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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
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import { ensureDir } from "";import { build } from "";import { BuildConfig, NameAndVersion } from "./index.ts";
if (import.meta.main) { buildPbCli({ name: "@pbkit/pb-cli", version: "0.0.0", dist: "tmp/npm/pb-cli", });}
export default async function buildPbCli(config: BuildConfig) { const packageJson = getPackageJson(config); await ensureDir(config.dist); await build({ entryPoints: [{ kind: "bin", name: "pb", path: "cli/pb/entrypoint.ts" }], outDir: config.dist, shims: { deno: true, custom: [{ package: { name: "web-streams-polyfill", version: "^3.2.0", subPath: "dist/ponyfill.mjs", }, globalNames: ["ReadableStream"], }, { package: { name: "undici", version: "^4.15.1", subPath: "lib/fetch/headers.js", }, globalNames: ["Headers"], }], }, package: packageJson, typeCheck: false, declaration: false, test: false, });}
export function getPackageJson(config: NameAndVersion) { const { name, version } = config; return { name, version, description: "Protobuf schema compiler", author: "JongChan Choi <>", license: "(MIT OR Apache-2.0)", repository: { type: "git", url: "git+", }, bugs: { url: "", }, };}