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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
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import { basename } from "";import { StringReader } from "";import { Rpc, RpcType, Schema, Service } from "../../core/schema/model.ts";import { pascalToCamel } from "../../misc/case.ts";import { CodeEntry } from "../index.ts";
export interface GenConfig { hostServicePaths: Set<`.${string}`>; guestServicePaths: Set<`.${string}`>;}export default async function* gen( schema: Schema, config: GenConfig,): AsyncGenerator<CodeEntry> { const { hostServicePaths, guestServicePaths } = config; const servicePaths = new Set([...hostServicePaths, ...guestServicePaths]); for (const servicePath of servicePaths) { yield genWrpService( schema, servicePath, hostServicePaths.has(servicePath), guestServicePaths.has(servicePath), ); }}
export function genWrpService( schema: Schema, servicePath: `.${string}`, host: boolean, guest: boolean,): CodeEntry { const service =[servicePath]; const javaPackage = getJavaPackage(schema, service.filePath); const serviceName = servicePath.split(".").pop()!; function getMethodString(rpcName: string): string { return `"${servicePath.slice(1)}/${rpcName}"`; } const context: GenWrpServiceContext = { schema, service, serviceName, getMethodString, }; const streamIncluded = Object.values(service.rpcs).some((rpc) => { return ||; }); return [ `${javaPackage.replaceAll(".", "/")}/${serviceName}.kt`, new StringReader([ `package ${javaPackage}\n`, "\n", "import dev.pbkit.wrp.core.WrpGuest\n", "import dev.pbkit.wrp.core.WrpRequest\n", "import dev.pbkit.wrp.core.WrpServer\n", "import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.Channel\n", streamIncluded ? "import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ReceiveChannel\n" : "", "import kotlinx.coroutines.coroutineScope\n", "import kotlinx.coroutines.launch\n", "\n", [ genWrpServiceInterface(context), guest && genWrpServiceClass(context), host && genWrpServiceServeFunction(context), ].filter(Boolean).join("\n"), ].join("")), ];}
interface GenWrpServiceContext { schema: Schema; service: Service; serviceName: string; getMethodString: (rpcName: string) => string;}
function getMethodSignature(schema: Schema, rpcName: string, rpc: Rpc): string { const { reqType, resType } = rpc; const reqTypeKt = rpcTypeToKt(schema, reqType); const resTypeKt = rpcTypeToKt(schema, resType); const camelRpcName = pascalToCamel(rpcName); if (! && ! { return `suspend fun ${camelRpcName}(req: ${reqTypeKt}): ${resTypeKt}`; } else if (! && { return `suspend fun ${camelRpcName}(req: ${reqTypeKt}): ReceiveChannel<${resTypeKt}>`; } else if ( && ! { return `suspend fun ${camelRpcName}(req: ReceiveChannel<${reqTypeKt}>): ${resTypeKt}`; } else { return `suspend fun ${camelRpcName}(req: ReceiveChannel<${reqTypeKt}>): ReceiveChannel<${resTypeKt}>`; }}
function genWrpServiceInterface( { schema, service, serviceName }: GenWrpServiceContext,): string { return [ `interface ${serviceName} {\n`, Object.entries(service.rpcs).map( ([rpcName, rpc]) => ` ${getMethodSignature(schema, rpcName, rpc)}\n`, ).join(""), "}\n", ].join("");}
function genWrpServiceClass( { schema, service, serviceName, getMethodString }: GenWrpServiceContext,): string { return [ `class Wrp${serviceName} constructor(private val wrpGuest: WrpGuest) : ${serviceName} {\n`, Object.entries(service.rpcs).map(([rpcName, rpc]) => { const resTypeKt = rpcTypeToKt(schema, rpc.resType); const reqStream =; const resStream =; const methodSignature = getMethodSignature(schema, rpcName, rpc); return [ ` override ${methodSignature} {\n`, " val reqChannel = Channel<ByteArray>()\n", resStream ? ` val resChannel = Channel<${resTypeKt}>()\n` : ` var res: ${resTypeKt}? = null\n`, " coroutineScope {\n", " launch {\n", reqStream ? " for (item in req) reqChannel.send(item.toByteArray())\n" : " reqChannel.send(req.toByteArray())\n", " reqChannel.close()\n", " }\n", (resStream ? [ "launch {", " wrpGuest.request(", ` ${getMethodString(rpcName)},`, " reqChannel,", " mapOf(),", " {},", ` { payload -> resChannel.send(${resTypeKt}.parseFrom(payload)) },`, " {}", " )", "}", ] : [ "wrpGuest.request(", ` ${getMethodString(rpcName)},`, " reqChannel,", " mapOf(),", " {},", ` { payload -> res = ${resTypeKt}.parseFrom(payload) },`, " {}", ")", ]).map((line) => ` ${line}\n`).join(""), " }\n", ` return ${resStream ? "resChannel" : "res!!"}\n`, " }\n", ].join(""); }).join(""), "}\n", ].join("");}
