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🖼️ A deno module providing bindings for cross-platform windowing
/** A position that's either physical or logical. */export type Position = { physical: PhysicalPosition } | { logical: LogicalPosition;};/** A position represented in physical pixels. */export type PhysicalPosition = { x: number; y: number };/** A position represented in logical pixels. */export type LogicalPosition = { x: number; y: number };
/** A size that's either physical or logical. */export type Size = { physical: PhysicalSize } | { logical: LogicalSize };/** A size represented in physical pixels. */export type PhysicalSize = { width: number; height: number };/** A size represented in logical pixels. */export type LogicalSize = { width: number; height: number };
/** Describes the appearance of the mouse cursor. */export type CursorIcon = /** The platform-dependent default cursor. */ | "default" /** A simple crosshair. */ | "crosshair" /** A hand (often used to indicate links in web browsers). */ | "hand" /** Self explanatory. */ | "arrow" /** Indicates something is to be moved. */ | "move" /** Indicates text that may be selected or edited. */ | "text" /** Program busy indicator. */ | "wait" /** Help indicator (often rendered as a "?") */ | "help" /** * Progress indicator. Shows that processing is being done. But in contrast * with "Wait" the user may still interact with the program. Often rendered * as a spinning beach ball, or an arrow with a watch or hourglass. */ | "progress" /** Cursor showing that something cannot be done. */ | "notAllowed" | "contextMenu" | "cell" | "verticalText" | "alias" | "copy" | "noDrop" /** Indicates something can be grabbed. */ | "grab" /** Indicates something is grabbed. */ | "grabbing" | "allScroll" | "zoomIn" | "zoomOut" | "eResize" | "nResize" | "neResize" | "nwResize" | "sResize" | "seResize" | "swResize" | "wResize" | "ewResize" | "nsResize" | "neswResize" | "nwseResize" | "colResize" | "rowResize";
/** Describes a generic event. */export type PaneEvent = | { /** Emitted when new events arrive from the OS to be processed. */ type: "newEvents"; value: StartCause; } | { /** Emitted when the OS sends an event to a winit window. */ type: "windowEvent"; value: { windowId: number; event: WindowEvent }; } | { /** Emitted when the OS sends an event to a device. */ type: "deviceEvent"; value: { deviceId: number; event: DeviceEvent }; } | { /** Unused in pane. */ type: "userEvent"; } | { /** Emitted when the application has been suspended. */ type: "suspended"; } | { /** Emitted when the application has been resumed. */ type: "resumed"; } | { /** * Emitted when all of the event loop's input events have been processed and * redraw processing is about to begin. */ type: "mainEventsCleared"; } | { /** Emitted after `mainEventsCleared` when a window should be redrawn. */ type: "redrawRequested"; } | { /** * Emitted after all `redrawRequested` events have been processed and control * flow is about to be taken away from the program. If there are no `redrawRequested` * events, it is emitted immediately after `mainEventsCleared`. */ type: "redrawEventsCleared"; } | { /** * Emitted when the event loop is being shut down. Beware! This event is emitted * every step in the event loop as the last thing that happens each step. */ type: "loopDestroyed"; };
/** Describes the reason the event loop is resuming. */export type StartCause = /** Unused in pane. */ | { type: "resumeTimeReached"; value: { start: number; requestedResume: number }; } /** * Sent if the OS has new events to send to the window, after a wait was requested. * Contains the moment the wait was requested and the resume time, if requested. */ | { type: "waitCancelled"; value: { start: number; requestedResume?: number }; } /** Unused in pane. */ | { type: "poll"; } /** Emitted every step in the event loop as the first event. */ | { type: "init"; };
/** Describes an event from a `Pane` window. */export type WindowEvent = | { /** The size of the window has changed. Contains the client area's new dimensions. */ type: "resized"; value: PhysicalSize; } | { /** The position of the window has changed. Contains the window's new position. */ type: "moved"; value: PhysicalPosition; } | { /** The window has been requested to close. */ type: "closeRequested"; } | { /** The window has been destroyed. */ type: "destroyed"; } | { /** A file has been dropped into the window. */ type: "droppedFile"; value: string; } | { /** A file is being hovered over the window. */ type: "hoveredFile"; value: string; } | { /** A file was hovered, but has exited the window. */ type: "hoveredFileCancelled"; } | { /** The window received a unicode character. */ type: "receivedCharacter"; value: string; } | { /** * The window gained or lost focus. The parameter is true if the window has gained * focus, and false if it has lost focus. */ type: "focused"; value: boolean; } | { /** * An