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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
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import { StringReader } from "";import { ScalarValueTypePath } from "../../core/runtime/scalar.ts";import * as schema from "../../core/schema/model.ts";import { CodeEntry } from "../index.ts";import { join } from "../path.ts";import { CustomTypeMapping, GenMessagesConfig, getSwiftFullName, getTypePath, toSwiftName,} from "./index.ts";import { prefixStripper, sanitizeEnumCaseName, sanitizeEnumName, sanitizeFieldName, sanitizeMessageName, toCamelCase,} from "./swift-protobuf/name.ts";
export interface GenConfig { messages: GenMessagesConfig; customTypeMapping: CustomTypeMapping;}export default function* gen( schema: schema.Schema, config: GenConfig,): Generator<CodeEntry> { const { messages, customTypeMapping } = config; const typePaths = messages.typePaths ?? Object.keys(schema.types); for (const typePath of typePaths) { const type = schema.types[typePath]; // Dependent on SwiftProtobuf's well-known types codegen (ex. .google.protobuf.Timestamp) if (typePath.startsWith(".google.protobuf")) continue; switch (type.kind) { case "enum": yield* genEnum({ schema, type, typePath, messages }); continue; case "message": yield* genMessage({ schema, type, typePath, messages, customTypeMapping, }); continue; } }}
interface Enum { schema: schema.Enum; fields: [string, EnumField][];}interface EnumField extends schema.EnumField { swiftName: string;}interface GenEnumConfig { schema: schema.Schema; type: schema.Enum; typePath: string; messages: GenMessagesConfig;}function* genEnum(config: GenEnumConfig): Generator<CodeEntry> { const { schema, type, typePath, messages } = config; const { parentTypePath, relativeTypePath } = getTypePath({ schema, typePath, }); const swiftName = sanitizeEnumName(toSwiftName(relativeTypePath)); const swiftFullName = getSwiftFullName({ schema, typePath }); const parentSwiftFullName = getSwiftFullName({ schema, typePath: parentTypePath, }); const enumName = typePath.split(".").pop()!; const filePath = getFilePath(typePath, messages); const packageName = getPackageName(schema.files, type.filePath); const fields = Object.entries<schema.EnumField>({ "0": { description: { leading: [], trailing: [], leadingDetached: [] }, name: "UNSPECIFIED", options: {}, }, ...type.fields, }); const getCodeConfig: GetEnumCodeConfig = { enum: { schema: type, fields: }, typePath, messages, swiftName, swiftFullName, parentSwiftFullName, }; const typeDefCode = getEnumTypeDefCode(getCodeConfig); const typeExtensionCode = getTypeExtensionCode(getCodeConfig); const caseIterableCode = getCaseIterableCode(getCodeConfig); const protoNameMapCode = getNameMapCode(getCodeConfig); yield [ filePath, new StringReader( [ getImportCode(), `fileprivate let _protobuf_package = "${packageName}"\n`, getProtocGenSwiftVersionCode(), typeDefCode, "\n", caseIterableCode, "\n", protoNameMapCode, "\n", typeExtensionCode, ].join(""), ), ]; function toEnumField( [fieldNumber, field]: [string, schema.EnumField], ): [string, EnumField] { return [fieldNumber, { ...field, swiftName: sanitizeEnumCaseName( toCamelCase(prefixStripper(, enumName)), ), }]; }}
