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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
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import Long from "../Long.ts";import { decode as decodeVarint, encode as encodeVarint } from "./varint.ts";import { decode as decodeZigzag, encode as encodeZigzag } from "./zigzag.ts";import { concat } from "./serialize.ts";import { Field, LengthDelimited, WireType } from "./index.ts";
type WireValueToTsValue<T> = (wireValue: Field) => T | undefined;type TsValueToWireValue<T> = (tsValue: T) => Field;type Unpack<T> = (wireValues: Iterable<Field>) => Generator<T>;type Pack<T> = (values: T[]) => LengthDelimited;
interface WireValueToTsValueFns extends NumericWireValueToTsValueFns { string: WireValueToTsValue<string>; bytes: WireValueToTsValue<Uint8Array>;}
interface TsValueToWireValueFns extends TsValueToNumericWireValueFns { string: TsValueToWireValue<string>; bytes: TsValueToWireValue<Uint8Array>;}
interface NumericWireValueToTsValueFns extends VarintFieldToTsValueFns { double: WireValueToTsValue<number>; float: WireValueToTsValue<number>; fixed32: WireValueToTsValue<number>; fixed64: WireValueToTsValue<string>; sfixed32: WireValueToTsValue<number>; sfixed64: WireValueToTsValue<string>;}
interface TsValueToNumericWireValueFns extends TsValueToVarintFieldFns { double: TsValueToWireValue<number>; float: TsValueToWireValue<number>; fixed32: TsValueToWireValue<number>; fixed64: TsValueToWireValue<string>; sfixed32: TsValueToWireValue<number>; sfixed64: TsValueToWireValue<string>;}
type DecodeVarintFns = typeof decodeVarintFns;const decodeVarintFns = { int32: (long: Long) => long[0] | 0, int64: (long: Long) => long.toString(true), uint32: (long: Long) => long[0] >>> 0, uint64: (long: Long) => long.toString(false), sint32: (long: Long) => decodeZigzag(long[0]), sint64: (long: Long) => decodeZigzag(long).toString(true), bool: (long: Long) => long[0] !== 0,};
type EncodeVarintFns = { [key in keyof DecodeVarintFns]: ( tsValue: ReturnType<DecodeVarintFns[key]>, ) => Long;};const encodeVarintFns: EncodeVarintFns = { int32: (tsValue) => new Long(tsValue), int64: (tsValue) => Long.parse(tsValue), uint32: (tsValue) => new Long(tsValue), uint64: (tsValue) => Long.parse(tsValue), sint32: (tsValue) => encodeZigzag(new Long(tsValue)), sint64: (tsValue) => encodeZigzag(Long.parse(tsValue)), bool: (tsValue) => new Long(+tsValue),};
type VarintFieldToTsValueFns = typeof varintFieldToTsValueFns;const varintFieldToTsValueFns = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(decodeVarintFns).map(([type, fn]) => [ type, (wireValue: Field) => { if (wireValue.type !== WireType.Varint) return; return fn(wireValue.value); }, ]),) as { [type in keyof DecodeVarintFns]: WireValueToTsValue< ReturnType<DecodeVarintFns[type]> >;};
type TsValueToVarintFieldFns = typeof tsValueToVarintFieldFns;const tsValueToVarintFieldFns = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries(encodeVarintFns).map(([type, fn]) => ([ type, <T extends never>(tsValue: T) => ({ type: WireType.Varint, value: fn(tsValue), }), ])),) as { [type in keyof DecodeVarintFns]: TsValueToWireValue< ReturnType<DecodeVarintFns[type]> >;};
