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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
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import { resolve } from "";import { parse as parseYaml } from "";import { red } from "";import { getHomeDir } from "../env.ts";
export interface GhHosts { [hostname: string]: GhHost;}
export interface GhHost { user: string; oauth_token: string; git_protocol: "ssh" | "https";}
// function getDefaultGhConfigPath(configFile = ".") { let env: string | undefined; env = Deno.env.get("GH_CONFIG_DIR"); if (env) return resolve(env, configFile); env = Deno.env.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME"); if (env) return resolve(env, "gh", configFile); if ( === "windows") { env = Deno.env.get("AppData"); if (env) return resolve(env, "GitHub CLI", configFile); } return resolve(getHomeDir(), ".config", "gh", configFile);}
export async function readGhHosts( hostsFilePath = getDefaultGhConfigPath("hosts.yml"),): Promise<GhHosts> { const hostsFile = await Deno.readTextFile(hostsFilePath); return parseYaml(hostsFile) as GhHosts;}
export async function getToken(): Promise<string> { try { const ghHosts = await readGhHosts(); const token = ghHosts[""].oauth_token; if (token) return token; } catch {} throw new GithubNotLoggedInError();}
export interface GhCommit { sha: string; url: string;}export interface GhRev { name: string; commit: GhCommit;}export interface GhTag extends GhRev { zipball_url: string; tarball_url: string; node_id: string;}export interface GhBranch extends GhRev { protected: string; protection: { required_status_checks: { enforcement_level: string; contexts: string[]; }; }; protected_url: string;}export interface GhRepo { name: string;}
export interface FetchRepoConfig { token?: string; user: string; repo: string;}export async function fetchRepo(config: FetchRepoConfig): Promise<GhRepo> { const res = await fetchRepoBase(config, ""); return await res.json() as GhRepo;}
export interface FetchCommitStatusConfig extends FetchRepoConfig { rev: string;}export async function fetchCommitStatus( config: FetchCommitStatusConfig,): Promise<GhCommit> { const { rev } = config; const res = await fetchRepoBase(config, `/commits/${rev}/status`); return await res.json() as GhCommit;}
export interface FetchTagsConfig extends FetchRepoConfig {}export async function fetchTags(config: FetchTagsConfig): Promise<GhTag[]> { const res = await fetchRepoBase(config, "/tags"); return await res.json() as GhTag[];}
export interface FetchLatestReleaseConfig extends FetchRepoConfig {}export async function fetchLatestRelease( config: FetchLatestReleaseConfig,): Promise<GhTag> { const res = await fetchRepoBase(config, "/releases/latest"); return await res.json() as GhTag;}
export interface FetchBranchesConfig extends FetchRepoConfig {}export async function fetchBranches( config: FetchBranchesConfig,): Promise<GhBranch[]> { const res = await fetchRepoBase(config, "/branches"); return await res.json() as GhBranch[];}
export interface FetchArchiveConfig extends FetchRepoConfig { type: "tgz" | "zip"; rev: string;}export async function fetchArchive( config: FetchArchiveConfig,): Promise<Response> { const { type, rev } = config; const archiveType = type === "tgz" ? "tarball" : "zipball"; return await fetchRepoBase(config, `/${archiveType}/${rev}`);}
export class GithubNotLoggedInError extends Error { constructor() { super("Login required."); }}
export class GithubRepoNotFoundError extends Error { constructor(user: string, repo: string, message: string) { super( `Repository ${ red(`${user}/${repo}`) } is not found.\nResponse: ${message}`, ); }}
async function fetchRepoBase( config: FetchRepoConfig, apiPath: string,): Promise<Response> { const { token, user, repo } = config; const headers = getFetchHeaders(token); const res = await fetch( `${user}/${repo}${apiPath}`, { headers }, ); if (!res.ok) { switch (res.status) { case 401: throw new GithubNotLoggedInError(); case 403: case 404: const payload = await res.json(); throw new GithubRepoNotFoundError(user, repo, payload?.message); default: throw res; } } return res;}
function getFetchHeaders(token?: string) { const headers: Record<string, string> = { Accept: "application/vnd.github.v3.raw", }; if (token) headers.Authorization = "token " + token; return headers;}