event from the keyboard has been received. */ type: "keyboardInput"; value: { deviceId: number; input: KeyboardInput; /** * If `true`, the event was generated synthetically by winit * in one of the following circumstances: * * * Synthetic key press events are generated for all keys pressed * when a window gains focus. Likewise, synthetic key release events * are generated for all keys pressed when a window goes out of focus. * ***Currently, this is only functional on X11 and Windows*** * * Otherwise, this value is always `false`. */ isSynthetic: boolean; }; } | { /** The keyboard modifiers have changed. */ type: "modifiersChanged"; value: ModifiersState; } | { /** The cursor has moved on the window. */ type: "cursorMoved"; value: { deviceId: number; position: PhysicalPosition }; } | { /** The cursor has entered the window. */ type: "cursorEntered"; value: { deviceId: number }; } | { /** The cursor has left the window. */ type: "cursorLeft"; value: { deviceId: number }; } | { /** A mouse wheel movement or touchpad scroll occurred. */ type: "mouseWheel"; value: { deviceId: number; delta: MouseScrollDelta; phase: TouchPhase }; } | { /** An mouse button press has been received. */ type: "mouseInput"; value: { deviceId: number; state: ElementState; button: MouseButton }; } | { /** Touchpad pressure event. * * At the moment, only supported on Apple forcetouch-capable macbooks. */ type: "touchpadPressure"; value: { deviceId: number; /** A value between 0 and 1 representing how hard the touchpad is being pressed. */ pressure: number; /** An integer representing the click level */ stage: number; }; } | { /** * Motion on some analog axis. May report data redundant to other, more specific * events. */ type: "axisMotion"; value: { deviceId: number; axis: AxisId; value: number }; } | { /** Touch event has been received */ type: "touch"; value: Touch; } | { /** * The window's scale factor has changed. * * The following user actions can cause DPI changes: * * Changing the display's resolution. * * Changing the display's scale factor (e.g. in Control Panel on Windows). * * Moving the window to a display with a different scale factor. */ type: "scaleFactorChanged"; value: { scaleFactor: number; newInnerSize: PhysicalSize }; } | { /** * The system window theme has changed. * * Applications might wish to react to this to change the theme of the content of the window * when the system changes the window theme. * * At the moment this is only supported on Windows. */ type: "themeChanged"; value: Theme; };
/** Hardware-dependent keyboard scan code. */export type ScanCode = number;/** Identifier for a specific analog axis on some device. */export type AxisId = number;/** Identifier for a specific button on some device. */export type ButtonId = number;
/** The os theme. */export type Theme = "light" | "dark";
/** Describes a keyboard input event. */export type KeyboardInput = { /** Identifies the physical key pressed. */ scancode: ScanCode; state: ElementState; /** Identifies the semantic meaning of the key. */ virtualKeycode?: VirtualKeyCode;};
export type VirtualKeyCode = /** The "1" key over the letters. */ | "Key1" /** The "2" key over the letters. */ | "Key2" /** The "3" key over the letters. */ | "Key3" /** The "4" key over the letters. */ | "Key4" /** The "5" key over the letters. */ | "Key5" /** The "6" key over the letters. */ | "Key6" /** The "7" key over the letters. */ | "Key7" /** The "8" key over the letters. */ | "Key8" /** The "9" key over the letters. */ | "Key9" /** The "0" key over the "O" and "P" keys. */ | "Key0" | "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "G" | "H" | "I" | "J" | "K" | "L" | "M" | "N" | "O" | "P" | "Q" | "R" | "S" | "T" | "U" | "V" | "W" | "X" | "Y" | "Z" /** The Escape key, next to F1. */ | "Escape" | "F1" | "F2" | "F3" | "F4" | "F5" | "F6" | "F7" | "F8" | "F9" | "F10" | "F11" | "F12" | "F13" | "F14" | "F15" | "F16" | "F17" | "F18" | "F19" | "F20" | "F21" | "F22" | "F23" | "F24" /** Print Screen/SysRq. */ | "Snapshot" /** Scroll Lock. */ | "Scroll" /** Pause/Break key, next to Scroll lock. */ | "Pause" /** Insert, next to Backspace. */ | "Insert" | "Home" | "Delete" | "End" | "PageDown" | "PageUp" | "Left" | "Up" | "Right" | "Down" /** The Backspace key, right over Enter. */ | "Back" /** The Enter key. */ | "Return" /** The space bar. */ | "Space" /** The "Compose" key on Linux. */ | "Compose" | "Caret" | "Numlock" | "Numpad0" | "Numpad1" | "Numpad2" | "Numpad3" | "Numpad4" | "Numpad5" | "Numpad6" | "Numpad7" | "Numpad8" | "Numpad9" | "NumpadAdd" | "NumpadDivide" | "NumpadDecimal" | "NumpadComma" | "NumpadEnter" | "NumpadEquals" | "NumpadMultiply" | "NumpadSubtract" | "AbntC1" | "AbntC2" | "Apostrophe" | "Apps" | "Asterisk" | "At" | "Ax" | "Backslash" | "Calculator" | "Capital" | "Colon" | "Comma" | "Convert" | "Equals" | "Grave" | "Kana" | "Kanji" | "LAlt" | "LBracket" | "LControl" | "LShift" | "LWin" | "Mail" | "MediaSelect" | "MediaStop" | "Minus" | "Mute" | "MyComputer" | "NavigateForward" | "NavigateBackward" | "NextTrack" | "NoConvert" | "OEM102" | "Period" | "PlayPause" | "Plus" | "Power" | "PrevTrack" | "RAlt" | "RBracket" | "RControl" | "RShift" | "RWin" | "Semicolon" | "Slash" | "Sleep" | "Stop" | "Sysrq" | "Tab" | "Underline" | "Unlabeled" | "VolumeDown" | "VolumeUp" | "Wake" | "WebBack" | "WebFavorites" | "WebForward" | "WebHome" | "WebRefresh" | "WebSearch" | "WebStop" | "Yen" | "Copy" | "Paste" | "Cut";
