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A static site generator powered by Deno + React
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import { typescript } from '../../deps.ts';
import { logger } from './common.ts';import { pagicRootPath } from './filepath.ts';
/** * Compile input code from tsx to js, by typescript compiler * Will replace `.tsx` to `.js` in `import` statement, and remove react and react-dom imports */export function compile(input: string) { return typescript .transpileModule(input, { compilerOptions: { target: 'ES2019', module: 'ESNext', jsx: 'React', removeComments: false, newLine: 'lf' } }) .outputText.replace(/(^import\s+.*['"/][^_][^/]*)\.tsx(['"];?$\n)/gm, '$1_content.js$2') .replace(/(^import\s+.*)\.tsx?(['"];?$\n)/gm, '$1.js$2') .replace(/^import\s+\{([^\}]*)\}\s+(.*$\n)/gm, ($0: string, importNamesString: string, moduleName: string) => { let importNames = importNamesString.trim().split(/\s*,\s*/); const ignoredImportNames = ['React', 'ReactDOM', 't', 'Trans']; importNames = importNames.filter((importName) => !ignoredImportNames.includes(importName)); if (importNames.length === 0) { return ''; } return `import { ${importNames.join(', ')} } ${moduleName}`; });}/** Read input file and then compile it */export async function compileFile(src: string) { logger.success('Compile file', src); const content = await Deno.readTextFile(src); return compile(content);}/** Compile a pagic file with local or remote url */export async function compilePagicFile(pathToPagicRoot: string) { logger.success('Compile pagic file', pathToPagicRoot); const src = `${pagicRootPath}/${pathToPagicRoot}`; let content = ''; if (import.meta.url.startsWith('file://')) { content = await Deno.readTextFile(src); } else { const res = await fetch(src); content = await res.text(); } return compile(content);}