== undefined) ? : a.options; const name = new Name();
return name.encodingLength( + 8 + Record(a.type).encodingLength(data); }}