/** Describes the input state of a key. */export type ElementState = "pressed" | "released";
/** Describes a button of a mouse controller. */export type MouseButton = "left" | "right" | "middle" | { other: number };
/** Describes a difference in the mouse scroll wheel state. */export type MouseScrollDelta = | { type: "lineDelta"; /** * Amount in lines or rows to scroll in the horizontal and vertical directions. * * Positive values indicate movement forward (away from the user) or rightwards. */ value: [number, number]; } | { type: "pixelDelta"; /** * Amount in pixels to scroll in the horizontal and vertical direction. * * Scroll events are expressed as a PixelDelta if supported by the device * (eg. a touchpad) and platform. */ value: PhysicalPosition; };
/** Describes touch-screen input state. */export type TouchPhase = "started" | "moved" | "ended" | "cancelled";
export type UserAttentionType = /** * * macOS: Bounces the dock icon until the application is in focus. * * Windows: Flashes both the window and the taskbar button until the application is in focus. */ | "critical" /** * * macOS: Bounces the dock icon once. * * Windows: Flashes the taskbar button until the application is in focus. */ | "informational";
/** * Represents a touch event. * * Every time the user touches the screen, a new `started` event with an unique * identifier for the finger is generated. When the finger is lifted, an * `ended` event is generated with the same finger id. * * After a `started` event has been emitted, there may be zero or more `moved` * events when the finger is moved or the touch pressure changes. * * The finger id may be reused by the system after an `ended` event. The user should * assume that a new `started` event received with the same id has nothing to do * with the old finger and is a new finger. * * A `cancelled` event is emitted when the system has canceled tracking this touch, * such as when the window loses focus. */export type Touch = { deviceId: number; phase: TouchPhase; location: PhysicalPosition; /** * Describes how hard the screen was pressed. May be `unknown` if the platform * does not support pressure sensitivity. */ force?: Force; id: bigint;};
/** Describes the force of a touch event. */export type Force = | { /** Currently unused in pane as this is an ios specific event. */ type: "calibrated"; value: { force: number; maxPossibleForce: number; altitudeAngle?: number; }; } | { /** * If the platform reports the force as normalized, we have no way of * knowing how much pressure 1.0 corresponds to – we know it's the maximum * amount of force, but as to how much force, you might either have to * press really really hard, or not hard at all, depending on the device. */ type: "normalized"; value: number; };
/** Represents the current state of the keyboard modifiers. */export type ModifiersState = { shift: boolean; ctrl: boolean; alt: boolean; logo: boolean;};
/** * Represents raw hardware events that are not associated with any particular window. * * Useful for interactions that diverge significantly from a conventional 2D GUI, * such as 3D camera or first-person game controls. Many physical actions, such * as mouse movement, can produce both device and window events. Because window * events typically arise from virtual devices (corresponding to GUI cursors and * keyboard focus) the device IDs may not match. * * Note that these events are delivered regardless of input focus. */export type DeviceEvent = | { type: "added" } | { type: "removed" } | { /** * Change in physical position of a pointing device. * * This represents raw, unfiltered physical motion. Not to be confused with * the `WindowEvent`. */ type: "mouseMotion"; value: { /** * [x, y] change in position in unspecified units. * * Different devices may use different units. */ delta: [number, number]; }; } | { /** Physical scroll event. */ type: "mouseWheel"; value: { delta: MouseScrollDelta }; } | { /** * Motion on some analog axis. This event will be reported for all arbitrary * input devices that winit supports on this platform, including mouse devices. * If the device is a mouse device then this will be reported alongside the * `mouseMotion` event. */ type: "motion"; value: { axis: AxisId; value: number }; } | { type: "button"; value: { button: ButtonId; state: ElementState } } | { type: "key"; value: KeyboardInput } | { type: "text"; value: { codepoint: string } };