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Parser combinators library designed for Deno, but also works on browsers and Node.js.
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function satisfy
import { satisfy } from "";

Pick next character from input and pass it to provided predicate. If the predicate passes, return a successful parsing result with that character. If not, return a parsing error.

satisfy((char) => char === "a")("a").output === "a";
satisfy((char) => char === "a")("b").ok === false;

Type Parameters

I extends string


predicate: (item: I[0]) => boolean

predicate which tests next character


IParser<I[0], ErrorKind.Satisfy, I>

Pick next byte from input and pass it to provided predicate. If the predicate passes, return a successful parsing result with that byte. If not, return a parsing error.

satisfy((byte) => byte === 10)(Uint8Array.of(10)).output === 10;
satisfy((byte) => byte === 10)(Uint8Array.of(13)).ok === false;

Type Parameters

I extends Uint8Array


predicate: (item: I[0]) => boolean

predicate which tests next byte (8-bit unsigned integer)


IParser<I[0], ErrorKind.Satisfy, I>