interface Message { schema: schema.Message; collectionFieldNumbers: Set<number>; everyFieldNames: Map<number, string>; fields: Field[]; oneofFields: OneofField[];}export interface Field { schema: schema.MessageField; fieldNumber: number; swiftName: string; swiftType: string; swiftProtobufType: string; // scalar type or Message | Enum isEnum: boolean; isMessage: boolean; default: string | undefined;}interface OneofField { swiftName: string; fields: Field[];}interface GenMessageConfig { schema: schema.Schema; typePath: string; type: schema.Message; customTypeMapping: CustomTypeMapping; messages: GenMessagesConfig;}function* genMessage( { schema, typePath, type, customTypeMapping, messages }: GenMessageConfig,): Generator<CodeEntry> { const filePath = getFilePath(typePath, messages); const packageName = getPackageName(schema.files, type.filePath); const { parentTypePath, relativeTypePath } = getTypePath({ schema, typePath, }); const swiftName = sanitizeMessageName( getSwiftFullName({ schema, typePath: relativeTypePath }), ); const swiftFullName = getSwiftFullName({ schema, typePath }); const parentSwiftFullName = getSwiftFullName({ schema, typePath: parentTypePath, }); type NonOneofMessageField = Exclude<schema.MessageField, schema.OneofField>; const schemaFields = Object.entries(type.fields); const schemaOneofFields = schemaFields.filter( ([, field]) => field.kind === "oneof", ) as [string, schema.OneofField][]; const schemaNonOneofFields = schemaFields.filter( ([, field]) => field.kind !== "oneof", ) as [string, NonOneofMessageField][]; const collections = schemaNonOneofFields.filter( ([, field]) => field.kind === "map" || field.kind === "repeated", ); const collectionFieldNumbers = new Set([fieldNumber]) => +fieldNumber), ); const everyFieldNames = new Map( ([fieldNumber, { name }]) => [+fieldNumber, toCamelCase(name)], ), ); const oneofFieldTable: { [oneof: string]: OneofField } = {}; for (const schemaOneofField of schemaOneofFields) { const [, schemaField] = schemaOneofField; if (schemaField.kind !== "oneof") continue; const swiftName = toCamelCase(schemaField.oneof); const oneofField = oneofFieldTable[swiftName] ?? { swiftName, fields: [] }; oneofField.fields.push(toField(schemaOneofField)); oneofFieldTable[swiftName] = oneofField; } const message: Message = { schema: type, collectionFieldNumbers, everyFieldNames, fields:, oneofFields: Object.values(oneofFieldTable), }; const getCodeConfig: GetMessageCodeConfig = { typePath, message, messages, schema, customTypeMapping, swiftName, swiftFullName, parentSwiftFullName, getSwiftType(typePath?: string) { return pbTypeToSwiftType({ customTypeMapping, schema, typePath }); }, }; const typeDefCode = getMessageTypeDefCode(getCodeConfig); const decodeMessageCode = getDecodeMessageCode(getCodeConfig); const traverseCode = getTraverseCode(getCodeConfig); const typeExtensionCode = getTypeExtensionCode(getCodeConfig); const protoNameMapCode = getNameMapCode(getCodeConfig); const messageOperatorCode = getMessageOperatorCode(getCodeConfig); yield [ filePath, new StringReader([ getImportCode(), `fileprivate let _protobuf_package = "${packageName}"\n`, getProtocGenSwiftVersionCode(), typeDefCode, "\n", typeExtensionCode, "\n", protoNameMapCode, "\n", decodeMessageCode, "\n", traverseCode, "\n", messageOperatorCode, ].join("")), ]; function toField([fieldNumber, field]: [string, schema.MessageField]): Field { return { schema: field, fieldNumber: +fieldNumber, swiftName: sanitizeFieldName(toCamelCase(, swiftType: getFieldTypeCode(field), swiftProtobufType: getFieldProtobufTypeCode(field), isEnum: getFieldIsEnum(field), isMessage: getFieldIsMessage(field), default: getFieldDefaultCode(field), }; } function getFieldTypeCode(field: schema.MessageField): string { if (field.kind !