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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
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interface WorkspaceFolder { uri: DocumentUri; name: string;}
export interface InitializeParams { workspaceFolders?: WorkspaceFolder[] | null;}export interface InitializeResult { capabilities: ServerCapabilities; serverInfo?: { name: string; version?: string; };}
export enum TextDocumentSyncKind { None = 0, Full = 1, Incremental = 2,}interface CompletionOptions { resolveProvider?: boolean; completionItem?: { labelDetailsSupport?: boolean; };}interface ServerCapabilities { textDocumentSync?: TextDocumentSyncKind; completionProvider?: CompletionOptions; hoverProvider?: boolean; declarationProvider?: boolean; // @TODO: Add Support for DeclarationRegistrationOptions definitionProvider?: boolean; // @TODO: Add Support for DefinitionOptions typeDefinitionProvider?: boolean; // @TODO: Add Support for TypeDefinitionRegistrationOptions implementationProvider?: boolean; // @TODO: Add Support for ImplementationRegistrationOptions semanticTokensProvider?: SemanticTokensOptions; // @TODO: Add Support for SemanticTokensRegistrationOptions referencesProvider?: boolean; workspace?: { workspaceFolders?: { supported?: boolean; }; };}
/** * @docs */interface SemanticTokensOptions extends WorkDoneProgressParams { legend: SemanticTokensLegend; range?: boolean; full?: boolean | { delta?: boolean };}/** * @docs */interface SemanticTokensLegend { tokenTypes: string[]; tokenModifiers: string[];}
/** * @docs */export interface DefinitionParams extends TextDocumentPositionParams, WorkDoneProgressParams, PartialResultParams {}
export type DefinitionResponse = Location | Location[] | LocationLink[] | null;
/** * @docs */export interface ReferenceParams extends TextDocumentPositionParams, WorkDoneProgressParams, PartialResultParams { context: ReferenceContext;}
export type ReferenceResponse = Location[] | null;
/** * @docs */export interface ReferenceContext { /** * Include the declaration of the current symbol. */ includeDeclaration: boolean;}
/** * @docs */export interface HoverParams extends TextDocumentPositionParams, WorkDoneProgressParams {}
export type HoverResponse = Hover | null;/** * The result of a hover request. * @docs */export interface Hover { /** * The hover's content * MarkedString is deprecated. Use MarkupContent instead. */ contents: MarkupContent;
/** * An optional range is a range inside a text document * that is used to visualize a hover, e.g. by changing the background color. */ range?: Range;}
/** * Requesting semantic tokens for a whole file * @docs */export interface SematicTokenParams extends WorkDoneProgressParams, PartialResultParams { /** * The text document. */ textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier;}
/** * @docs */export interface SemanticTokens { /** * An optional result id. If provided and clients support delta updating * the client will include the result id in the next semantic token request. * A server can then instead of computing all semantic tokens again simply * send a delta. */ resultId?: string;
/** * The actual tokens. */ data: uinteger[];}
/** * A `MarkupContent` literal represents a string value which content is * interpreted base on its kind flag. Currently the protocol supports * `plaintext` and `markdown` as markup kinds. * * If the kind is `markdown` then the value can contain fenced code blocks like * in GitHub issues. * * Here is an example how such a string can be constructed using * JavaScript / TypeScript: * ```typescript * let markdown: MarkdownContent = { * kind: MarkupKind.Markdown, * value: [ * '# Header', * 'Some text', * '```typescript', * 'someCode();', * '```' * ].join('\n') * }; * ``` * * *Please Note* that clients might sanitize the return markdown. A client could * decide to remove HTML from the markdown to avoid script execution. * @docs */export interface MarkupContent { /** * The type of the Markup */ kind: MarkupKind;
/** * The content itself */ value: string;}
/** * Describes the content type that a client supports in various * result literals like `Hover`, `ParameterInfo` or `CompletionItem`. * * Please note that `MarkupKinds` must not start with a `$`. This kinds * are reserved for internal usage. * @docs */export type MarkupKind = "plaintext" | "markdown";
/** * A parameter literal used to pass a partial result token. * @docs */export interface PartialResultParams { /** * An optional token that a server can use to report partial results (e.g. * streaming) to the client. */ partialResultToken?: ProgressToken;}
/** * @docs */interface WorkDoneProgressParams { /** * An optional token that a server can use to report work done progress. */ workDoneToken?: ProgressToken;}
/** * @docs */interface TextDocumentPositionParams { textDocument: TextDocumentIdentifier; position: Position;}
/** * Text documents are identified using a URI. On the protocol level, URIs are passed as strings. The corresponding JSON structure looks like this: * @docs */interface TextDocumentIdentifier { /** * The text document's URI. */ uri: DocumentUri;}
/** * Options to dynamically register for requests for a set of text documents. * @docs */interface TextDocumentRegistrationOptions { documentSelector: DocumentSelector | null;}
/** * A document selector is the combination of one or more document filters. * @docs */type DocumentSelector = DocumentFilter[];
/** * A document filter denotes a document through properties like language, scheme or pattern. An example is a filter that applies to TypeScript files on disk. Another example is a filter the applies to JSON files with name package.json * @docs */interface DocumentFilter { language?: string; scheme?: string; pattern?: string;}
/** * Represents a location inside a resource, such as a line inside a text file. * @docs */export interface Location { uri: DocumentUri; range: Range;}
/** * Represents a link between a source and a target location. * @docs */interface LocationLink { /** * Span of the origin of this link. * * Used as the underlined span for mouse interaction. Defaults to the word * range at the mouse position. */ originSelectionRange?: Range;
/** * The target resource identifier of this link. */ targetUri: DocumentUri;
/** * The full target range of this link. If the target for example is a symbol * then target range is the range enclosing this symbol not including * leading/trailing whitespace but everything else like comments. This * information is typically used to highlight the range in the editor. */ targetRange: Range;
/** * The range that should be selected and revealed when this link is being * followed, e.g the name of a function. Must be contained by the the * `targetRange`. See also `DocumentSymbol#range` */ targetSelectionRange: Range;}
/** * A range in a text document expressed as (zero-based) start and end positions. A range is comparable to a selection in an editor. Therefore the end position is exclusive. If you want to specify a range that contains a line including the line ending character(s) then use an end position denoting the start of the next line. * @docs */interface Range { /** * The range's start position. */ start: Position;
/** * The range's end position. */ end: Position;}
/** * Position in a text document expressed as zero-based line and zero-based character offset. A position is between two characters like an ‘insert’ cursor in an editor. Special values like for example -1 to denote the end of a line are not supported. * @docs */export interface Position { /** * Line position in a document (zero-based). */ line: uinteger;
/** * Character offset on a line in a document (zero-based). Assuming that * the line is represented as a string, the `character` value represents * the gap between the `character` and `character + 1`. * * If the character value is greater than the line length it defaults back * to the line length. */ character: uinteger;}
/** * @docs */type ProgressToken = integer | string;
/** * @docs */interface ProgressParams<T> { /** * The progress token provided by the client or server. */ token: ProgressToken;
/** * The progress data. */ value: T;}
/** * Defines an integer number in the range of -2^31 to 2^31 - 1. * @docs */export type integer = number;
/** * Defines an unsigned integer number in the range of 0 to 2^31 - 1. * @docs */export type uinteger = number;
type DocumentUri = string;