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Protobuf toolkit for modern web development
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import * as ast from "../ast/index.ts";import { Loader } from "../loader/index.ts";import { parse, ParseResult } from "../parser/proto.ts";import { filterNodesByType, filterNodesByTypes, findNodeByType,} from "./ast-util.ts";import { isDocComment, parseDocComment } from "./doc-comment.ts";import { evalConstant, evalIntLit, evalSignedIntLit, evalStrLit,} from "./eval-ast-constant.ts";import { Enum, File, Group, Import, Message, MessageField, Options, RpcType, Schema, Service, Type,} from "./model.ts";import { stringifyFullIdent, stringifyOptionName, stringifyType,} from "./stringify-ast-frag.ts";
export interface BuildConfig { loader: Loader; files: string[];}export async function build(config: BuildConfig): Promise<Schema> { const result: Schema = { files: {}, types: {}, extends: {}, services: {}, }; const iterFileResults = iterFiles(config.files, config.loader); for await (const { filePath, parseResult, file } of iterFileResults) { result.files[filePath] = file; const typePath = file.package ? "." + file.package : ""; const statements = parseResult.ast.statements; const services = iterServices(statements, typePath, filePath); for (const [typePath, service] of services) {[typePath] = service; } const types = iterTypes(statements, typePath, filePath); for (const [typePath, type] of types) { result.types[typePath] = type; } // TODO: extends } return result;}
interface IterFileResult { filePath: string; parseResult: ParseResult; file: File;}async function* iterFiles( files: string[], loader: Loader,): AsyncGenerator<IterFileResult> { const queue = [...files]; const done: { [filePath: string]: true } = {}; while (queue.length) { const filePath = queue.pop()!; if (done[filePath]) continue; done[filePath] = true; const loadResult = await loader.load(filePath); if (!loadResult) continue; const parseResult = parse(; const statements = parseResult.ast.statements; const file: File = { parseResult, syntax: getSyntax(statements), package: getPackage(statements), imports: getImports(statements), options: getOptions(statements), }; yield { filePath, parseResult, file }; queue.push({ filePath }) => filePath)); }}
function getSyntax(statements: ast.Statement[]): File["syntax"] { const syntaxStatement = findNodeByType(statements, "syntax"); const syntax = syntaxStatement?.syntax.text; return syntax === "proto3" ? "proto3" : "proto2";}
function getPackage(statements: ast.Statement[]): string { const packageStatement = findNodeByType(statements, "package"); if (!packageStatement) return ""; return stringifyFullIdent(packageStatement.fullIdent);}
function getImports(statements: ast.Statement[]): Import[] { const importStatements = filterNodesByType(statements, "import"); return => { const kind = (statement.weakOrPublic?.text || "") as Import["kind"]; const filePath = evalStrLit(statement.strLit); return { kind, filePath, }; });}
function getOptions(nodes?: ast.Node[]): Options { if (!nodes) return {}; const optionStatements = filterNodesByTypes(nodes, [ "option", "field-option", ]); const result: Options = {}; for (const statement of optionStatements) { const optionName = stringifyOptionName(statement.optionName); const optionValue = evalConstant(statement.constant); result[optionName] = optionValue; } return result;}
function* iterServices( statements: ast.Statement[], typePath: string, filePath: string,): Generator<[string, Service]> { const serviceStatements = filterNodesByType(statements, "service"); for (const statement of serviceStatements) { const serviceTypePath = typePath + "." + statement.serviceName.text; const service: Service = { filePath, options: getOptions(statement.serviceBody.statements), description: getDescription(statement.leadingComments), rpcs: getRpcs(statement.serviceBody.statements), }; yield [serviceTypePath, service]; }}
function getRpcs(statements: ast.Statement[]): Service["rpcs"] { const rpcStatements = filterNodesByType(statements, "rpc"); const rpcs: Service["rpcs"] = {}; for (const statement of rpcStatements) { const options = statement.semiOrRpcBody.type === "rpc-body" ? getOptions(statement.semiOrRpcBody.statements) : {}; rpcs[statement.rpcName.text] = { options, description: getDescription(statement.leadingComments), reqType: getRpcType(statement.reqType), resType: getRpcType(statement.resType), }; } return rpcs;}
function getRpcType(rpcType: ast.RpcType): RpcType { return { stream: !!, type: stringifyType(rpcType.messageType), };}
