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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
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import { join } from "";import { walk, WalkEntry } from "";import { createWalkEntry } from "";import { createEventBuffer } from "../../core/runtime/async/event-buffer.ts";
const concurrentWalk: typeof walk = function (root, { maxDepth = Infinity, includeFiles = true, includeDirs = true, followSymlinks = false, exts = undefined, match = undefined, skip = undefined,} = {}): AsyncIterableIterator<WalkEntry> { const eventBuffer = createEventBuffer<WalkEntry>(); const _walk = async function (root: string, maxDepth: number) { const promises: Promise<any>[] = []; try { if (maxDepth < 0) return; if (includeDirs && include(root, exts, match, skip)) { promises.push(createWalkEntry(root).then(eventBuffer.push)); } if (maxDepth < 1 || !include(root, undefined, undefined, skip)) return; for await (const entry of Deno.readDir(root)) { let path = join(root,; let { isSymlink, isDirectory } = entry; if (isSymlink) { if (!followSymlinks) continue; path = await Deno.realPath(path); ({ isSymlink, isDirectory } = await Deno.lstat(path)); } if (isSymlink || isDirectory) { promises.push(_walk(path, maxDepth - 1)); } else if (includeFiles && include(path, exts, match, skip)) { eventBuffer.push({ path, ...entry }); } } } finally { await Promise.allSettled(promises); } }; _walk(root, maxDepth).then(eventBuffer.finish); return eventBuffer.drain();};
export default concurrentWalk;
function include( path: string, exts?: string[], match?: RegExp[], skip?: RegExp[],): boolean { if (exts && !exts.some((ext): boolean => path.endsWith(ext))) { return false; } if (match && !match.some((pattern): boolean => !!path.match(pattern))) { return false; } if (skip && skip.some((pattern): boolean => !!path.match(pattern))) { return false; } return true;}