== "map") return toSwiftType(field.typePath); const keyTypeName = toSwiftType(field.keyTypePath); const valueTypeName = toSwiftType(field.valueTypePath); return `Dictionary<${keyTypeName}, ${valueTypeName}>`; } function getFieldProtobufTypeCode(field: schema.MessageField): string { if (field.kind === "map") { return "Map"; } if (field.typePath! in schema.types) { const kind = schema.types[field.typePath!].kind; switch (kind) { case "message": return "Message"; case "enum": return "Enum"; } } if (field.typePath! in scalarSwiftProtobufTypeMapping) { return scalarSwiftProtobufTypeMapping[ field.typePath as ScalarValueTypePath ]; } return "Unknown"; } function getFieldIsEnum(field: schema.MessageField): boolean { if (field.kind === "map") return false; if (!field.typePath) return false; return schema.types[field.typePath]?.kind === "enum"; } function getFieldIsMessage(field: schema.MessageField): boolean { if (field.kind === "map") return false; if (!field.typePath) return false; return schema.types[field.typePath]?.kind === "message"; } function getFieldDefaultCode(field: schema.MessageField): string | undefined { if (field.kind === "repeated") return "[]"; if (field.kind === "map") return "[:]"; if (field.typePath! in scalarTypeDefaultValueCodes) { return scalarTypeDefaultValueCodes[field.typePath as ScalarValueTypePath]; } const fieldType = schema.types[field.typePath!]; if (fieldType?.kind === "enum") { return ".init()"; } } function toSwiftType(typePath?: string) { return pbTypeToSwiftType({ customTypeMapping, schema, typePath }); }}
// @TODO(hyp3rflow): handling on undefinedfunction getPackageName(files: schema.Schema["files"], filePath: string) { return files[filePath]?.package ?? "";}
export function getFilePath( typePath: string, messages: GenMessagesConfig, ext = ".pb.swift",): string { return join( messages.outDir, typePath .replace(/^\./, "") + ext, );}
function getTypeExtensionCodeBase( parentSwiftName: string | undefined, codes: string[],) { if (parentSwiftName) { return [ `extension ${parentSwiftName} {\n`, => code ? ` ${code}` : code), "}\n", ].join(""); } return codes.join("");}
export function getImportCode() { return [ "import SwiftProtobuf\n", "import Foundation\n", "\n", ].join("");}
export function getProtocGenSwiftVersionCode() { return [ "fileprivate struct _GeneratedWithProtocGenSwiftVersion: SwiftProtobuf.ProtobufAPIVersionCheck {\n", " struct _2: SwiftProtobuf.ProtobufAPIVersion_2 {}\n", " typealias Version = _2\n", "}\n", "\n", ].join("");}
interface GetCodeConfig { typePath: string; swiftName: string; swiftFullName: string; parentSwiftFullName?: string; messages: GenMessagesConfig;}interface GetMessageCodeConfig extends GetCodeConfig { message: Message; schema: schema.Schema; customTypeMapping: CustomTypeMapping; getSwiftType(typePath?: string): string;}interface GetEnumCodeConfig extends GetCodeConfig { enum: Enum;}type GetCodeFn<T extends GetCodeConfig = GetCodeConfig> = (config: T) => string;
const getEnumTypeDefCode: GetCodeFn<GetEnumCodeConfig> = (config) => { const { parentSwiftFullName, swiftName, enum: { fields } } = config; return getTypeExtensionCodeBase(parentSwiftFullName, [ `public enum ${swiftName}: SwiftProtobuf.Enum {\n`, " public typealias RawValue = Int\n",[fieldNumber, { swiftName }]) => ` case ${swiftName} // = ${fieldNumber}\n` ), " case UNRECOGNIZED(Int)\n", "\n", " public init() {\n", ` self = .${ fields.find(([fieldNumber]) => fieldNumber === "0")![1].swiftName }\n`, " }\n", "\n", " public init?(rawValue: Int) {\n", " switch rawValue {\n",[fieldNumber, { swiftName }]) => ` case ${fieldNumber}: self = .${swiftName}\n` ), " default: self = .UNRECOGNIZED(rawValue)\n", " }\n", " }\n", "\n", " public var rawValue: Int {\n", " switch self {\n",[fieldNumber, { swiftName }]) => ` case .${swiftName}: return ${fieldNumber}\n` ), " case .UNRECOGNIZED(let value): return value\n", " }\n", " }\n", "}\n", ]);};
