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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
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import * as lsp from "./lsp.ts";import { CompletionItemKind } from "./lsp.ts";import { ParseResult } from "../core/parser/proto.ts";import { ColRow } from "../core/parser/recursive-descent-parser.ts";import { Visitor, visitor as defaultVisitor } from "../core/visitor/index.ts";import { scalarValueTypes } from "../core/runtime/scalar.ts";import { getResolveTypePathFn } from "../core/schema/builder.ts";import { Schema } from "../core/schema/model.ts";import { stringifyFullIdent, stringifyType,} from "../core/schema/stringify-ast-frag.ts";
export function getCompletionItems( schema: Schema, filePath: string, colRow: ColRow,): lsp.CompletionItem[] { if (!schema.files[filePath]) return []; const { parseResult } = schema.files[filePath]; if (!parseResult) return []; const offset = parseResult.parser.colRowToOffset(colRow); const scope = getScope(parseResult, offset); const type = getCompletionType(parseResult, offset); if (!type) return []; if (type === "fieldlabel") return fieldLabelCompletionItems; const completionItems = [ ...scalarValueTypeCompletionItems, ...typesToCompletionItems(schema, filePath, scope), ]; if (type === "fieldtype") return completionItems; return [...fieldLabelCompletionItems, ...completionItems];}
function typesToCompletionItems( schema: Schema, filePath: string, scope: `.${string}`,): lsp.CompletionItem[] { const resolveTypePathFn = getResolveTypePathFn(schema, filePath); const resolveTypePath = (type: string) => resolveTypePathFn(type, scope); return Object.entries(schema.types).map(([_typePath, type]) => { const typePath = _typePath as `.${string}`; const kind = (type.kind === "message") ? CompletionItemKind.Class : CompletionItemKind.Enum; const label = typePath.split(".").pop()!; const item: lsp.CompletionItem = { label, kind }; return ( tryCandidate(() => label) || tryCandidate(() => typePath.slice(getLongestCommonTypePath(typePath, scope).length + 1) ) || tryCandidate(() => typePath.slice(1)) || { ...item, insertText: typePath, detail: typePath } ); function tryCandidate(get: () => string): lsp.CompletionItem | undefined { const candidate = get(); if (resolveTypePath(candidate) !== typePath) return; return { ...item, insertText: candidate, detail: candidate }; } });}
const scalarValueTypeCompletionItems: lsp.CompletionItem[] = scalarValueTypes .map((label) => ({ label, kind: CompletionItemKind.Keyword }));
const fieldLabels = ["required", "optional", "repeated"];const fieldLabelCompletionItems: lsp.CompletionItem[] = (label) => ({ label, kind: CompletionItemKind.Keyword }),);
type CompletionType = "fieldlabel-or-fieldtype" | "fieldlabel" | "fieldtype";function getCompletionType( { ast }: ParseResult, offset: number,): CompletionType | undefined { let result: CompletionType | undefined; const visitor: Visitor = { ...defaultVisitor, visitMalformedField(_visitor, node) { if (offset < node.start || offset > node.end + 1) return; result = "fieldlabel-or-fieldtype"; if (node.fieldLabel) result = "fieldtype"; const fieldTypeString = stringifyType(node.fieldType); const becomingAFieldLabel = fieldLabels.some( (fieldLabel) => fieldLabel.startsWith(fieldTypeString), ); if (becomingAFieldLabel) result = "fieldlabel"; }, }; visitor.visitProto(visitor, ast); return result;}
function getLongestCommonTypePath( a: `.${string}`, b: `.${string}`,): `.${string}` { const _a = a.slice(1).split("."); const _b = b.slice(1).split("."); const commonLength = Math.min(_a.length, _b.length); for (let i = 0; i < commonLength; ++i) { if (_a[i] !== _b[i]) return `.${_a.slice(0, i).join(".")}`; } return `.${_a.slice(0, commonLength).join(".")}`;}
type Scope = `.${string}`;function getScope({ ast }: ParseResult, offset: number): Scope { const stack: string[] = []; const visitor: Visitor = { ...defaultVisitor, visitPackage(_visitor, node) { stack.push(stringifyFullIdent(node.fullIdent)); }, visitMessage(visitor, node) { if (offset < node.start) return; if (offset > node.end) return; stack.push(node.messageName.text); defaultVisitor.visitMessage(visitor, node); }, }; visitor.visitProto(visitor, ast); return `.${stack.join(".")}`;}