function* iterTypes( statements: ast.Statement[], typePath: string, filePath: string,): Generator<[string, Type]> { for (const statement of statements) { if (statement.type === "enum") { yield getEnum(statement, typePath, filePath); } else if (statement.type === "message") { const message = getMessage(statement, typePath, filePath); yield message; const messageBodyStatement = statement.messageBody.statements; yield* iterTypes(messageBodyStatement, message[0], filePath); } }}
function getMessage( statement: ast.Message, typePath: string, filePath: string,): [string, Message] { const messageTypePath = typePath + "." + statement.messageName.text; const statements = statement.messageBody.statements; const message: Message = { kind: "message", filePath, description: getDescription(statement.leadingComments), ...getMessageBody(statements), }; return [messageTypePath, message];}
type MessageBody = Omit<Message, "kind" | "filePath" | "description">;function getMessageBody( statements: ast.Statement[],): MessageBody { const fields: Message["fields"] = {}; for (const [fieldNumber, field] of iterMessageFields(statements)) { fields[fieldNumber] = field; } const groups: Message["groups"] = {}; for (const groupStatement of filterNodesByType(statements, "group")) { const groupName = groupStatement.groupName.text; groups[groupName] = getGroup(groupStatement); } return { options: getOptions(statements), fields, groups, reservedFieldNumberRanges: [], // TODO reservedFieldNames: [], // TODO extensions: [], // TODO };}
function* iterMessageFields( statements: ast.Statement[],): Generator<[number, MessageField]> { for (const statement of statements) { if (statement.type === "field") { const fieldNumber = evalIntLit(statement.fieldNumber); const fieldBase = { description: getDescription(statement.leadingComments), name: statement.fieldName.text, options: getOptions(statement.fieldOptions?.fieldOptionOrCommas), type: stringifyType(statement.fieldType), }; if (!statement.fieldLabel) { yield [fieldNumber, { kind: "normal", ...fieldBase }]; } else { const kind = statement.fieldLabel.text; if ( kind === "required" || kind === "optional" || kind === "repeated" ) { yield [fieldNumber, { kind, ...fieldBase }]; } } } else if (statement.type === "oneof") { yield* iterOneofFields( statement.oneofBody.statements, statement.oneofName.text, ); } else if (statement.type === "map-field") { yield [evalIntLit(statement.fieldNumber), { kind: "map", description: getDescription(statement.leadingComments), name: statement.mapName.text, options: getOptions(statement.fieldOptions?.fieldOptionOrCommas), keyType: stringifyType(statement.keyType), valueType: stringifyType(statement.valueType), }]; } }}
function* iterOneofFields( statements: ast.OneofBodyStatement[], oneof: string,): Generator<[number, MessageField]> { const oneofStatements = filterNodesByType(statements, "oneof-field"); for (const statement of oneofStatements) { const fieldNumber = evalIntLit(statement.fieldNumber); yield [fieldNumber, { kind: "oneof", description: getDescription(statement.leadingComments), name: statement.fieldName.text, options: getOptions(statement.fieldOptions?.fieldOptionOrCommas), type: stringifyType(statement.fieldType), oneof, }]; }}
function getGroup(statement: ast.Group): Group { const statements = statement.messageBody.statements; const fields: Message["fields"] = {}; for (const [fieldNumber, field] of iterMessageFields(statements)) { fields[fieldNumber] = field; } return { kind: statement.groupLabel.text as Group["kind"], description: getDescription(statement.leadingComments), fieldNumber: evalIntLit(statement.fieldNumber), ...getMessageBody(statements), };}
function getEnum( statement: ast.Enum, typePath: string, filePath: string,): [string, Enum] { const enumTypePath = typePath + "." + statement.enumName.text; const _enum: Enum = { kind: "enum", filePath, options: getOptions(statement.enumBody.statements), description: getDescription(statement.leadingComments), fields: getEnumFields(statement.enumBody.statements), }; return [enumTypePath, _enum];}
function getEnumFields(statements: ast.Statement[]): Enum["fields"] { const fields: Enum["fields"] = {}; const enumFieldStatements = filterNodesByType(statements, "enum-field"); for (const statement of enumFieldStatements) { const fieldNumber = evalSignedIntLit(statement.fieldNumber); fields[fieldNumber] = { description: getDescription(statement.leadingComments), name: statement.fieldName.text, options: getOptions(statement.fieldOptions?.fieldOptionOrCommas), }; } return fields;}
function getDescription(comments: ast.Comment[]): string { const docComment = comments.find((comment) => isDocComment(comment.text)); return parseDocComment(docComment?.text ?? "");}