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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
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import { parse as parseYaml } from "";import { emptyDir, ensureDir, exists,} from "";import { red, yellow } from "";import * as path from "";import { stripComponents, unzip } from "../../misc/archive/zip.ts";import { fetchArchive, fetchCommitStatus } from "../../misc/github/index.ts";import backoff from "./misc/exponential-backoff.ts";import { getRevType } from "./rev.ts";import { YAMLError } from "";
export type PollapoYml = { repo?: string; deps?: string[]; root?: PollapoRoot;} | undefined;
export interface PollapoDep { user: string; repo: string; rev: string;}
export type PollapoDepFrag = & Omit<PollapoDep, "rev"> & Partial<Pick<PollapoDep, "rev">>;
export interface PollapoRoot { lock?: PollapoRootLockTable; "replace-file-option"?: PollapoRootReplaceFileOption;}
export interface PollapoRootLockTable { [dep: string]: string; // value: commit hash}
export interface PollapoRootReplaceFileOption { [optionName: string]: PollapoRootReplaceFileOptionItem;}
export interface PollapoRootReplaceFileOptionItem { regex: string; value: string;}
export interface GetPollapoYmlConfig { dep: PollapoDep; cacheDir: string;}export async function getPollapoYml( config?: GetPollapoYmlConfig,): Promise<PollapoYml> { const ymlPath = config ? getYmlPath(config.cacheDir, config.dep) : "pollapo.yml"; return loadPollapoYml(ymlPath);}export async function loadPollapoYml(ymlPath: string): Promise<PollapoYml> { try { const pollapoYmlText = await Deno.readTextFile(ymlPath); return parseYaml(pollapoYmlText) as PollapoYml; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof YAMLError) throw new PollapoYmlMalformedError(ymlPath); else throw new PollapoYmlNotFoundError(ymlPath); }}export class PollapoYmlNotFoundError extends Error { constructor(public ymlPath: string) { super(`"${red(path.resolve(ymlPath))}" not found.`); }}
export class PollapoYmlMalformedError extends Error { constructor(public ymlPath: string) { super(`"${yellow(path.resolve(ymlPath))}" is malformed`); }}
export function* deps(pollapoYml: PollapoYml) { for (const dep of pollapoYml?.deps ?? []) yield parseDep(dep);}
export function parseDep(dep: string): PollapoDep { const match = /(?<user>.+?)\/(?<repo>.+?)@(?<rev>.+)/.exec(dep); if (!match) throw new Error("invalid dep string: " + dep); return match.groups as unknown as PollapoDep;}
export function parseDepFrag(dep: string): PollapoDepFrag { const match = /(?<user>.+?)\/(?<repo>.+?)(@(?<rev>.+))?$/.exec(dep); if (!match) throw new Error("invalid dep string: " + dep); return match.groups as unknown as PollapoDepFrag;}
export function depToString(dep: PollapoDep): string { return `${dep.user}/${dep.repo}@${dep.rev}`;}
export function getZipPath(cacheDir: string, dep: PollapoDep): string { return getCachePath(cacheDir, dep) + ".zip";}
export function getYmlPath(cacheDir: string, dep: PollapoDep): string { return getCachePath(cacheDir, dep) + ".yml";}
function getCachePath(cacheDir: string, dep: PollapoDep): string { return path.resolve( cacheDir, encode(dep.user), encode(dep.repo) + "@" + encode(dep.rev), );}
// encode(rev: string): string { return rev.replaceAll( /[%\\/:*"<>|]/g, (c) => `%${c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase()}`, );}
export interface CacheDepsConfig { pollapoYml: PollapoYml; clean: boolean; cacheDir: string; fetchCommitHash: (dep: PollapoDep) => Promise<string>; fetchZip: (dep: PollapoDep) => Promise<Uint8Array>;}export type CacheDepsTask = | CacheDepsTaskUseCache | CacheDepsTaskUseLockedCommitHash | CacheDepsTaskCheckCommitHash | CacheDepsTaskDownload;interface CacheDepsTaskBase<TTaskType extends string, TResult> { type: TTaskType; dep: PollapoDep; promise: Promise<TResult>;}export type CacheDepsTaskUseCache = CacheDepsTaskBase<"use-cache", void>;export type CacheDepsTaskUseLockedCommitHash = CacheDepsTaskBase< "use-locked-commit-hash", string>;export type CacheDepsTaskCheckCommitHash = CacheDepsTaskBase< "check-commit-hash", string>;export type CacheDepsTaskDownload = CacheDepsTaskBase< "download", CacheDepsTaskDownloadResult>;export interface CacheDepsTaskDownloadResult { zip: Uint8Array; pollapoYmlText: string; pollapoYml: PollapoYml;}export async function* cacheDeps( config: CacheDepsConfig,): AsyncGenerator<CacheDepsTask> { const { pollapoYml, clean, cacheDir, fetchZip, fetchCommitHash } = config; if (clean) await emptyDir(cacheDir); const lockTable = pollapoYml?.root?.lock ?? {}; const queue = [...deps(pollapoYml)]; let dep: PollapoDep; const visitedDeps: { [visitedDep: string]: true } = {}; while (dep = queue.shift()!) { const ymlPath = getYmlPath(cacheDir, dep); const revType = getRevType(dep.rev); const depString = depToString(dep); if (visitedDeps[depString]) continue; visitedDeps[depString] = true; if ((revType !