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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
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import { ensureDir } from "";import { walk } from "";import { dirname, join, relative,} from "";import { replaceTsFileExtensionInImportStatement } from "../../misc/compat/tsc.ts";import { zip } from "../../misc/archive/zip.ts";import { getVendorDir } from "../../cli/pb/config.ts";import { BuildConfig, NameAndVersion } from "./index.ts";
if (import.meta.main) { buildCore({ name: "pbkit", version: "0.0.0", dist: "tmp/npm/pbkit", tmp: "tmp/npm/tmp/pbkit", });}
export default async function buildCore(config: BuildConfig) { const packageJson = getPackageJson(config); const tsDir = `${config.tmp}/ts`; await ensureDir(config.dist); await Deno.writeTextFile( `${config.dist}/package.json`, JSON.stringify(packageJson, null, 2) + "\n", ); await Promise.all([ Deno.copyFile("LICENSE-MIT", `${config.dist}/LICENSE-MIT`), Deno.copyFile("LICENSE-APACHE", `${config.dist}/LICENSE-APACHE`), Deno.copyFile("", `${config.dist}/`), ]); { // copy core files const entries = walk("core", { includeDirs: false, exts: [".ts"] }); for await (const { path: fromPath } of entries) { if (fromPath.endsWith(".test.ts")) continue; if (/\bdeno\b/.test(fromPath)) continue; const toPath = join(tsDir, fromPath); await ensureDir(dirname(toPath)); const code = await Deno.readTextFile(fromPath); await Deno.writeTextFile( toPath, replaceTsFileExtensionInImportStatement(code, ""), ); } } { // tsc const entries = walk(tsDir, { includeDirs: false, exts: [".ts"] }); const tsFiles: string[] = []; for await (const { path } of entries) tsFiles.push(path); await{ cmd: [ "tsc", "-m", "commonjs", "--target", "es2019", "--lib", "es2019,dom", "--declaration", "--rootDir", tsDir, "--outDir", config.dist, ...tsFiles, ], }).status(); } { // bundle codegen logic await ensureDir(`${config.dist}/codegen/ts`); await{ cmd: [ "deno", "bundle", "--unstable", "codegen/ts/index.ts", `${config.dist}/codegen/ts/index.mjs`, ], }).status(); } { // copy nodejs-specific files const entries = walk("node", { includeDirs: false, exts: [".js"] }); for await (const { path: fromPath } of entries) { const toPath = join(config.dist, fromPath); await ensureDir(dirname(toPath)); const code = await Deno.readTextFile(fromPath); await Deno.writeTextFile(toPath, code); } } await Deno.writeFile( `${config.dist}/`, await zip( filesInDir("core/runtime", ".ts", (p) => !p.endsWith(".test.ts")), ), ); console.log("writing ''. it takes few minutes..."); await Deno.writeFile( `${config.dist}/`, await zip(filesInDir(getVendorDir(), ".proto")), );}
export function getPackageJson(config: NameAndVersion) { const { name, version } = config; return { name, version, author: "JongChan Choi <>", license: "(MIT OR Apache-2.0)", repository: { type: "git", url: "git+", }, bin: { "pb-gen-ts": "node/cli/pb-gen-ts.js", "pb-gen-ts-bundle": "node/cli/pb-gen-ts-bundle.js", }, preferUnplugged: true, dependencies: { "@yarnpkg/fslib": "^2.6.0-rc.8", "@yarnpkg/libzip": "^2.2.2", "core-js": "3.18.1", mri: "^1.2.0", }, };}
async function* filesInDir( dir: string, ext: string, filter?: (path: string) => boolean,): AsyncGenerator<[string, Uint8Array]> { const entries = walk(dir, { includeDirs: false, exts: [ext] }); for await (const { path } of entries) { if (filter && !filter(path)) continue; const file = await Deno.readFile(path); yield [relative(dir, path), file]; }}