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An abstract-encoding compliant module for encoding / decoding DNS packets, for Deno.
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/// import
import { assertEquals, assertStrictEquals, assertThrows } from "";import { Buffer } from "node:buffer";import * as Packet from "./mod.ts";
/// util
import * as opcodes from "./src/utility/opcodes.ts";import * as optioncodes from "./src/utility/optioncodes.ts";import * as rcodes from "./src/utility/rcodes.ts";

/// program
Deno.test("a", () => { testEncoder(new Packet.A(), "");});
Deno.test("aaaa", () => { testEncoder(new Packet.AAAA(), "fe80::1");});
Deno.test("caa", () => { testEncoder(new Packet.CAA(), { tag: "issue", value: "" }); testEncoder(new Packet.CAA(), { issuerCritical: true, tag: "issue", value: "" }); testEncoder(new Packet.CAA(), { flags: 128, issuerCritical: true, tag: "issue", value: "" });});
Deno.test("cname", () => { testEncoder(new Packet.CNAME(), "");});
Deno.test("dname", () => { testEncoder(new Packet.DNAME(), "");});
Deno.test("dnskey", () => { const packet = new Packet.DNSKEY();
testEncoder(packet, { algorithm: 1, flags: packet.SECURE_ENTRYPOINT | packet.ZONE_KEY, key: Buffer.from([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) })});
Deno.test("ds", () => { testEncoder(new Packet.DS(), { algorithm: 1, digest: Buffer.from([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), digestType: 1, keyTag: 1234 });});
Deno.test("hinfo", () => { testEncoder(new Packet.HINFO(), { cpu: "risc", os: "xp" });});
Deno.test("mx", () => { testEncoder(new Packet.MX(), { exchange: "" }); testEncoder(new Packet.MX(), { exchange: "", preference: 10 });});
Deno.test("name_decoding", () => { // The two most significant bits of a valid label header must be either both zero or both one assertThrows(() => { new Packet.Name().decode(Buffer.from([0x80])) }, "Cannot decode name (bad label)"); assertThrows(() => { new Packet.Name().decode(Buffer.from([0xb0])) }, "Cannot decode name (bad label)");
// Ensure there is enough buffer to read assertThrows(() => { new Packet.Name().decode(Buffer.from([])) }, "Cannot decode name (buffer overflow)"); assertThrows(() => { new Packet.Name().decode(Buffer.from([0x01, 0x00])) }, "Cannot decode name (buffer overflow)"); assertThrows(() => { new Packet.Name().decode(Buffer.from([0x01])) }, "Cannot decode name (buffer overflow)"); assertThrows(() => { new Packet.Name().decode(Buffer.from([0xc0])) }, "Cannot decode name (buffer overflow)");
// Allow only pointers backwards assertThrows(() => { new Packet.Name().decode(Buffer.from([0xc0, 0x00])) }, "Cannot decode name (bad pointer)"); assertThrows(() => { new Packet.Name().decode(Buffer.from([0xc0, 0x01])) }, "Cannot decode name (bad pointer)");
// A name can be only 253 characters (when connected with dots) const maxLength = Buffer.alloc(255); maxLength.fill(Buffer.from([0x01, 0x61]), 0, 254); assertEquals(new Packet.Name().decode(maxLength), new Array(127).fill("a").join("."));
const tooLong = Buffer.alloc(256); tooLong.fill(Buffer.from([0x01, 0x61])); assertThrows(() => { new Packet.Name().decode(tooLong) }, "Cannot decode name (name too long)");
// Ensure jumps do not reset the total length counter const tooLongWithJump = Buffer.alloc(403); tooLongWithJump.fill(Buffer.from([0x01, 0x61]), 0, 200); tooLongWithJump.fill(Buffer.from([0x01, 0x61]), 201, 401); tooLongWithJump.set([0xc0, 0x00], 401); assertThrows(() => { new Packet.Name().decode(tooLongWithJump, 201) }, "Cannot decode name (name too long)");
// Ensure a jump to a null byte does not add extra dots assertEquals(new Packet.Name().decode(Buffer.from([0x00, 0x01, 0x61, 0xc0, 0x00]), 1), "a");
// Ensure deeply nested pointers do not cause "Maximum call stack size exceeded" errors const buf = Buffer.alloc(16386);
for (let i = 0; i < 16384; i += 2) { buf.writeUInt16BE(0xc000 | i, i + 2); }
assertEquals(new Packet.Name().decode(buf, 16384), ".");});