== "branch") && await exists(ymlPath)) { yield { type: "use-cache", dep, promise: Promise.resolve() }; const pollapoYmlText = await Deno.readTextFile(ymlPath); const pollapoYml = parseYaml(pollapoYmlText) as PollapoYml; queue.push(...deps(pollapoYml)); continue; } await ensureDir(path.resolve(cacheDir, dep.user)); if (revType === "branch") { const fetchingCommitHash = depString in lockTable ? Promise.resolve(lockTable[depString]) : fetchCommitHash(dep); const taskType = depString in lockTable ? "use-locked-commit-hash" : "check-commit-hash"; yield { type: taskType, dep, promise: fetchingCommitHash }; const commitHash = await fetchingCommitHash; queue.push({ ...dep, rev: commitHash }); await unlink(dep); await link(dep, commitHash); } else { const downloading = download(dep); yield { type: "download", dep, promise: downloading }; const { zip, pollapoYmlText, pollapoYml } = await downloading; queue.push(...deps(pollapoYml)); await cache(dep, zip, pollapoYmlText); } } async function download( dep: PollapoDep, ): Promise<CacheDepsTaskDownloadResult> { const zip = await fetchZip(dep); const pollapoYmlText = await extractPollapoYml(zip); const pollapoYml = parseYaml(pollapoYmlText) as PollapoYml; return { zip, pollapoYmlText, pollapoYml }; } async function unlink(dep: PollapoDep) { try { await Promise.all([ Deno.remove(getZipPath(cacheDir, dep)), Deno.remove(getYmlPath(cacheDir, dep)), ]); } catch { // Ignore if file does not exist } } async function link(dep: PollapoDep, rev: string) { const targetDep: PollapoDep = { ...dep, rev }; await Promise.all([ Deno.symlink( getZipPath(cacheDir, targetDep), getZipPath(cacheDir, dep), { type: "file" }, ), Deno.symlink( getYmlPath(cacheDir, targetDep), getYmlPath(cacheDir, dep), { type: "file" }, ), ]); } async function cache( dep: PollapoDep, zip: Uint8Array, pollapoYmlText: string, ) { const zipPath = getZipPath(cacheDir, dep); const ymlPath = getYmlPath(cacheDir, dep); await Promise.all([ Deno.writeFile(zipPath, zip), Deno.writeTextFile(ymlPath, pollapoYmlText), ]); }}
export function lock<T extends (PollapoDep | undefined) = PollapoDep>( lockTable: PollapoRootLockTable, dep: T,): T { if (!dep) return dep; const depString = depToString(dep!); if (depString in lockTable) return { ...dep!, rev: lockTable[depString] }; return dep;}
export interface AnalyzeDepsConfig { pollapoYml: PollapoYml; cacheDir: string;}export interface AnalyzeDepsResult { [repo: string]: AnalyzeDepsResultRevs;}export interface AnalyzeDepsResultRevs { [rev: string]: AnalyzeDepsResultRev;}export interface AnalyzeDepsResultRev { froms: string[];}export async function analyzeDeps( config: AnalyzeDepsConfig,): Promise<AnalyzeDepsResult> { type Dep = PollapoDep & { from: string }; const result: AnalyzeDepsResult = {}; const { pollapoYml, cacheDir } = config; const lockTable = pollapoYml?.root?.lock ?? {}; const queue: Dep[] = [...deps(pollapoYml)].map((dep) => ({ ...dep, from: "<root>", })); let dep: Dep; while (dep = queue.shift()!) { const repo = `${dep.user}/${dep.repo}`; const froms = result[repo]?.[dep.rev]?.froms ?? []; const revs: AnalyzeDepsResultRevs = result[repo] ?? {}; froms.push(dep.from); revs[dep.rev] = { froms }; result[repo] = revs; const pollapoYml = await getPollapoYml({ dep: lock(lockTable, dep), cacheDir, }); for (const innerDep of deps(pollapoYml)) { if (depToString(dep) === depToString(innerDep)) continue; queue.push({ ...innerDep, from: depToString(dep) }); } } return result;}
export function sanitizeDeps(pollapoYml: PollapoYml): PollapoYml { const deps = pollapoYml?.deps ?? []; const result: PollapoYml = { ...pollapoYml }; if (deps.length === 0) { delete result.deps; } else { result.deps = [ Set(result.deps)].sort(); } if (result.root?.lock) { result.root.lock = sortObjectKeys(result.root.lock); if (!Object.keys(result.root.lock).length) delete result.root.lock; } if (result.root && !Object.keys(result.root).length) delete result.root; return result;}
function sortObjectKeys(obj: Record<string, any>): Record<string, any> { const result: Record<string, any> = {}; for (const key of Object.keys(obj).sort()) result[key] = obj[key]; return result;}
export function getFetchCommitHash(token?: string) { return async function fetchCommitHash(dep: PollapoDep): Promise<string> { const res = await backoff(() => fetchCommitStatus({ token, ...dep })); return res.sha; };}
export function getFetchZip(token?: string) { return async function fetchZip(dep: PollapoDep): Promise<Uint8Array> { const res = await backoff(() => fetchArchive({ type: "zip", token, ...dep }) ); return new Uint8Array(await res.arrayBuffer()); };}
async function extractPollapoYml(zip: Uint8Array): Promise<string> { const files = stripComponents(await unzip(zip), 1); const pollapoYml = files["pollapo.yml"]; if (!pollapoYml) return ""; return pollapoYml.async("text");}