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📦 Zero-config web application packager in Deno
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import { esbuild, fromFileUrl } from "../deps.ts";import * as deno from "./deno.ts";
export interface LoadOptions { importMapFile?: string;}
export async function load( infoCache: Map<string, deno.ModuleEntry>, url: URL, options: LoadOptions,): Promise<esbuild.OnLoadResult | null> { switch (url.protocol) { case "http:": case "https:": case "data:": return await loadFromCLI(infoCache, url, options); case "file:": { const res = await loadFromCLI(infoCache, url, options); res.watchFiles = [fromFileUrl(url.href)]; return res; } } return null;}
async function loadFromCLI( infoCache: Map<string, deno.ModuleEntry>, specifier: URL, options: LoadOptions,): Promise<esbuild.OnLoadResult> { const specifierRaw = specifier.href; if (!infoCache.has(specifierRaw)) { const { modules } = await, { importMap: options.importMapFile, }); for (const module of modules) { infoCache.set(module.specifier, module); } } const module = infoCache.get(specifierRaw); if (!module) { throw new TypeError("Unreachable."); }
if (module.error) throw new Error(module.error); if (!module.local) throw new Error("Module not downloaded yet."); let loader: esbuild.Loader; switch (module.mediaType) { case "JavaScript": loader = "js"; break; case "JSX": loader = "jsx"; break; case "TypeScript": loader = "ts"; break; case "TSX": loader = "tsx"; break; default: throw new Error(`Unhandled media type ${module.mediaType}.`); } const contents = await Deno.readFile(module.local); return { contents, loader };}