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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
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import { range } from "./range.ts";
const appreviations = ["url", "http", "https", "id"];
// function toCamelCase(str: string, initialUpperCase?: boolean) { let result = ""; let current = ""; let lastClass = getCharClass("\0"); for (const scalar of str) { const scalarClass = getCharClass(scalar); switch (scalarClass) { case "digit": if (lastClass !== "digit") addCurrent(); if (!result.length) result += "_"; current += scalar; break; case "upper": if (lastClass !== "upper") addCurrent(); current += scalar.toLowerCase(); break; case "lower": if (lastClass !== "lower" && lastClass !== "upper") addCurrent(); current += scalar; break; case "underscore": addCurrent(); if (lastClass === "underscore") result += "_"; break; case "other": addCurrent(); const escapeIt = result.length ? !isSwiftIdentifierCharacter(scalar) : !isSwiftIdentifierHeadCharacter(scalar); if (escapeIt) result += `_u${scalar.charCodeAt(0)}`; else current += scalar; break; } lastClass = scalarClass; } addCurrent(); if (lastClass === "underscore") result += "_"; return result; function addCurrent() { if (!current.length) return; let currentAsString = current; if (!result.length && !initialUpperCase) { // nothing. } else if (appreviations.includes(currentAsString)) { currentAsString = currentAsString.toUpperCase(); } else { currentAsString = uppercaseFirstCharacter(currentAsString); } result += currentAsString; current = ""; } function getCharClass(scalar: string) { if (scalar.length !== 1) throw new Error("Unexpected length of string!"); if (scalar >= "0" && scalar <= "9") return "digit"; if (scalar === "_") return "underscore"; if (scalar === scalar.toLowerCase()) return "lower"; if (scalar === scalar.toUpperCase()) return "upper"; return "other"; }}
function uppercaseFirstCharacter(str: string) { return str[0].toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);}
function isSwiftIdentifierCharacter(scalar: string) { return identifierCharacterRanges.some((range) => range.includes(scalar.charCodeAt(0)) ) || isSwiftIdentifierHeadCharacter(scalar);}
function isSwiftIdentifierHeadCharacter(scalar: string) { return identifierHeadCharacterRanges.some((range) => range.includes(scalar.charCodeAt(0)) );}
const identifierCharacterRanges = [ range(0x30, 0x39), range(0x300, 0x36F), range(0x1dc0, 0x1dff), range(0x20d0, 0x20ff), range(0xfe20, 0xfe2f),];
const identifierHeadCharacterRanges = [ range(0x61, 0x7a), range(0x41, 0x5a), range(0x5f), range(0xa8), range(0xaa), range(0xad), range(0xaf), range(0xb2, 0xb5), range(0xb7, 0xba), range(0xbc, 0xbe), range(0xc0, 0xd6), range(0xd8, 0xf6), range(0xf8, 0xff), range(0x100, 0x2ff), range(0x370, 0x167f), range(0x1681, 0x180d), range(0x180f, 0x1dbf), range(0x1e00, 0x1fff), range(0x200b, 0x200d), range(0x202a, 0x202e), range(0x203F), range(0x2040), range(0x2054), range(0x2060, 0x206f), range(0x2070, 0x20cf), range(0x2100, 0x218f), range(0x2460, 0x24ff), range(0x2776, 0x2793), range(0x2c00, 0x2dff), range(0x2e80, 0x2fff), range(0x3004, 0x3007), range(0x3021, 0x302f), range(0x3031, 0x303f), range(0x3040, 0xd7ff), range(0xf900, 0xfd3d), range(0xfd40, 0xfdcf), range(0xfdf0, 0xfe1f), range(0xfe30, 0xfe44), range(0xfe47, 0xfffd), range(0x10000, 0x1fffd), range(0x20000, 0x2fffd), range(0x30000, 0x3fffd), range(0x40000, 0x4fffd), range(0x50000, 0x5fffd), range(0x60000, 0x6fffd), range(0x70000, 0x7fffd), range(0x80000, 0x8fffd), range(0x90000, 0x9fffd), range(0xa0000, 0xafffd), range(0xb0000, 0xbfffd), range(0xc0000, 0xcfffd), range(0xd0000, 0xdfffd), range(0xe0000, 0xefffd),];
const swiftKeywordsUsedInDeclarations: string[] = [ "associatedtype", "class", "deinit", "enum", "extension", "fileprivate", "func", "import", "init", "inout", "internal", "let", "open", "operator", "private", "protocol", "public", "static", "struct", "subscript", "typealias", "var",];