Deno.test("name_encoding", () => { const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(255); const packet = new Packet.Name(); let data = ""; let offset = 0;
packet.encode(data, buf, offset); assertStrictEquals(packet.encodeBytes, 21, "name encoding length matches"); let dd = packet.decode(buf, offset); assertStrictEquals(data, dd, "encode/decode matches"); offset += packet.encodeBytes;
data = "examplename"; packet.encode(data, buf, offset); assertStrictEquals(packet.encodeBytes, 13, "name encoding length matches"); dd = packet.decode(buf, offset); assertStrictEquals(data, dd, "encode/decode matches"); offset += packet.encodeBytes;
data = "foo.examplename."; packet.encode(data, buf, offset); assertStrictEquals(packet.encodeBytes, 17, "name encoding length matches"); dd = packet.decode(buf, offset); assertStrictEquals(data.slice(0, -1), dd, "encode/decode matches"); offset += packet.encodeBytes;
data = "."; packet.encode(data, buf, offset); assertStrictEquals(packet.encodeBytes, 1, "name encoding length matches"); dd = packet.decode(buf, offset); assertStrictEquals(data, dd, "encode/decode matches");});
Deno.test("naptr", () => { testEncoder(new Packet.NAPTR(), { flags: "S", order: 1, preference: 1, regexp: "!^.*$!!", replacement: "", services: "SIP+D2T" });});
Deno.test("ns", () => { testEncoder(new Packet.NS(), "");});
Deno.test("nsec", () => { const packet = new Packet.NSEC();
// `rrtypes` has an issue with being alphabetical... // testEncoder(packet, { // nextDomain: "foo.examplename", // rrtypes: ["A", "CAA", "DLV", "DNSKEY"] // });
testEncoder(packet, { nextDomain: "foo.examplename", rrtypes: ["TXT"] // 16 });
testEncoder(packet, { nextDomain: "foo.examplename", rrtypes: ["TKEY"] // 249 });
// `rrtypes` has an issue with being alphabetical... // testEncoder(packet, { // nextDomain: "foo.examplename", // rrtypes: ["NSEC", "RRSIG"] // });
// `rrtypes` has an issue with being alphabetical... // testEncoder(packet, { // nextDomain: "foo.examplename", // rrtypes: ["RRSIG", "TXT"] // });
// `rrtypes` has an issue with being alphabetical... // testEncoder(packet, { // nextDomain: "foo.examplename", // rrtypes: ["NSEC", "TXT"] // });
// Test with sample NSEC from below `assertEquals` // ex: packet.encode(<content>).toString("hex") const sampleNSEC = Buffer.from("003704686f73740b6578616d706c656e616d6500" + "0006400100000003041b000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" + "000000020", "hex" );
const decoded = packet.decode(sampleNSEC);
assertStrictEquals(compare(decoded, { nextDomain: "host.examplename", rrtypes: ["A", "MX", "RRSIG", "NSEC", "UNKNOWN_1234"] }), true);
const reencoded = packet.encode(decoded);
assertEquals(sampleNSEC.length, reencoded.length); assertEquals(sampleNSEC, reencoded);});
Deno.test("null", () => { testEncoder(new Packet.NULL(), Buffer.from([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]));});
Deno.test("optioncodes", () => { const opts = [ [0, "OPTION_0"], [1, "LLQ"], [2, "UL"], [3, "NSID"], [4, "OPTION_4"], [5, "DAU"], [6, "DHU"], [7, "N3U"], [8, "CLIENT_SUBNET"], [9, "EXPIRE"], [10, "COOKIE"], [11, "TCP_KEEPALIVE"], [12, "PADDING"], [13, "CHAIN"], [14, "KEY_TAG"], [26946, "DEVICEID"], [65535, "OPTION_65535"], [64000, "OPTION_64000"], [65002, "OPTION_65002"], [-1, null] ];
for (const [code, str] of opts) { const s = optioncodes.toString(code);
assertStrictEquals(compare(s, str), true, `${code} => ${str}`); assertStrictEquals(compare(optioncodes.toCode(s), code), true, `${str} => ${code}`); }
assertStrictEquals(compare(optioncodes.toCode("INVALIDINVALID"), -1), true);});
Deno.test("ptr", () => { testEncoder(new Packet.PTR(), "");});
Deno.test("query", () => { testEncoder(new Packet.DEFAULT(), { questions: [ { name: "hello.a.examplename", type: "A" }, { name: "hello.srv.examplename", type: "SRV" } ], type: "query" });
testEncoder(new Packet.DEFAULT(), { questions: [ { class: "CH", name: "hello.a.examplename", type: "A" }, { name: "hello.srv.examplename", type: "SRV" } ], type: "query" });
testEncoder(new Packet.DEFAULT(), { id: 42, questions: [ { class: "IN", name: "hello.a.examplename", type: "A" }, { name: "hello.srv.examplename", type: "SRV" } ], type: "query" });});