const getCaseIterableCode: GetCodeFn<GetEnumCodeConfig> = (config) => { const { swiftFullName, enum: { fields } } = config; return [ `#if swift(>=4.2)\n\n`, `extension ${swiftFullName}: CaseIterable {\n`, ` public static var allCases: [${swiftFullName}] {\n`, " return [\n",[, { swiftName }]) => ` .${swiftName},\n`), " ]\n", " }\n", "}\n\n", `#endif\n`, ].join("");};
const getMessageTypeDefCode: GetCodeFn<GetMessageCodeConfig> = (config) => { const { message } = config; const typeBodyCodes: string[] = []; if (message.fields.length) typeBodyCodes.push(...getFieldsCode()); if (message.oneofFields.length) typeBodyCodes.push(getOneofsCode()); return getTypeExtensionCodeBase(config.parentSwiftFullName, [ `public struct ${config.swiftName} {\n`, ...typeBodyCodes, " public var unknownFields = SwiftProtobuf.UnknownStorage()\n\n", " public init() {}\n", "}\n", ]); function getFieldsCode() { return message.fields.flatMap( ( { swiftName, swiftType, default: defaultValue, schema, isMessage, }, ) => { const isRepeated = schema.kind === "repeated"; if (!isRepeated && isMessage) { return [ ` fileprivate var _${swiftName}: ${swiftType}? = nil\n\n`, ` public var ${swiftName}: ${swiftType} {\n`, ` get {return _${swiftName} ?? ${swiftType}()}\n`, ` set {_${swiftName} = newValue}\n`, " }\n\n", ` public var has${ toCamelCase(swiftName, true) }: Bool {return self._${swiftName} != nil}\n\n`, ` public mutating func clear${ toCamelCase(swiftName, true) }() {self._${swiftName} = nil}\n\n`, ]; } return [ ` public var ${swiftName}: ${ isRepeated ? `[${swiftType}]` : swiftType }${defaultValue !== undefined ? ` = ${defaultValue}` : ""}\n\n`, ]; }, ); } function getOneofsCode() { return{ swiftName, fields }) => { const oneofSwiftName = `OneOf_${toCamelCase(swiftName, true)}`; const oneofSwiftFullName = `${config.swiftName}.${oneofSwiftName}`; const sanitizedSwiftName = sanitizeFieldName(swiftName); const oneofVariableCode = getOneofVariableCode(); const oneofFieldCode = getOneofFieldCode(); const oneofEquatableEnumCode = getOneofEquatableEnumCode(); return [ oneofVariableCode, oneofFieldCode, oneofEquatableEnumCode, ].join(""); function getOneofVariableCode() { return ` public var ${sanitizedSwiftName}: ${oneofSwiftFullName}? = nil\n\n`; } function getOneofFieldCode() { return ({ swiftName: fieldSwiftName, swiftType, schema }) => { if (schema.kind === "map") throw new Error("Unreachable error"); return [ ` public var ${fieldSwiftName}: ${swiftType} {\n`, ` get {\n`, ` if case .${fieldSwiftName}(let v)? = ${sanitizedSwiftName} {return v}\n`, ` return .init()\n`, ` }\n`, ` set {${sanitizedSwiftName} = .${fieldSwiftName}(newValue)}\n`, ` }\n\n`, ].join(""); }, ).join(""); } function getOneofEquatableEnumCode() { return [ ` public enum ${oneofSwiftName}: Equatable {\n`,{ swiftName, swiftType }) => { return [ ` case ${swiftName}(${swiftType})\n`, ].join(""); }), "\n", ` #if !swift(>=4.1)\n`, ` public static func == (lhs: ${oneofSwiftFullName}, rhs: ${oneofSwiftFullName}) -> Bool {\n`, ` switch (lhs, rhs) {\n`,{ swiftName }) => { return [ ` case (.${swiftName}, .${swiftName}): return {\n`, ` guard case .${swiftName}(let l) = lhs, case .${swiftName}(let r) = rhs else { preconditionFailure() }\n`, ` return l == r\n`, ` }()\n`, ].join(""); }), ` default:\n`, ` return false\n`, ` }\n`, ` }\n`, ` #endif\n`, ` }\n\n`, ].join(""); } }).join(""); }};