export const wireValueToTsValueFns: WireValueToTsValueFns = { ...varintFieldToTsValueFns, double: (wireValue) => { if (wireValue.type !== WireType.Fixed64) return; const dataview = new DataView(wireValue.value.buffer); return dataview.getFloat64(0, true); }, float: (wireValue) => { if (wireValue.type !== WireType.Fixed32) return; const dataview = new DataView(new Uint32Array([wireValue.value]).buffer); return dataview.getFloat32(0, true); }, fixed32: (wireValue) => { if (wireValue.type !== WireType.Fixed32) return; return wireValue.value >>> 0; }, fixed64: (wireValue) => { if (wireValue.type !== WireType.Fixed64) return; return wireValue.value.toString(false); }, sfixed32: (wireValue) => { if (wireValue.type !== WireType.Fixed32) return; return wireValue.value | 0; }, sfixed64: (wireValue) => { if (wireValue.type !== WireType.Fixed64) return; return wireValue.value.toString(true); }, string: (wireValue) => { if (wireValue.type !== WireType.LengthDelimited) return; const textDecoder = new TextDecoder(); return textDecoder.decode(wireValue.value); }, bytes: (wireValue) => { if (wireValue.type !== WireType.LengthDelimited) return; return wireValue.value; },};
export const tsValueToWireValueFns: TsValueToWireValueFns = { ...tsValueToVarintFieldFns, double: (tsValue) => { const long = new Long(); const dataview = new DataView(long.buffer); dataview.setFloat64(0, tsValue, true); return { type: WireType.Fixed64, value: long }; }, float: (tsValue) => { const u32 = new Uint32Array(1); const dataview = new DataView(u32.buffer); dataview.setFloat32(0, tsValue, true); return { type: WireType.Fixed32, value: dataview.getUint32(0, true) }; }, fixed32: (tsValue) => ({ type: WireType.Fixed32, value: tsValue >>> 0 }), fixed64: (tsValue) => ({ type: WireType.Fixed64, value: Long.parse(tsValue), }), sfixed32: (tsValue) => ({ type: WireType.Fixed32, value: tsValue | 0 }), sfixed64: (tsValue) => ({ type: WireType.Fixed64, value: Long.parse(tsValue), }), string: (tsValue) => { const textEncoder = new TextEncoder(); return { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: textEncoder.encode(tsValue), }; }, bytes: (tsValue) => ({ type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: tsValue }),};
type UnpackFns = { [type in keyof NumericWireValueToTsValueFns]: Unpack< NonNullable<ReturnType<NumericWireValueToTsValueFns[type]>> >;};const unpackVarintFns = Object.fromEntries( Object.keys(decodeVarintFns).map((type) => [ type, function* (wireValues: Iterable<Field>) { type Key = keyof typeof decodeVarintFns; for (const wireValue of wireValues) { const value = wireValueToTsValueFns[type as Key](wireValue); if (value != null) yield value; else { for (const long of unpackVarint(wireValue)) { yield decodeVarintFns[type as Key](long); } } } }, ]),) as { [type in keyof DecodeVarintFns]: Unpack< ReturnType<DecodeVarintFns[type]> >;};export const unpackFns: UnpackFns = { ...unpackVarintFns, *double(wireValues) { for (const wireValue of wireValues) { const value = wireValueToTsValueFns.double(wireValue); if (value != null) yield value; else yield* unpackDouble(wireValue); } }, *float(wireValues) { for (const wireValue of wireValues) { const value = wireValueToTsValueFns.float(wireValue); if (value != null) yield value; else yield* unpackFloat(wireValue); } }, *fixed32(wireValues) { for (const wireValue of wireValues) { const value = wireValueToTsValueFns.fixed32(wireValue); if (value != null) yield value; else for (const value of unpackFixed32(wireValue)) yield value >>> 0; } }, *fixed64(wireValues) { for (const wireValue of wireValues) { const value = wireValueToTsValueFns.fixed64(wireValue); if (value != null) yield value; else { for (const value of unpackFixed64(wireValue)) { yield value.toString(false); } } } }, *sfixed32(wireValues) { for (const wireValue of wireValues) { const value = wireValueToTsValueFns.sfixed32(wireValue); if (value != null) yield value; else for (const value of unpackFixed32(wireValue)) yield value | 0; } }, *sfixed64(wireValues) { for (const wireValue of wireValues) { const value = wireValueToTsValueFns.sfixed64(wireValue); if (value != null) yield value; else { for (const value of unpackFixed64(wireValue)) { yield value.toString(true); } } } },};
