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📦 Zero-config web application packager for Deno
import { assertEquals } from "";import { main } from "./cli.ts";
Deno.test("cli.ts -h, --help -- returns 0", async () => { assertEquals(await main(["--help"]), 0); assertEquals(await main(["-h"]), 0);});
Deno.test("cli.ts -v, --version -- returns 0", async () => { assertEquals(await main(["--version"]), 0); assertEquals(await main(["-v"]), 0);});
Deno.test("cli.ts help -- returns 0", async () => { // This is error because no entrypoint is given assertEquals(await main(["help"]), 0);});
Deno.test("cli.ts help build -- returns 0", async () => { // This is error because no entrypoint is given assertEquals(await main(["help", "build"]), 0);});
Deno.test("cli.ts help serve -- returns 0", async () => { // This is error because no entrypoint is given assertEquals(await main(["help", "serve"]), 0);});
Deno.test("cli.ts help bar -- returns 1", async () => { // This is error because no entrypoint is given assertEquals(await main(["help", "bar"]), 1);});
Deno.test("cli.ts build -- returns 1", async () => { // build subcommand with no entrypoint assertEquals(await main(["build"]), 1);});
Deno.test("cli.ts serve -- returns 1", async () => { // serve subcommand with no entrypoint assertEquals(await main(["serve"]), 1);});
Deno.test("cli.ts -- returns 1", async () => { // This is error because no entrypoint is given assertEquals(await main([]), 1);});