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Parse, don’t validate

"Parse, don't validate" is an approach to modeling data
So that it is impossible to construct without verifying the integrity of the data first
Thus when using such data, one can be sure that it is already in the correct shape
Therefore, no further validation is necessary
In short, this approach makes it explicit where your data gets refined

This package can parse the following type, which is basically valid JSON data

  1. boolean
  2. number
  3. string
  4. null
  5. object, readonly and mutable
  6. array, readonly and mutable
  7. custom type

Note: Please understand that readonly will still create Mutable Object and Array in JavaScript. This is because readonly modifier only prevent developer from mutating a data structure in TypeScript

Thus the transpiled JavaScript will behave without mutation and will not need a readonly modifier

Due to this, I had made it such that using the readonly functions provided will throw Error when there’s an attempt to mutate it


Why do I build this?

I faced an issue of verifying the shape of the data I needed by calling Third party API or doing web scrapping, although I managed to do it, my intern supervisor (Wong Jia Hau) told me that was a very bad design (See example below)

type Human = Readonly<{
    name: string;
    age: number;

There are several issues with this approach

  1. What if name is possibly undefined?
  2. What if they changed the API schema?
  3. Down casting as shown by the example above is always bad

To sum up the problems with this approach, I am assuming the shape and type of the data without any validation

Hence the hidden danger is down-casting, be it implicit or explicit. A much better way would to parse it

const parse = (name: unknown) => {
    if (typeof name === 'string') {
        return name; //it is already string at this point
    throw new Error('name is not string');

Instead of just validating and return true false, the type information is passed down by using the method shown above, so whenever parse function is called, it will return string and throw error if it’s not string

What are the functionalities?

In general, once a parsing function like parseAsBoolean(true) for example is called, it returns an Options object that generally contains the following functions

  1. orElseLazyGet(callback function to return alternative value for lazy loading purpose)
  2. orElseGet(alternative value that will be computed immediately)
  3. orElseGetUndefined()
  4. orElseGetNull()
  5. orElseThrowDefault(variable name)
  6. orElseThrowCustom(custom message)

For data structure such as array and object, the second parameter will be a callback function which you write your parsing for each element in the array. See the code below

const parseArray = parseAsReadonlyArray(
    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], (value => parseAsNumber(value).orElseThrowDefault('value')

How do I use it?

import { parseAsString } from 'parse-dont-validate';

const name = '123'; //assume we don't know it's string

const parsed = parseAsString(name).orElseGet('123');
// OR
const parsed = parseAsString(name).orElseLazyGet(() => '123');
// OR
const parsed = parseAsString(name).orElseGetNull();
// OR
const parsed = parseAsString(name).orElseGetUndefined();
// OR
const parsed = parseAsString(name).orElseThrowDefault('parsed');
// OR
const parsed = parseAsString(name).orElseThrowCustom(
    'this is custom error message'

Additional information

You can contribute if you want to, just

  1. Create and commit to a new branch
  2. Write test code
  3. Create a Pull Request


You can raise issue(s) if you prefer that way

How to use

yarn add parse-dont-validate


npm i parse-dont-validate


pnpm add parse-dont-validate