type PackFns = { [type in keyof NumericWireValueToTsValueFns]: Pack< NonNullable<ReturnType<NumericWireValueToTsValueFns[type]>> >;};const packVarintFns = Object.fromEntries( Object.keys(encodeVarintFns).map((type) => [ type, function <T extends never>(tsValues: T[]) { type Key = keyof typeof encodeVarintFns; return { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value: concat( => { const value = encodeVarintFns[type as Key](tsValue); return encodeVarint(value); })), }; }, ]),) as { [type in keyof EncodeVarintFns]: Pack< ReturnType<DecodeVarintFns[type]> >;};function getFixedPackFn<T>( size: number, setFn: (dataview: DataView, byteOffset: number, value: T) => void,): Pack<T> { return function pack(values) { const value = new Uint8Array(values.length * size); const dataview = new DataView(value.buffer); for (let i = 0; i < values.length; ++i) { setFn(dataview, i * size, values[i]); } return { type: WireType.LengthDelimited, value }; };}export const packFns: PackFns = { ...packVarintFns, double: getFixedPackFn(8, (dataView, byteOffset, value) => { dataView.setFloat64(byteOffset, value, true); }), float: getFixedPackFn(4, (dataView, byteOffset, value) => { dataView.setFloat32(byteOffset, value, true); }), fixed32: getFixedPackFn(4, (dataView, byteOffset, value) => { dataView.setUint32(byteOffset, value, true); }), fixed64: getFixedPackFn(8, (dataView, byteOffset, value) => { const long = Long.parse(value); dataView.setUint32(byteOffset, long[0], true); dataView.setUint32(byteOffset + 4, long[1], true); }), sfixed32: getFixedPackFn(4, (dataView, byteOffset, value) => { dataView.setInt32(byteOffset, value, true); }), sfixed64: getFixedPackFn(8, (dataView, byteOffset, value) => { const long = Long.parse(value); dataView.setUint32(byteOffset, long[0], true); dataView.setUint32(byteOffset + 4, long[1], true); }),};
function* unpackDouble(wireValue: Field): Generator<number> { if (wireValue.type !== WireType.LengthDelimited) return; const { value } = wireValue; let idx = 0; const dataview = new DataView(value.buffer, value.byteOffset); while (idx < value.length) { const double = dataview.getFloat64(idx, true); idx += 4; yield double; }}
function* unpackFloat(wireValue: Field): Generator<number> { if (wireValue.type !== WireType.LengthDelimited) return; const { value } = wireValue; let idx = 0; const dataview = new DataView(value.buffer, value.byteOffset); while (idx < value.length) { const float = dataview.getFloat32(idx, true); idx += 4; yield float; }}
function* unpackVarint(wireValue: Field): Generator<Long> { if (wireValue.type !== WireType.LengthDelimited) return; const { value } = wireValue; let idx = 0; const offset = value.byteOffset; while (idx < value.length) { const decodeResult = decodeVarint(new DataView(value.buffer, offset + idx)); idx += decodeResult[0]; yield decodeResult[1]; }}
function* unpackFixed32(wireValue: Field): Generator<number> { if (wireValue.type !== WireType.LengthDelimited) return; const { value } = wireValue; let idx = 0; const dataview = new DataView(value.buffer, value.byteOffset); while (idx < value.length) { const fixed32 = dataview.getUint32(idx, true); idx += 4; yield fixed32; }}
function* unpackFixed64(wireValue: Field): Generator<Long> { if (wireValue.type !== WireType.LengthDelimited) return; const { value } = wireValue; let idx = 0; const dataview = new DataView(value.buffer, value.byteOffset); while (idx < value.length) { const lo = dataview.getUint32(idx, true); idx += 4; const hi = dataview.getUint32(idx, true); idx += 4; yield new Long(lo, hi); }}