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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
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import type { RpcClientImpl } from "./rpc.ts";import { createEventEmitter, EventEmitter } from "./async/event-emitter.ts";
export const devtoolsKey = "@pbkit/devtools";
export function getDevtoolsConfig(): DevtoolsConfig { const global = globalThis as any; if (!global[devtoolsKey]) { const devtoolsConfig = createDevtoolsConfig(); return global[devtoolsKey] = devtoolsConfig; } else if (Array.isArray(global[devtoolsKey])) { const devtoolsConfig = createDevtoolsConfig(); for (const fn of global[devtoolsKey]) { if (typeof fn !== "function") continue; fn(devtoolsConfig); } return global[devtoolsKey] = devtoolsConfig; } else { return global[devtoolsKey]; }}
export interface DevtoolsConfig extends EventEmitter<Events> { configId: string; requestIdCounter: number;}function createDevtoolsConfig(): DevtoolsConfig { const devtoolsConfig: DevtoolsConfig = { configId: String(, requestIdCounter: 0, ...createEventEmitter(), }; return devtoolsConfig;}
export interface WrapRpcClientImplConfig<TMetadata, THeader, TTrailer> { rpcClientImpl: RpcClientImpl<TMetadata, THeader, TTrailer>; devtoolsConfig: DevtoolsConfig; tags: string[];}export function wrapRpcClientImpl<TMetadata, THeader, TTrailer>( config: WrapRpcClientImplConfig<TMetadata, THeader, TTrailer>,): RpcClientImpl<TMetadata, THeader, TTrailer> { return function devtoolsRpcClientImpl(methodDescriptor) { const { rpcClientImpl, devtoolsConfig, tags } = config; const rpcMethodImpl = rpcClientImpl(methodDescriptor); return function devtoolsRpcMethodImpl(req, metadata) { const configId = devtoolsConfig.configId; const requestId = devtoolsConfig.requestIdCounter++; devtoolsConfig.emit("request", { configId, requestId, servicePath: methodDescriptor.service.serviceName, rpcName: methodDescriptor.methodName, metadataJson: toJson(metadata), tags, }); const rpcMethodResult = rpcMethodImpl( mapAsyncGenerator(req, (payload) => { devtoolsConfig.emit("request-payload", { configId, requestId, payloadJson: methodDescriptor.requestType.serializeJson(payload), payloadProto: methodDescriptor.requestType.serializeBinary(payload), }); return payload; }, (error) => { devtoolsConfig.emit("request-error", { configId, requestId, errorMessage: getErrorMessage(error), }); }), metadata, ); const resAsyncGenerator = mapAsyncGenerator( rpcMethodResult[0], (payload) => { devtoolsConfig.emit("response-payload", { configId, requestId, payloadJson: methodDescriptor.responseType.serializeJson(payload), payloadProto: methodDescriptor.responseType.serializeBinary( payload, ), }); return payload; }, (error) => { devtoolsConfig.emit("response-error", { configId, requestId, errorMessage: getErrorMessage(error), }); }, ); const headerPromise = rpcMethodResult[1].then((header) => { devtoolsConfig.emit("response", { configId, requestId, headerJson: toJson(header), }); return header; }); const trailerPromise = rpcMethodResult[2].then((trailer) => { devtoolsConfig.emit("response-trailer", { configId, requestId, trailerJson: toJson(trailer), }); return trailer; }); return [resAsyncGenerator, headerPromise, trailerPromise]; }; };}
function toJson(value: any): string { if ((!value) || (typeof value !== "object")) return "{}"; return JSON.stringify(value);}
async function* mapAsyncGenerator<T>( asyncGenerator: AsyncGenerator<T>, fn: (value: T) => T | Promise<T>, catchFn: (error: any) => void,): AsyncGenerator<T> { try { for await (const value of asyncGenerator) { yield await fn(value); } } catch (error) { catchFn(error); throw error; }}
function getErrorMessage(error: any): string { if (error instanceof Error) return error.stack || error.message; return String(error);}
export interface Events { "request": { configId: string; requestId: number; servicePath: string; rpcName: string; metadataJson: string; tags: string[]; }; "request-payload": { configId: string; requestId: number; payloadJson: string; payloadProto: Uint8Array; }; "request-error": { configId: string; requestId: number; errorMessage: string; }; "response": { configId: string; requestId: number; headerJson: string; }; "response-payload": { configId: string; requestId: number; payloadJson: string; payloadProto: Uint8Array; }; "response-error": { configId: string; requestId: number; errorMessage: string; }; "response-trailer": { configId: string; requestId: number; trailerJson: string; };}