Deno.test("rcode", () => { const errors = ["NOERROR", "FORMERR", "SERVFAIL", "NXDOMAIN", "NOTIMP", "REFUSED", "YXDOMAIN", "YXRRSET", "NXRRSET", "NOTAUTH", "NOTZONE", "RCODE_11", "RCODE_12", "RCODE_13", "RCODE_14", "RCODE_15"];
const ops = ["QUERY", "IQUERY", "STATUS", "OPCODE_3", "NOTIFY", "UPDATE", "OPCODE_6", "OPCODE_7", "OPCODE_8", "OPCODE_9", "OPCODE_10", "OPCODE_11", "OPCODE_12", "OPCODE_13", "OPCODE_14", "OPCODE_15"];
const packet = new Packet.DEFAULT();
for (const i in errors) { const code = rcodes.toRcode(errors[i]); assertStrictEquals(errors[i], rcodes.toString(code), `rcode conversion from/to string matches: ${rcodes.toString(code)}`); }
for (const i in ops) { const ocode = opcodes.toOpcode(ops[i]); assertStrictEquals(ops[i], opcodes.toString(ocode), `opcode conversion from/to string matches: ${opcodes.toString(ocode)}`); }
const buf = packet.encode({ answers: [{ data: "", name: "hello.examplename", type: "A" }], flags: 0x8480, id: 45632, type: "response" });
const val = packet.decode(buf);
assertStrictEquals(val.type, "response", "decode type"); assertStrictEquals(val.opcode, "QUERY", "decode opcode"); assertStrictEquals(val.flag_qr, true, "decode flag_qr"); assertStrictEquals(val.flag_aa, true, "decode flag_aa"); assertStrictEquals(val.flag_tc, false, "decode flag_tc"); assertStrictEquals(val.flag_rd, false, "decode flag_rd"); assertStrictEquals(val.flag_ra, true, "decode flag_ra"); assertStrictEquals(val.flag_z, false, "decode flag_z"); assertStrictEquals(val.flag_ad, false, "decode flag_ad"); assertStrictEquals(val.flag_cd, false, "decode flag_cd"); assertStrictEquals(val.rcode, "NOERROR", "decode rcode");});
Deno.test("response", () => { testEncoder(new Packet.DEFAULT(), { answers: [{ class: "IN", data: "", flush: true, name: "hello.a.examplename", type: "A" }], type: "response" });
testEncoder(new Packet.DEFAULT(), { answers: [ { class: "IN", data: "", name: "hello.a.examplename", type: "A" }, { class: "IN", data: { port: 9090, target: "" }, name: "hello.srv.examplename", type: "SRV" }, { class: "IN", data: "hello.other.domain.examplename", name: "hello.cname.examplename", type: "CNAME" } ], flags: Packet.TRUNCATED_RESPONSE, type: "response" });
testEncoder(new Packet.DEFAULT(), { additionals: [ { data: "fe80::1", name: "hello.a.examplename", type: "AAAA" }, { data: "hello.other.ptr.examplename", name: "hello.ptr.examplename", type: "PTR" }, { data: { port: 9090, target: "" }, name: "hello.srv.examplename", ttl: 42, type: "SRV" } ], answers: [ { data: Buffer.from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), name: "hello.null.examplename", type: "NULL", } ], flags: 0, id: 100, type: "response" });
testEncoder(new Packet.DEFAULT(), { answers: [{ data: "", name: "emptytxt.examplename", type: "TXT" }], type: "response" });});
Deno.test("rrp", () => { const packet = new Packet.RP();
testEncoder(packet, { mbox: "", txt: "" });
testEncoder(packet, { mbox: "" }); testEncoder(packet, { txt: "" }); testEncoder(packet, {});});
Deno.test("rrsig", () => { const packet = new Packet.RRSIG();
const testRRSIG = { algorithm: 1, expiration: 1234, inception: 1233, keyTag: 2345, labels: 2, originalTTL: 3600, signature: Buffer.from([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), signersName: "foo.examplename", typeCovered: "A" };
testEncoder(packet, testRRSIG);
// Check the signature length is correct with extra junk at the end const buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(packet.encodingLength(testRRSIG) + 4); packet.encode(testRRSIG, buf);
const val2 = packet.decode(buf); assertStrictEquals(compare(testRRSIG, val2), true);});
Deno.test("soa", () => { testEncoder(new Packet.SOA(), { expire: 604800, minimum: 3600, mname: "", refresh: 14400, retry: 3600, rname: "", serial: 2018010400 });});
Deno.test("sshfp", () => { testEncoder(new Packet.SSHFP(), { algorithm: 1, fingerprint: "A108C9F834354D5B37AF988141C9294822F5BC00", hash: 1 });});