const getNameMapCode: GetCodeFn<GetEnumCodeConfig | GetMessageCodeConfig> = ( config,) => { const { swiftFullName } = config; const buffer = [ `extension ${swiftFullName}: SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding {\n`, ` public static let protoMessageName: String = _protobuf_package + ".${ config.typePath.split(".").pop() }"\n`, " public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = ", ]; if (isGetEnumCodeConfig(config)) { const { enum: { fields } } = config; if (fields.length > 0) { buffer.push( "[\n",[fieldNumber, { name }]) => ` ${fieldNumber}: .same(proto: "${name}"),\n` ), " ]\n", ); } else { buffer.push("[:]\n"); } } else { const { message: { schema: { fields: _fields } } } = config; const fields = Object.entries(_fields); if (fields.length > 0) { buffer.push( "[\n", [fieldNumber, { name }], ) => ` ${fieldNumber}: .same(proto: "${name}"),\n`), " ]\n", ); } else { buffer.push("[:]\n"); } } buffer.push( "}\n", ); return buffer.join("");};
const getDecodeMessageCode: GetCodeFn<GetMessageCodeConfig> = (config) => { const { getSwiftType } = config; return [ `extension ${config.swiftFullName}: SwiftProtobuf.Message, SwiftProtobuf._MessageImplementationBase {\n`, ` public mutating func decodeMessage<D: SwiftProtobuf.Decoder>(decoder: inout D) throws {\n`, ` while let fieldNumber = try decoder.nextFieldNumber() {\n`, ` switch fieldNumber {\n`, ({ fieldNumber, swiftName, swiftProtobufType, schema, isMessage, }) => { const isRepeated = schema.kind === "repeated"; if (schema.kind === "map") { const swiftKeyType = getSwiftType(schema.keyTypePath); const swiftValueType = getSwiftType(schema.valueTypePath); const swiftValueName = getSwiftFullName({ schema: config.schema, typePath: schema.valueTypePath, }); const valueKind = config.schema.types[schema.valueTypePath!]?.kind; if (valueKind === "message") { return [ ` case ${fieldNumber}: try decoder.decodeMapField(fieldType: SwiftProtobuf._ProtobufMessageMap<SwiftProtobuf.Protobuf${swiftKeyType}, ${swiftValueName}>.self, value: &self.${swiftName})\n`, ].join(""); } if (valueKind === "enum") { return [ ` case ${fieldNumber}: try decoder.decodeMapField(fieldType: SwiftProtobuf._ProtobufEnumMap<SwiftProtobuf.Protobuf${swiftKeyType}, ${swiftValueName}>.self, value: &self.${swiftName})\n`, ].join(""); } return [ ` case ${fieldNumber}: try decoder.decodeMapField(fieldType: SwiftProtobuf._ProtobufMap<SwiftProtobuf.Protobuf${swiftKeyType}, SwiftProtobuf.Protobuf${swiftValueType}>.self, value: &self.${swiftName})\n`, ].join(""); } return [ ` case ${fieldNumber}: try decoder.decode${ isRepeated ? "Repeated" : "Singular" }${swiftProtobufType}Field(value: &self.${ !isRepeated && isMessage ? "_" : "" }${swiftName})\n`, ].join(""); }, ), ({ swiftName: parentSwiftName, fields, }) => { return{ fieldNumber, swiftName, swiftType, swiftProtobufType, isMessage, }) => { const sanitizedParentSwiftName = sanitizeFieldName(parentSwiftName); if (isMessage) { return [ ` case ${fieldNumber}: try {\n`, ` var v: ${swiftType}?\n`, ` var hadOneofValue = false\n`, ` if let current = self.${sanitizedParentSwiftName} {\n`, ` hadOneofValue = true\n`, ` if case .