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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
import * as ast from "../ast/index.ts";import { ParseResult } from "../parser/proto.ts";import { ColRow, Token } from "../parser/recursive-descent-parser.ts";import { Visitor, visitor as defaultVisitor } from "../visitor/index.ts";import { getResolveTypePathFn } from "./builder.ts";import { File, Schema, Type } from "./model.ts";import { stringifyFullIdent, stringifyType } from "./stringify-ast-frag.ts";import { Location } from "../parser/location.ts";import { filterNodesByType } from "./ast-util.ts";import { evalStrLit } from "./eval-ast-constant.ts";
export default function gotoDefinition( schema: Schema, filePath: string, colRow: ColRow,): Location | undefined { if (!schema.files[filePath]) return; const file = schema.files[filePath] as GotoDefinitionContext["file"]; const { parseResult } = file; if (!parseResult) return; const offset = parseResult.parser.colRowToOffset(colRow); const context: GotoDefinitionContext = { schema, filePath, offset, file }; return handleImportStatements(context) || handleTypeReferences(context);}
interface GotoDefinitionContext { schema: Schema; filePath: string; offset: number; file: File & { parseResult: ParseResult };}
function handleImportStatements( { file, offset }: GotoDefinitionContext,): Location | undefined { const importStatements = filterNodesByType( file.parseResult.ast.statements, "import", ); for (const importStatement of importStatements) { const { strLit } = importStatement; if (offset < strLit.start) continue; if (offset > strLit.end) continue; const importPath = evalStrLit(strLit); const i = file.imports.find((i) => i.importPath === importPath); if (!i?.filePath) return; return { filePath: i.filePath, start: { col: 0, row: 0 }, end: { col: 0, row: 0 }, }; }}
function handleTypeReferences( { schema, filePath, offset, file }: GotoDefinitionContext,): Location | undefined { const typeReference = getTypeReference(file.parseResult, offset); if (!typeReference) return; const typePath = getResolveTypePathFn(schema, filePath)( stringifyType(typeReference.node), typeReference.scope, ); if (!typePath) return; const type = schema.types[typePath]; if (!type) return; const parser = schema.files[type.filePath]?.parseResult?.parser; if (!parser) return; const typeDefinition = getTypeDefinition(schema, typePath); if (!typeDefinition) return; const { start, end } = getNameToken(typeDefinition); return { filePath: type.filePath, start: parser.offsetToColRow(start), end: parser.offsetToColRow(end), };}
export function isTypeSpecifier(parseResult: ParseResult, colRow: ColRow) { const offset = parseResult.parser.colRowToOffset(colRow); const typeRef = getTypeReference(parseResult, offset); return Boolean(typeRef);}
export function getTypeInformation( schema: Schema, filePath: string, colRow: ColRow,) { if (!schema.files[filePath]) return; const { parseResult } = schema.files[filePath]; if (!parseResult) return; const offset = parseResult.parser.colRowToOffset(colRow); const typeReference = getTypeReference(parseResult, offset); if (!typeReference) return; const typePath = getResolveTypePathFn(schema, filePath)( stringifyType(typeReference.node), typeReference.scope, ); if (!typePath) return; const type = schema.types[typePath]; if (!type) return; return getTypeDocs(type, typePath);}
export function getTypeDocs(type: Type, typePath: string) { const fields = getFields(type); return [ "```proto", `${type.kind} ${typePath.split(".").pop()} {`, => " " + field), "}", "```", ].join( "\n", ); function getFields(type: Type) { switch (type.kind) { case "message": return Object.entries(type.fields).sort((a, b) => parseInt(a[0]) - parseInt(b[0]) ).map(([fieldNumber, value]) => { if (value.kind === "map") { return `map<${value.keyType}, ${value.valueType}> ${fieldNumber} = ${fieldNumber};`; } return `${ value.typePath ? value.typePath.slice(1) : "" } ${} = ${fieldNumber};`; }); case "enum": return Object.entries(type.fields).sort((a, b) => parseInt(a[0]) - parseInt(b[0]) ).map(([fieldNumber, value]) => { return `${} = ${fieldNumber};`; }); } }}
interface TypeReference { node: ast.Type; scope: `.${string}`;}function getTypeReference( parseResult: ParseResult, offset: number,): TypeReference | undefined { let result: TypeReference | undefined; const stack: string[] = []; const visitor: Visitor = { ...defaultVisitor, visitSyntax() {}, visitImport() {}, visitOption() {}, visitEmpty() {}, visitPackage(_visitor, node) { stack.push(stringifyFullIdent(node.fullIdent)); }, visitTopLevelDef(visitor, node) { if (offset < node.start) return; if (offset >= node.end) return; return defaultVisitor.visitTopLevelDef(visitor, node); }, visitMessage(visitor, node) { stack.push(node.messageName.text); defaultVisitor.visitMessage(visitor, node); stack.pop(); }, visitType(_visitor, node) { if (offset < node.start) return; if (offset > node.end) return; result = { node, scope: `.${stack.join(".")}` }; }, }; visitor.visitProto(visitor, parseResult.ast); return result;}
function getTypeDefinition( schema: Schema, typePath: string,): ast.Message | ast.Enum | undefined { let result: ast.Message | ast.Enum | undefined; const stack: string[] = []; const type = schema.types[typePath]; if (!type) return; const parseResult = schema.files[type.filePath]?.parseResult; if (!parseResult) return; const visitor: Visitor = { ...defaultVisitor, visitSyntax() {}, visitImport() {}, visitPackage(_visitor, node) { stack.push(stringifyFullIdent(node.fullIdent)); }, visitOption() {}, visitEmpty() {}, visitMessage(visitor, node) { stack.push(node.messageName.text); setResult(node); defaultVisitor.visitMessage(visitor, node); stack.pop(); }, visitEnum(visitor, node) { stack.push(node.enumName.text); setResult(node); defaultVisitor.visitEnum(visitor, node); stack.pop(); }, }; visitor.visitProto(visitor, parseResult.ast); return result; function setResult(node: ast.Message | ast.Enum) { if (`.${stack.join(".")}` === typePath) result = node; }}
function getNameToken(node: ast.Message | ast.Enum): Token { switch (node.type) { case "message": return node.messageName; case "enum": return node.enumName; }}