function genWrpServiceServeFunction( { schema, service, serviceName, getMethodString }: GenWrpServiceContext,): string { return [ `fun serveWrp${serviceName}(impl: ${serviceName}): WrpServer {\n`, " val availableMethods: Set<String> = setOf(\n", Object.entries(service.rpcs).map( ([rpcName]) => ` ${getMethodString(rpcName)},\n`, ).join(""), " )\n", " return object : WrpServer(availableMethods) {\n", " override fun handleRequest(request: WrpRequest) {\n", " request.scope.launch {\n", " request.sendHeader(mapOf())\n", " try {\n", " when (request.methodName) {\n", Object.entries(service.rpcs).map(([rpcName, rpc]) => { const indent = " "; const { reqType, resType } = rpc; const reqTypeKt = rpcTypeToKt(schema, reqType); const camelRpcName = pascalToCamel(rpcName); if (! && ! { return [ `${getMethodString(rpcName)} -> {\n`, " for (byteArray in request.req) {\n", ` val req = ${reqTypeKt}.parseFrom(byteArray)\n`, ` val res = impl.${camelRpcName}(req).toByteArray()\n`, " request.sendPayload(res)\n", " request.req.close()\n", " break\n", " }\n", "}\n", ].map((line) => `${indent}${line}`).join(""); } else if (! && { return [ `${getMethodString(rpcName)} -> {\n`, " for (byteArray in request.req) {\n", ` val req = ${reqTypeKt}.parseFrom(byteArray)\n`, ` for (res in impl.${camelRpcName}(req)) {\n`, " request.sendPayload(res.toByteArray())\n", " }\n", " request.req.close()\n", " break\n", " }\n", "}\n", ].map((line) => `${indent}${line}`).join(""); } else if ( && ! { return [ `${getMethodString(rpcName)} -> {\n`, ` val req = produce {\n`, ` for (byteArray in request.req) {\n`, ` val req = ${reqTypeKt}.parseFrom(byteArray)\n`, ` send(req)\n`, ` }\n`, ` }\n`, ` val res = impl.${camelRpcName}(req).toByteArray()\n`, " request.sendPayload(res)\n", " req.close()\n", "}\n", ].map((line) => `${indent}${line}`).join(""); } else { return [ `${getMethodString(rpcName)} -> {\n`, ` val req = produce {\n`, ` for (byteArray in request.req) {\n`, ` val req = ${reqTypeKt}.parseFrom(byteArray)\n`, ` send(req)\n`, ` }\n`, ` }\n`, ` for (res in impl.${camelRpcName}(req)) {\n`, " request.sendPayload(res.toByteArray())\n", " }\n", " req.close()\n", "}\n", ].map((line) => `${indent}${line}`).join(""); } }).join(""), " }\n", " request.sendTrailer(mapOf())\n", " } catch (error: Exception) {\n", " val trailer = mutableMapOf<String, String>()\n", ' trailer["wrp-status"] = "error"\n', ' trailer["wrp-message"] = error.message ?: ""\n', " request.sendTrailer(trailer)\n", " }\n", " }\n", " }\n", " }\n", "}\n", ].join("");}
function rpcTypeToKt(schema: Schema, rpcType: RpcType): string { const typePath = rpcType.typePath as `.${string}`; const { filePath } = schema.types[typePath]; const javaPackage = getJavaPackage(schema, filePath); const javaOuterClassname = getJavaOuterClassname(schema, filePath); const typeName = typePath.split(".").pop()!; return `${javaPackage}.${javaOuterClassname}.${typeName}`;}
function getJavaPackage(schema: Schema, filePath: string): string { const file = schema.files[filePath]; return String(file.options["java_package"] || file.package || "");}
// Check where there is any type defined (message, enum, service) in the proto file that has the given class name.// getJavaOuterClassname(schema: Schema, filePath: string): string { if (schema.files[filePath].options["java_outer_classname"]) { return String(schema.files[filePath].options["java_outer_classname"]); } const defaultJavaOuterClassname = getDefaultJavaOuterClassname(filePath); const conflict = Object.entries(schema.types).some(checkIfConflict) || Object.entries(; if (conflict) { return defaultJavaOuterClassname + "OuterClass"; } return defaultJavaOuterClassname; function checkIfConflict( [typePath, { filePath: typeFilePath }]: [ typePath: string, value: { filePath: string }, ], ): boolean { const type = typePath.split(".").pop()!; return typeFilePath === filePath && defaultJavaOuterClassname.toUpperCase() === type.toUpperCase(); }}
function getDefaultJavaOuterClassname(filePath: string): string { return underscoresToCamelCase(basename(filePath, ".proto"), true);}
// underscoresToCamelCase(input: string, capNextLetter: boolean): string { const result: string[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < input.length; ++i) { if ("a" <= input[i] && input[i] <= "z") { if (capNextLetter) { result.push(input[i].toUpperCase()); } else { result.push(input[i]); } capNextLetter = false; } else if ("A" <= input[i] && input[i] <= "Z") { if (i === 0 && !capNextLetter) { result.push(input[i].toLowerCase()); } else { result.push(input[i]); } capNextLetter = false; } else if ("0" <= input[i] && input[i] <= "9") { result.push(input[i]); capNextLetter = true; } else { capNextLetter = true; } } if (input[input.length - 1] === "#") { result.push("_"); } return result.join("");}