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Method HTTP request Description
phoneIdSendMessagePost POST /{phone_id}/sendMessage


SendMessageResponse phoneIdSendMessagePost(phoneIdSendMessagePostRequest)

Used for sending message to a chat. A text, image, video, sound and document can be sent. This endpoint adds messages to your phone's sending queue. If your messages not delivering to phones please check your instance logs, queue endpoint or connection (/screen). Curl example: (You need to change product_id, phone_id and token[x-maytapi-key] with your product's values…) “`bash curl -X POST \ '\’ \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H 'x-maytapi-key: b267697c-####-####-####-2435e812efc1' \ -d '{ "message": "\”, "text": "", "to_number": "+905301111111", "type": "media" }'


import {  } from '';
import * as fs from 'fs';

const configuration = .createConfiguration();
const apiInstance = new .MessageSendingOperationsApi(configuration);

let body:.MessageSendingOperationsApiPhoneIdSendMessagePostRequest = {
  // string | ID of the phone registered to the product, assigned by the database automatically. Can be obtained by calling ***GET listPhones***.
  phoneId: "12",
  // PhoneIdSendMessagePostRequest | - to_number should start with country code without any special characters. - For group conversations you need to pass to to_number. Ex: **\"\"** - If the message to be sent is just a text message, it can be put directly to ***message*** parameter in the body  - **For media and group message examples please look at \'Request body examples\' section below.** - For Product messages you need to create your products from WhatsApp Business Phone app and find your product id with **_/catalog** endpoints.
  phoneIdSendMessagePostRequest: {
    toNumber: "toNumber_example",
    type: "text",
    message: null,

apiInstance.phoneIdSendMessagePost(body).then((data:any) => {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
}).catch((error:any) => console.error(error));


Name Type Description Notes
phoneIdSendMessagePostRequest PhoneIdSendMessagePostRequest - to_number should start with country code without any special characters. - For group conversations you need to pass to to_number. Ex: "" - If the message to be sent is just a text message, it can be put directly to message parameter in the body - For media and group message examples please look at 'Request body examples' section below. - For Product messages you need to create your products from WhatsApp Business Phone app and find your product id with _/catalog endpoints.
phoneId [string] ID of the phone registered to the product, assigned by the database automatically. Can be obtained by calling GET listPhones. defaults to undefined

Return type




HTTP request headers

  • Content-Type: application/json
  • Accept: application/json

HTTP response details

Status code Description Response headers
200 Returns the id of the chat and the id of the message. You can use message id to track acknowledgement status. -

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