Deno.test("srv", () => { testEncoder(new Packet.SRV(), { port: 9999, target: "" }); testEncoder(new Packet.SRV(), { port: 9999, priority: 42, target: "", weight: 10 });});
Deno.test("stream", () => { const packet = new Packet.Stream();
const val1 = { answers: [{ data: "", name: "", type: "A" }], flags: 0x8480, id: 45632, type: "query" };
const buf = packet.encode(val1); const val2 = packet.decode(buf);
assertStrictEquals(buf.length, packet.encodeBytes, "streamEncode.bytes was set correctly"); assertStrictEquals(compare(val2?.type, val1.type), true, "streamDecoded type match"); assertStrictEquals(compare(val2?.id,, true, "streamDecoded id match"); assertStrictEquals(parseInt(String(val2?.flags)), parseInt(String(val1.flags & 0x7FFF)), "streamDecoded flags match");
const answer1 = val1.answers[0]; const answer2 = val2?.answers[0];
assertStrictEquals(compare(answer1.type, answer2.type), true, "streamDecoded RR type match"); assertStrictEquals(compare(,, true, "streamDecoded RR name match"); assertStrictEquals(compare(,, true, "streamDecoded RR rdata match");});
Deno.test("txt", () => { testEncoder(new Packet.TXT(), []); testEncoder(new Packet.TXT(), ["hello world"]); testEncoder(new Packet.TXT(), ["hello", "world"]); testEncoder(new Packet.TXT(), [Buffer.from([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])]); testEncoder(new Packet.TXT(), ["a", "b", Buffer.from([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])]); testEncoder(new Packet.TXT(), ["", Buffer.allocUnsafe(0)]);});
Deno.test("txt-invalid-data", () => { assertThrows(() => { new Packet.TXT().encode(null) }, "null"); assertThrows(() => { new Packet.TXT().encode(undefined) }, "undefined"); assertThrows(() => { new Packet.TXT().encode(10) }, "number");});
Deno.test("txt-scalar-buffer", () => { const data = Buffer.from([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); const buf = new Packet.TXT().encode(data); const val = new Packet.TXT().decode(buf);
assertEquals(val.length, 1, "array length"); assertEquals(val[0], data, "data");});
Deno.test("txt-scalar-string", () => { const buf = new Packet.TXT().encode("hi"); const val = new Packet.TXT().decode(buf);
assertStrictEquals(val.length, 1, "array length"); assertStrictEquals(String(val[0]), "hi", "data");});
Deno.test("unknown", () => { testEncoder(new Packet.UNKNOWN(), Buffer.from("hello world"));});
Deno.test("unpack", () => { const buf = Buffer.from([ 0x00, 0x79, 0xde, 0xad, 0x85, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x02, 0x02, 0x6f, 0x6a, 0x05, 0x62, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x67, 0x6a, 0x03, 0x63, 0x6f, 0x6d, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0xc0, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x10, 0x00, 0x04, 0x81, 0xfa, 0x0b, 0xaa, 0xc0, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x10, 0x00, 0x05, 0x02, 0x63, 0x6a, 0xc0, 0x0f, 0xc0, 0x0f, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x10, 0x00, 0x02, 0xc0, 0x0c, 0xc0, 0x3a, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x10, 0x00, 0x04, 0x45, 0x4d, 0x9b, 0x9c, 0xc0, 0x0c, 0x00, 0x1c, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0e, 0x10, 0x00, 0x10, 0x20, 0x01, 0x04, 0x18, 0x00, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0xf9 ]);
const val = new Packet.Stream().decode(buf); const answer = val!.answers[0]; const authority = val!.authorities[1];
assertEquals(val!.rcode, "NOERROR", "decode rcode"); assertStrictEquals(compare(answer.type, "A"), true, "streamDecoded RR type match"); assertStrictEquals(compare(, ""), true, "streamDecoded RR name match"); assertStrictEquals(compare(, ""), true, "streamDecoded RR rdata match"); assertStrictEquals(compare(authority.type, "NS"), true, "streamDecoded RR type match"); assertStrictEquals(compare(, ""), true, "streamDecoded RR name match"); assertStrictEquals(compare(, ""), true, "streamDecoded RR rdata match");});
/// failing tests
