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📦 Zero-config web application packager in Deno
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import { ensureDir, join, NAME, opn, parseFlags, red, serveIterable, VERSION,} from "./deps.ts";import { generateAssets, watchAndGenAssets } from "./generate_assets.ts";import { generateStaticAssets, watchAndGenStaticAssets,} from "./generate_static_assets.ts";import { livereloadServer } from "./livereload_server.ts";import { byteSize, checkUniqueEntrypoints, mux } from "./util.ts";import { logger, setLogLevel } from "./logger_util.ts";import { File } from "./types.ts";
function usage() { logger.log(`Usage: ${NAME} <command> [options]
Options: -v, --version Output the version number -h, --help Output usage information
Commands: serve [options] <input...> Starts a development server build [options] <input...> Bundles for production help <command> Displays help information for a command
Run '${NAME} help <command>' for more information on specific commands`.trim());}
function usageServe() { logger.log(`Usage: ${NAME} serve [options] <input...>
Starts a development server
Options: -p, --port <port> Sets the port to serve on. Default is 1234. --livereload-port Sets the port for live reloading. Default is 35729. -s, --static-dir <dir> The directory for static files. The files here are served as is. -o, --open Automatically opens in specified browser. --public-url <prefix> The path prefix for urls. Default is ".". TODO --https Serves files over HTTPS. TODO --cert <path> The path to certificate to use with HTTPS. TODO --key <path> The path to private key to use with HTTPS. --log-level <level> Sets the log level. "error", "warn", "info", "debug" or "trace". Default is "info". -h, --help Displays help for command.`.trim());}
function usageBuild() { logger.log(`Usage: ${NAME} build [options] <input...>
bundles for production
Options: --dist-dir <dir> Output directory to write to when unspecified by targets -s, --static-dir <dir> The directory for static files. The files here are copied to dist as is. --public-url <prefix> The path prefix for urls. Default is ".". -L, --log-level <level> Set the log level (choices: "none", "error", "warn", "info", "verbose") -h, --help Display help for command`.trim());}
type CliArgs = { _: string[]; version: boolean; help: boolean; "dist-dir": string; "log-level": "error" | "warn" | "info" | "debug" | "trace"; "livereload-port": string; open: boolean; port: string; "public-url": string; "static-dir": string;};
/** * The entrypoint */export async function main(cliArgs: string[] = Deno.args): Promise<number> { const { _: args, version, help, "dist-dir": distDir = "dist", "static-dir": staticDir = "static", "log-level": logLevel = "info", open = false, port = "1234", "public-url": publicUrl = ".", "livereload-port": livereloadPort = 35729, } = parseFlags(cliArgs, { string: ["log-level", "out-dir", "port", "static-dir", "public-url"], boolean: ["help", "version", "open"], alias: { h: "help", v: "version", o: "open", s: "static-dir", L: "log-level", p: "port", }, }) as CliArgs;
if (version) { logger.log(NAME, VERSION); return 0; }
const command = args[0];
if (help) { if (command) { switch (command) { case "build": usageBuild(); return 0; case "serve": usageServe(); return 0; default: logger.error("Error: Command not found:", command); usage(); return 1; } } usage(); return 0; }
if (!command) { usage(); return 1; }
if (command === "help") { const subcommand = args[1]; if (!subcommand) { usage(); return 0; } if (subcommand === "build") { usageBuild(); return 0; } if (subcommand === "serve") { usageServe(); return 0; } logger.error(`${red("Error")}: Command '${subcommand}' not found`); usage(); return 1; }
if (command === "build") { const entrypoints = args.slice(1); if (!entrypoints || entrypoints.length === 0) { usageBuild(); return 1; } await build(entrypoints, { distDir, staticDir, publicUrl }); return 0; }
let entrypoints: string[]; if (command === "serve") { // packup serve <entrypoints...> entrypoints = args.slice(1); } else { // Suppose command is implicitly 'serve' and args are the entrypoints // packup <entrypoints...> entrypoints = args; }
if (!entrypoints || entrypoints.length === 0) { usageServe(); return 1; }
await serve(entrypoints, { open, port: +port, livereloadPort: +livereloadPort, staticDir, publicUrl, }); return 0;}
type BuildAndServeCommonOptions = { staticDir: string; publicUrl: string;};
type BuildOptions = { distDir: string;};
/** * The build command */async function build( paths: string[], { distDir, staticDir, publicUrl }: BuildOptions & BuildAndServeCommonOptions,) { checkUniqueEntrypoints(paths);
logger.log(`Writing the assets to ${distDir}`); await ensureDir(distDir);
const staticAssets = generateStaticAssets(staticDir); const allAssets: AsyncGenerator<File, void, void>[] = []; for (const path of paths) { const [assets] = await generateAssets(path, { publicUrl }); allAssets.push(assets); }
// TODO(kt3k): Use pooledMap-like thing for await (const asset of mux(staticAssets, ...allAssets)) { const filename = join(distDir,; const bytes = new Uint8Array(await asset.arrayBuffer()); // TODO(kt3k): Print more structured report logger.log("Writing", filename, byteSize(bytes.byteLength)); await Deno.writeFile(filename, bytes); }}
type ServeOptions = { open: boolean; port: number; livereloadPort: number;};
/** * The serve command */async function serve( paths: string[], { open, port, livereloadPort, staticDir, publicUrl }: & ServeOptions & BuildAndServeCommonOptions,) { checkUniqueEntrypoints(paths);
// This is used for propagating onBuild event to livereload server. const buildEventHub = new EventTarget(); livereloadServer(livereloadPort, buildEventHub); if (open) { // Opens browser at the end of the first build buildEventHub.addEventListener("built", () => { opn(`http://localhost:${port}`); }, { once: true }); } const onBuild = () => buildEventHub.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("built"));
const allAssets: AsyncGenerator<File, void, void>[] = []; for (const [index, path] of paths.entries()) { const assets = watchAndGenAssets(path, { livereloadPort, onBuild, mainAs404: index === 0, publicUrl, }); allAssets.push(assets); } const staticAssets = watchAndGenStaticAssets(staticDir);
const { addr } = serveIterable(mux(...allAssets, staticAssets), { port }); if (addr.transport === "tcp") { logger.log(`Server running at http://localhost:${addr.port}`); } await new Promise(() => {});}
if (import.meta.main) { Deno.exit(await main());}