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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
import { createImportBuffer, ImportBuffer } from "./import-buffer.ts";
export type CodeFragmentType = "js" | "ts";export type RenderRef = (ref: Ref) => string;export class CodeFragment { constructor( public type: CodeFragmentType, public children: (CodeFragment | Ref | string)[], ) {} toString(type: CodeFragmentType = "ts", renderRef?: RenderRef): string { if ((type === "js") && (this.type === "ts")) return ""; return => { if (typeof child === "string") return child; if (child instanceof Ref && renderRef) return renderRef(child); return child.toString(type, renderRef); }).join(""); } *refs(): Generator<Ref> { for (const child of this.children) { if (typeof child === "string") continue; if (child instanceof Ref) { yield child; continue; } yield* child.refs(); } }}
export class Ref { public resolvedName: string | undefined; constructor(public preferredName: string) {} toString() { return this.resolvedName || this.preferredName; }}
export function js( template: ArrayLike<CodeFragment | Ref | string>, ...substitutions: (CodeFragment | Ref | string | number | boolean)[]): CodeFragment { return new CodeFragment( "js", interleave(template, substitutions).map( (s) => (s instanceof CodeFragment || s instanceof Ref) ? s : String(s), ), );}
export function ts( template: ArrayLike<CodeFragment | Ref | string>, ...substitutions: (CodeFragment | Ref | string | number | boolean)[]): CodeFragment { return new CodeFragment( "ts", interleave(template, substitutions).map( (s) => (s instanceof CodeFragment || s instanceof Ref) ? s : String(s), ), );}
export type ModuleFragment = CodeFragment | Export;export class Module { private fragments: ModuleFragment[] = []; constructor( public filePath: string, public importBuffer: ImportBuffer = createImportBuffer(), public reservedNames: Set<string> = new Set(), ) {} *[Symbol.iterator](): Generator<ModuleFragment> { for (const fragment of this.fragments) yield fragment; } resolveRefs() { const conflictCount: { [preferredName: string]: number } = {}; const refNumberMap = new Map<Ref, number>(); const refs = new Set( Array.from(this.importBuffer.imports()) .map(({ as }) => as) .concat(this.fragments.flatMap((moduleFragment) => { if (moduleFragment instanceof Export) { return Array.from(moduleFragment.codeFragment.refs()); } else { return Array.from(moduleFragment.refs()); } })), ); for (const ref of refs) { if (!this.reservedNames.has(ref.preferredName)) continue; if (ref.preferredName in conflictCount) continue; conflictCount[ref.preferredName] = 1; refNumberMap.set(ref, 1); } for (const ref of refs) { if (!refNumberMap.has(ref)) { refNumberMap.set( ref, (ref.preferredName in conflictCount) ? (++conflictCount[ref.preferredName]) : (conflictCount[ref.preferredName] = 0), ); } const num = refNumberMap.get(ref)!; ref.resolvedName = (num < 1) ? ref.preferredName : `${ref.preferredName}_${num}`; } } add(fragments: ModuleFragment | ModuleFragment[]) { if (Array.isArray(fragments)) this.fragments.push(...fragments.flat()); else this.fragments.push(fragments); return this; } code(codeFragment: CodeFragment) { this.fragments.push(codeFragment); return this; } export(name: string, codeFragment: CodeFragment) { this.fragments.push(new Export(name, codeFragment)); return this; }}
export class Export { constructor(public name: string, public codeFragment: CodeFragment) {}}
export class DefaultExport extends Export { constructor(codeFragment: CodeFragment) { super("default", codeFragment); }}
function interleave<T, U>(a: ArrayLike<T>, b: ArrayLike<U>): (T | U)[] { const result: (T | U)[] = []; const aa = arraylike(a); const bb = arraylike(b); while (true) { const { done: aad, value: av } =; if (!aad) result.push(av); const { done: bbd, value: bv } =; if (!bbd) result.push(bv); if (aad && bbd) break; } return result;}
function* arraylike<T>(items: ArrayLike<T>): Generator<T> { for (let i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) yield items[i];}