${swiftName}(let m) = current {v = m}\n`, ` }\n`, ` try decoder.decodeSingular${swiftProtobufType}Field(value: &v)\n`, ` if let v = v {\n`, ` if hadOneofValue {try decoder.handleConflictingOneOf()}\n`, ` self.${sanitizedParentSwiftName} = .${swiftName}(v)\n`, ` }\n`, ` }()\n`, ].join(""); } return [ ` case ${fieldNumber}: try {\n`, ` var v: ${swiftType}?\n`, ` try decoder.decodeSingular${swiftProtobufType}Field(value: &v)\n`, ` if let v = v {\n`, ` if self.${sanitizedParentSwiftName} != nil {try decoder.handleConflictingOneOf()}\n`, ` self.${sanitizedParentSwiftName} = .${swiftName}(v)\n`, ` }\n`, ` }()\n`, ].join(""); }).join(""); }, ), ` default: break\n`, ` }\n`, ` }\n`, ` }\n`, `}\n`, ].join("");};
const getTraverseCode: GetCodeFn<GetMessageCodeConfig> = (config) => { const { getSwiftType } = config; return [ `extension ${config.swiftFullName} {\n`, ` public func traverse<V: SwiftProtobuf.Visitor>(visitor: inout V) throws {\n`, ({ fieldNumber, swiftName, swiftProtobufType, schema, default: defaultValue, isEnum, }) => { const buffer: string[] = []; const isRepeated = schema.kind === "repeated"; if (isRepeated) { buffer.push( ` if !self.${swiftName}.isEmpty {\n`, ` try visitor.visitRepeated${swiftProtobufType}Field(value: self.${swiftName}, fieldNumber: ${fieldNumber})\n`, ` }\n`, ); } else if (schema.kind === "map") { const swiftKeyType = getSwiftType(schema.keyTypePath); const swiftValueType = getSwiftType(schema.valueTypePath); const swiftValueName = getSwiftFullName({ schema: config.schema, typePath: schema.valueTypePath, }); buffer.push( ` if !self.${swiftName}.isEmpty {\n`, ); const valueKind = config.schema.types[schema.valueTypePath!]?.kind; if (valueKind === "message") { buffer.push( ` try visitor.visitMapField(fieldType: SwiftProtobuf._ProtobufMessageMap<SwiftProtobuf.Protobuf${swiftKeyType}, ${swiftValueName}>.self, value: self.${swiftName}, fieldNumber: ${fieldNumber})\n`, ); } else if (valueKind === "enum") { buffer.push( ` try visitor.visitMapField(fieldType: SwiftProtobuf._ProtobufEnumMap<SwiftProtobuf.Protobuf${swiftKeyType}, ${swiftValueName}>.self, value: self.${swiftName}, fieldNumber: ${fieldNumber})\n`, ); } else { buffer.push( ` try visitor.visitMapField(fieldType: SwiftProtobuf._ProtobufMap<SwiftProtobuf.Protobuf${swiftKeyType}, SwiftProtobuf.Protobuf${swiftValueType}>.self, value: self.${swiftName}, fieldNumber: ${fieldNumber})\n`, ); } buffer.push( ` }\n`, ); } else { if (swiftProtobufType === "Message") { buffer.push( ` try { if let v = self._${swiftName} {\n`, ` try visitor.visitSingularMessageField(value: v, fieldNumber: ${fieldNumber})\n`, ` } }()\n`, ); } else { buffer.push( ` if self.${swiftName} != ${defaultValue} {\n`, ` try visitor.visitSingular${swiftProtobufType}Field(value: self.${swiftName}, fieldNumber: ${fieldNumber})\n`, ` }\n`, ); } } return buffer.join(""); }, ), ({ swiftName: parentSwiftName, fields, }) => { const sanitizedParentSwiftName = sanitizeFieldName(parentSwiftName); return [ ` switch self.${sanitizedParentSwiftName} {\n`,{ fieldNumber, swiftName, swiftProtobufType, }) => { return [ ` case .${swiftName}?: try {\n`, ` guard case .${swiftName}(let v)? = self.${sanitizedParentSwiftName} else { preconditionFailure() }\n`, ` try visitor.visitSingular${swiftProtobufType}Field(value: v, fieldNumber: ${fieldNumber})\n`, ` }()\n`, ].join(""); }).join(""), ` default: break\n`, ` }\n`, ].join(""); }, ), ` try unknownFields.traverse(visitor: &visitor)\n`, ` }\n`, `}\n`, ].join("");};