/*Deno.test("nsec3", () => { // RangeError: The value of "value" is out of range. It must be >= 0 and <= 65535. Received -2 testEncoder(new Packet.NSEC3(), { algorithm: 1, flags: 0, iterations: 257, nextDomain: Buffer.from([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 1]), rrtypes: ["A", "CAA", "DLV", "DNSKEY"], salt: Buffer.from([42, 42, 42]) });});*/
/*Deno.test("opt", () => { const packet = new Packet.DEFAULT();
const val = { additionals: [{ name: ".", type: "OPT", udpPayloadSize: 1024 }], questions: [{ name: "hello.a.examplename", type: "A" }], type: "query" };
testEncoder(packet, val);
let buf = packet.encode(val); let val2 = packet.decode(buf); const additional1 = val.additionals[0]; let additional2 = val2.additionals[0];
assertEquals(compare(,, true, "name matches"); assertEquals(compare(additional1.udpPayloadSize, additional2.udpPayloadSize), true, "udp payload size matches"); assertEquals(compare(0, additional2.flags), true, "flags match");
additional1.extendedRcode = 0x80; additional1.flags = Packet.DNSSEC_OK; additional1.options = [ { code: "CLIENT_SUBNET", // edns-client-subnet, see RFC 7871 ip: "fe80::", sourcePrefixLength: 64 }, { code: 8, // still ECS ip: "", scopePrefixLength: 16, sourcePrefixLength: 16 }, { code: "padding", length: 31 }, { code: "TCP_KEEPALIVE" }, { code: "tcp_keepalive", timeout: 150 }, { code: "KEY_TAG", tags: [1, 82, 987] } ];
buf = packet.encode(val); val2 = packet.decode(buf); additional2 = val2.additionals[0];
assertEquals(compare(1 << 15, additional2.flags), true, "DO bit set in flags"); assertEquals(compare(true, additional2.flag_do), true, "DO bit set"); assertEquals(compare(additional1.extendedRcode, additional2.extendedRcode), true, "extended rcode matches"); assertEquals(compare(8, additional2.options[0].code), true); assertEquals(compare("fe80::", additional2.options[0].ip), true); assertEquals(compare(64, additional2.options[0].sourcePrefixLength), true); assertEquals(compare("", additional2.options[1].ip), true); assertEquals(compare(16, additional2.options[1].sourcePrefixLength), true); assertEquals(compare(16, additional2.options[1].scopePrefixLength), true); assertEquals(compare(additional1.options[2].length, additional2.options[2].data.length), true); assertEquals(compare(additional1.options[3].timeout, undefined), true); assertEquals(compare(additional1.options[4].timeout, additional2.options[4].timeout), true); assertEquals(compare(additional1.options[5].tags, additional2.options[5].tags), true);});*/

/// helper
function compare(a, b) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(a)) return a.toString("hex") === b.toString("hex");
if (typeof a === "object" && a && b) { const keys = Object.keys(a);
for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { if (!compare(a[keys[i]], b[keys[i]])) return false; } } else if (Array.isArray(b) && !Array.isArray(a)) { return a.toString() === b[0].toString(); } else { return a === b; }
return true;}
function testEncoder(record, val1) { const buf1 = record.encode(val1); const val2 = record.decode(buf1);
assertStrictEquals(buf1.length, record.encodeBytes, "encode.bytes was set correctly"); assertStrictEquals(buf1.length, record.encodingLength(val1), "encoding length matches"); assertStrictEquals(compare(val1, val2), true, "decoded object match");
const buf2 = record.encode(val2); const val3 = record.decode(buf2);
assertStrictEquals(buf2.length, record.encodeBytes, "encodeBytes was set correctly on re-encode"); assertStrictEquals(buf2.length, record.encodingLength(val1), "encoding length matches on re-encode"); assertStrictEquals(compare(val1, val3), true, "decoded object match on re-encode"); assertStrictEquals(compare(val2, val3), true, "re-encoded decoded object match on re-encode");
const bigger = Buffer.allocUnsafe(buf2.length + 10); const buf3 = record.encode(val1, bigger, 10); const val4 = record.decode(buf3, 10);
assertStrictEquals(buf3, bigger, "echoes buffer on external buffer"); assertStrictEquals(record.encodeBytes, buf1.length, "encodeBytes is the same on external buffer"); assertStrictEquals(compare(val1, val4), true, "decoded object match on external buffer");}