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A Partytown plugin for Fresh
import { Plugin } from "$fresh/server.ts";
import { PartytownConfig, partytownSnippet,} from "";
import { copyLibFiles } from "./copyFiles.ts";import { clearForward, readForward } from "./shared.ts";
interface Options { copyFiles?: boolean; proxyUrl?: string; mainWindowAccessors?: string[];}
declare global { interface Window { partytown: PartytownConfig; }}
function snippet(state: PartytownConfig) { const params = new URLSearchParams(; const disabled = localStorage.getItem("disablePartytown");
const getState = (): PartytownConfig => { if (params.has("disablePartytown") || params.has("gtm_debug") || disabled) { console.debug("🎉 Running partytown scripts on main thread");
document .querySelectorAll('script[type="text/partytown"]') .forEach((node) => { node.remove(); node.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); node.setAttribute("async", ""); document.body.appendChild(node); });
localStorage.setItem("disablePartytown", "true"); console.log( 'Disabling partytown. To enable it again, run: localStorage.setItem("disablePartytown", "")', );
return { ...state, forward: undefined, }; }
if (params.has("debugPartytown")) { return { ...state, debug: true, }; }
return state; };
window.partytown = getState();}
/** * Somehow, the partytown comment breaks the building process * for newer versions of fresh */const snippetNoComments = partytownSnippet().replace( /\/\*.+?\*\/|\/\/.*(?=[\n\r])/g, "",);
const partytown = ( { copyFiles, proxyUrl, mainWindowAccessors }: Options = {},): Plugin => { if (copyFiles !== false) { copyLibFiles().catch(console.error); }
// TODO: Remove jitsu verification return { name: "partytown", entrypoints: { "main": `data:application/javascript,export default function(state){ (${snippet})(state); window.partytown.mainWindowAccessors = ${ JSON.stringify(mainWindowAccessors ?? []) }; window.partytown.resolveUrl = function (url, location, type) { const proxyUrl = ${proxyUrl ? `'${proxyUrl}'` : "undefined"};
if (!proxyUrl) { return url }
if (url.href.includes(proxyUrl) || url.hostname.includes("jitsu")) { return url; }
if (proxyUrl) { const finalProxyUrl = new URL(location.origin + proxyUrl); finalProxyUrl.searchParams.append("url", url.href); return finalProxyUrl; } return url; }; if (window === top) { ${snippetNoComments} } else {"Partytown snippet not loaded due to being inside an iframe"); } }`, }, render(ctx) { clearForward(); ctx.render(); return { scripts: [{ entrypoint: "main", state: readForward(), }], }; }, };};
export default partytown;