const getMessageOperatorCode: GetCodeFn<GetMessageCodeConfig> = (config) => { const { swiftFullName, message } = config; return [ `extension ${swiftFullName} {\n`, ` public static func == (lhs: ${swiftFullName}, rhs: ${swiftFullName}) -> Bool {\n`, => { const swiftName = `${ field.isMessage && field.schema.kind !== "repeated" ? "_" : "" }${field.swiftName}`; return ` if lhs.${swiftName} != rhs.${swiftName} { return false }\n`; }).join(""), => { const swiftName = sanitizeFieldName(field.swiftName); return ` if lhs.${swiftName} != rhs.${swiftName} { return false }\n`; }).join(""), ` if lhs.unknownFields != rhs.unknownFields { return false }\n`, ` return true\n`, ` }\n`, `}\n`, ].join("");};
const getTypeExtensionCode: GetCodeFn<GetCodeConfig | GetMessageCodeConfig> = ( config,) => { const sendableCode = getSendableCode(); return [sendableCode].join(""); function getSendableCode() { return [ "#if swift(>=5.5) && canImport(_Concurrency)\n", `extension ${config.swiftFullName}: @unchecked Sendable {}\n`, isGetMessageCodeConfig(config) ?{ swiftName }) => { return `extension ${config.swiftFullName}.OneOf_${ toCamelCase(swiftName, true) }: @unchecked Sendable {}\n`; }).join("") : "", "#endif\n", ].join(""); }};
function isGetMessageCodeConfig( config: GetCodeConfig | GetMessageCodeConfig | GetEnumCodeConfig,): config is GetMessageCodeConfig { return (config as GetMessageCodeConfig).message != undefined && (config as GetMessageCodeConfig).customTypeMapping != undefined;}
function isGetEnumCodeConfig( config: GetCodeConfig | GetMessageCodeConfig | GetEnumCodeConfig,): config is GetEnumCodeConfig { return (config as GetEnumCodeConfig).enum != undefined;}
export interface PbTypeToSwiftTypeConfig { customTypeMapping: CustomTypeMapping; schema: schema.Schema; typePath?: string;}export function pbTypeToSwiftType({ customTypeMapping, schema, typePath,}: PbTypeToSwiftTypeConfig): string { if (!typePath) return "Unknown"; if (typePath in scalarTypeMapping) { return scalarTypeMapping[typePath as keyof typeof scalarTypeMapping]; } if (typePath in customTypeMapping) { return customTypeMapping[typePath].swiftType; } return getSwiftFullName({ schema, typePath });}
type ScalarToCodeTable = { [typePath in ScalarValueTypePath]: string };const scalarTypeMapping: ScalarToCodeTable = { ".double": "Double", ".float": "Float", ".int32": "Int32", ".int64": "Int64", ".uint32": "UInt32", ".uint64": "UInt64", ".sint32": "Int32", ".sint64": "Int64", ".fixed32": "UInt32", ".fixed64": "UInt64", ".sfixed32": "Int32", ".sfixed64": "Int64", ".bool": "Bool", ".string": "String", ".bytes": "Data",};const scalarTypeDefaultValueCodes: ScalarToCodeTable = { ".double": "0", ".float": "0", ".int32": "0", ".int64": "0", ".uint32": "0", ".uint64": "0", ".sint32": "0", ".sint64": "0", ".fixed32": "0", ".fixed64": "0", ".sfixed32": "0", ".sfixed64": "0", ".bool": "false", ".string": "String()", ".bytes": "Data()",};const scalarSwiftProtobufTypeMapping: ScalarToCodeTable = { ".double": "Double", ".float": "Float", ".int32": "Int32", ".int64": "Int64", ".uint32": "UInt32", ".uint64": "UInt64", ".sint32": "SInt32", ".sint64": "SInt64", ".fixed32": "Fixed32", ".fixed64": "Fixed64", ".sfixed32": "SFixed32", ".sfixed64": "SFixed64", ".bool": "Bool", ".string": "String", ".bytes": "Bytes",};function isPackableType(protobufType: string) { const packableType = [ "Double", "Float", "Int32", "Int64", "UInt32", "UInt64", "SInt32", "SInt64", "Fixed32", "Fixed64", "SFixed32", "SFixed64", ]; return packableType.includes(protobufType);}