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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
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#!/usr/bin/env noderequire("core-js/es");const fs = require("fs");const mri = require("mri");const createLoader = require("../createLoader").default;const expandEntryPaths = require("../expandEntryPaths").default;const save = require("../save").default;const { vendorZipPath } = require("../zip-path");const iterRuntimeFiles = require("../iterRuntimeFiles").default;
run().catch((err) => console.error(err) && process.exit(1));
async function run() { const { configYaml, } = getCliArgs(); const { bundle, yamlTextToBundleConfig } = await getBundle(); const configYamlText = fs.readFileSync(configYaml, "utf8"); const [outDir, bundleConfig] = await yamlTextToBundleConfig( configYamlText, async (protoPaths, entryPaths, protoFiles) => { const roots = [ ...entryPaths, ...protoPaths, process.cwd(), vendorZipPath, ]; return { loader: createLoader({ roots }), files: [...await expandEntryPaths(entryPaths), ...protoFiles], }; }, iterRuntimeFiles, ); await save(outDir, bundle(bundleConfig));}
async function getBundle() { const modulePath = "../../codegen/ts/index.mjs"; const module = await import(modulePath); const { bundle, yamlTextToBundleConfig } = module; return { bundle, yamlTextToBundleConfig };}
function getCliArgs() { const argv = mri(process.argv.slice(2)); return { configYaml: argv._[0] || "", };}