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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
import * as ast from "../ast/index.ts";
import { Schema } from "./model.ts";import { ColRow } from "../parser/recursive-descent-parser.ts";import { ParseResult } from "../parser/proto.ts";import { Visitor, visitor as defaultVisitor } from "../visitor/index.ts";import { getResolveTypePathFn, ResolveTypePathFn } from "./builder.ts";import { stringifyType } from "./stringify-ast-frag.ts";import { Location, Range } from "../parser/location.ts";
export default function findAllReferences( schema: Schema, filePath: string, colRow: ColRow,): Location[] { if (!schema.files[filePath]) return []; const { package: packageName, parseResult } = schema.files[filePath]; if (!parseResult) return []; const offset = parseResult.parser.colRowToOffset(colRow); const resolveTypePath = getResolveTypePathFn(schema, filePath); const typePath = getTypePath( packageName, parseResult, offset, resolveTypePath, ); if (!typePath) return []; const references = getTypeReferences(schema, typePath); const referenceNodeMap: Record<string, Range[]> = {}; for (const refFilePath in references) { const targetTypePaths = references[refFilePath]; referenceNodeMap[refFilePath] = findReferenceNodes( schema, refFilePath, typePath, targetTypePaths, ); } return Object.entries(referenceNodeMap).flatMap(( [filePath, referenceNodes], ) => { return => ({ filePath, start: referenceNode.start, end: referenceNode.end, })); });}
function getTypePath( packageName: string, parseResult: ParseResult, offset: number, resolveTypePath: ResolveTypePathFn,): string | undefined { let result: string | undefined; const stack: string[] = [packageName]; const visitor: Visitor = { ...defaultVisitor, visitSyntax() {}, visitImport() {}, visitOption() {}, visitEmpty() {}, visitPackage() {}, visitTopLevelDef(visitor, node) { if (offset < node.start) return; if (offset >= node.end) return; defaultVisitor.visitTopLevelDef(visitor, node); }, visitMessage(visitor, node) { if (offset < node.start) return; if (offset >= node.end) return; stack.push(node.messageName.text); if (offset >= node.messageName.start && offset < node.messageName.end) { result = `.${stack.join(".")}`; } defaultVisitor.visitMessageBody(visitor, node.messageBody); stack.pop(); }, visitEnum(visitor, node) { if (offset < node.start) return; if (offset >= node.end) return; stack.push(node.enumName.text); if (offset >= node.enumName.start && offset < node.enumName.end) { result = `.${stack.join(".")}`; } stack.pop(); }, visitType(visitor, node) { if (offset < node.start) return; if (offset >= node.end) return; result = resolveTypePath(stringifyType(node), `.${stack.join(".")}`); }, }; visitor.visitProto(visitor, parseResult.ast); return result;}
interface TypeReferences { [filePath: string]: string[];}function getTypeReferences(schema: Schema, typePath: string): TypeReferences { const references: TypeReferences = {}; for (const [name, type] of Object.entries(schema.types)) { if (type.kind === "message") { for (const field of Object.values(type.fields)) { if (field.kind === "map") { if (field.valueTypePath === typePath) { references[type.filePath] ? references[type.filePath].push(name) : references[type.filePath] = [name]; } } else { if (field.typePath === typePath) { references[type.filePath] ? references[type.filePath].push(name) : references[type.filePath] = [name]; } } } } } return references;}
function findReferenceNodes( schema: Schema, filePath: string, typePath: string, targetTypePaths: string[],): Range[] { const file = schema.files[filePath]; if (!file.parseResult) return []; const typeNodes: ast.Type[] = []; const stack: string[] = [file.package]; const resolveTypePath = getResolveTypePathFn(schema, filePath); const visitor: Visitor = { ...defaultVisitor, visitSyntax() {}, visitImport() {}, visitOption() {}, visitEmpty() {}, visitPackage() {}, visitMessage(visitor, node) { stack.push(node.messageName.text); defaultVisitor.visitMessageBody(visitor, node.messageBody); stack.pop(); }, visitEnum(visitor, node) { stack.push(node.enumName.text); defaultVisitor.visitEnumBody(visitor, node.enumBody); stack.pop(); }, visitType(visitor, node) { const scope = `.${stack.join(".")}` as const; if (targetTypePaths.includes(scope)) { if (resolveTypePath(stringifyType(node), scope) === typePath) { typeNodes.push(node); } } }, }; visitor.visitProto(visitor, file.parseResult.ast); return => { const { start: startOffset, end: endOffset } = typeNode; if (!file.parseResult) throw new Error("parseResult cannot be undefined"); const start = file.parseResult.parser.offsetToColRow(startOffset); const end = file.parseResult.parser.offsetToColRow(endOffset); return { start, end }; });}