const swiftKeywordsUsedInStatements: string[] = [ "break", "case", "continue", "default", "defer", "do", "else", "fallthrough", "for", "guard", "if", "in", "repeat", "return", "switch", "where", "while",];
const swiftKeywordsUsedInExpressionsAndTypes: string[] = [ "as", "Any", "catch", "false", "is", "nil", "rethrows", "super", "self", "Self", "throw", "throws", "true", "try",];
const swiftKeywordsWithNumberSign: string[] = [ "#available", "#colorLiteral", "#column", "#else", "#elseif", "#endif", "#file", "#fileLiteral", "#function", "#if", "#imageLiteral", "#line", "#selector", "#sourceLocation",];
const swiftKeywordsReservedInParticularContexts: string[] = [ "associativity", "convenience", "dynamic", "didSet", "final", "get", "infix", "indirect", "lazy", "left", "mutating", "none", "nonmutating", "optional", "override", "postfix", "precedence", "prefix", "Protocol", "required", "right", "set", "Type", "unowned", "weak", "willSet",];
const swiftCommonTypes: string[] = [ "Bool", "Data", "Double", "Float", "Int", "Int32", "Int64", "String", "UInt", "UInt32", "UInt64",];
const swiftSpecialVariables: string[] = [ "__COLUMN__", "__FILE__", "__FUNCTION__", "__LINE__",];
const reservedTypeNames: string[] = [ ...swiftCommonTypes, ...swiftKeywordsUsedInDeclarations, ...swiftKeywordsUsedInExpressionsAndTypes, ...swiftKeywordsUsedInStatements, ...swiftSpecialVariables, "SwiftProtobuf", "Extensions", "protoMessageName", "decodeMessage", "traverse", "isInitialized", "unknownFields", "debugDescription", "description", "dynamicType", "hashValue", "Type", "Protocol",];
const reservedFieldNames: string[] = [ ...swiftCommonTypes, ...swiftSpecialVariables, "isInitialized", "unknownFields", "debugDescription", "description", "dynamicType", "hashValue", "init", "self", "Type", "Protocol",];
const quotableFieldNames: string[] = [ ...swiftKeywordsUsedInDeclarations, ...swiftKeywordsUsedInStatements, ...swiftKeywordsUsedInExpressionsAndTypes,];
const reservedEnumCases: string[] = [ "allCases", "debugDescription", "description", "dynamicType", "hashValue", "init", "rawValue", "self",];
const quotableEnumCases: string[] = [ "associativity", "dynamicType", "optional", "required", ...swiftKeywordsUsedInDeclarations, ...swiftKeywordsUsedInStatements, ...swiftKeywordsUsedInExpressionsAndTypes,];
export function sanitizeMessageName(messageName: string) { return sanitizeTypeName(messageName, "Message");}
export function sanitizeEnumName(enumName: string) { return sanitizeTypeName(enumName, "Enum");}
export function sanitizeOneofName(oneofName: string) { return sanitizeTypeName(oneofName, "Oneof");}
export function sanitizeEnumCaseName(enumCaseName: string) { if (reservedEnumCases.includes(enumCaseName)) { return enumCaseName + "_"; } if (quotableEnumCases.includes(enumCaseName)) { return `\`${enumCaseName}\``; } return enumCaseName;}
// @TODO: Improve codes// sanitizeTypeName(str: string, disambiguator: string) { if (reservedTypeNames.includes(str)) { return str + disambiguator; } return str;}
// function sanitizeFieldName(fieldName: string, _basedOn?: string) { const basedOn = _basedOn ?? fieldName; if (basedOn.startsWith("clear") && isCharAtUpperCase(basedOn, 5)) { return fieldName + "_p"; } if (basedOn.startsWith("has") && isCharAtUpperCase(basedOn, 3)) { return fieldName + "_p"; } if (reservedFieldNames.includes(basedOn)) { return fieldName + "_p"; } if (basedOn === fieldName && quotableFieldNames.includes(fieldName)) { return `\`${fieldName}\``; } return fieldName; function isCharAtUpperCase(str: string, index: number) { if (str.length <= index) return false; return str.charAt(index) === str.charAt(index).toUpperCase(); }}
export function prefixStripper(name: string, prefix: string) { let curr = 0; let stripIndex = 0; for (const char of name) { if (char === "_") { stripIndex++; continue; } if ( curr < prefix.length && char.toLowerCase() === prefix[curr].toLowerCase() ) { stripIndex++; curr++; continue; } break; } if (curr === prefix.length && curr < name.length - 1) { return name.substring(stripIndex); } return name;}