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PostgreSQL client for Deno
import { readInt16BE, readInt32BE } from "./util.ts";
const TEXT_MODE = 0;const BINARY_MODE = 1;
interface Param { chunk: Uint8Array; length: number; header: string;}
export default class Message { private chunk: Uint8Array; private length: number; private header: string; private offset = 0; private mode = TEXT_MODE; private decoder = new TextDecoder();
[propName: string]: any
constructor({ chunk, length, header }: Param) { this.chunk = chunk; this.length = length; this.header = header; this.parseMessage(); }
parseMessage() { switch (this.header) { case "R": return this.parseR(); case "E": return this.parseE(); case "T": return this.parseT(); case "S": return this.parseS(); case "K": return this.parseK(); case "Z": return this.parseZ(); case "D": return this.parseD(); case "C": return this.parseC(); case "N": return this.parseN(); default: throw new Error(`Unprocessed header: ${this.header}`); } }
/** * */ parseN() { = "NoticeResponse"; while (true) { const byte = this.readBytes(1); if (byte[0] === 0) break; const type = this.decoder.decode(byte); const msg = this.readZeroString(); switch (type) { // can be: S,V,C,M,D,H,P,p,q,W,s,t,c,d,n,F,L,R // from case "M": this.text = msg; break; // case "R": // // Routine: the name of the source-code routine reporting the error. // break; // default: // console.log(byte, type, msg); } } }
/** * CommandComplete * Identifies the message as a command-completed response */ parseC() { = "CommandComplete"; this.text = this.readZeroString(); }
/** * DataRow * Identifies the message as a data row. */ parseD() { = "DataRow"; const fieldCount = this.readInt16(); const fields = [];
for (let i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { const length = this.readInt32(); if (length === -1) { fields.push(null); } else if (this.mode === TEXT_MODE) { fields.push(this.readString(length)); } else { fields.push(this.readBytes(length)); } }
this.fields = fields; }
/** * ReadyForQuery * Identifies the message type. * ReadyForQuery is sent whenever the backend is ready for a new query cycle. */ parseZ() { = "ReadyForQuery"; /** * Current backend transaction status indicator. * Possible values are 'I' if idle (not in a transaction block); * 'T' if in a transaction block; * or 'E' if in a failed transaction block (queries will be rejected until block is ended). */ this.status = this.readString(1); }
/** * * Identifies the message as cancellation key data. * The frontend must save these values if it wishes to be able to issue CancelRequest messages later. */ parseK() { = "BackendKeyData"; this.processID = this.readInt32(); this.secretKey = this.readInt32(); }
/** * ParameterStatus * Identifies the message as a run-time parameter status report */ parseS() { = "ParameterStatus"; this.parameterName = this.readZeroString(); this.parameterValue = this.readZeroString(); }
/** * Authentication related * Identifies the message as an authentication request */ parseR() { const code = this.readInt32();
switch (code) { case 0: = "AuthenticationOk"; this.message = this.decoder.decode(this.chunk); break; case 3: if (this.length === 8) { = "AuthenticationCleartextPassword"; } else { = `parseR code 3, length expect 8, get ${this.length}`; } break; case 5: if (this.length === 12) { = "AuthenticationMD5Password"; this.salt = this.chunk.subarray(this.offset, this.offset + 4); } else { = `parseR code 5, length expect 12, get ${this.length}`; } break; default: throw new Error( `Unknown Authentication type, code: ${code}, message: ${ this.decoder.decode( this.chunk.subarray(this.offset, this.offset + 4), ) }`, ); } }
/** * RowDescription * Identifies the message as a row description */ parseT() { = "RowDescription";
const fieldCount = this.readInt16();
const fields = []; for (let i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { const name = this.readZeroString(); const tableID = this.readInt32(); const columnID = this.readInt16(); const dataTypeID = this.readInt32(); const dataTypeSize = this.readInt16(); const dataTypeModifier = this.readInt32(); const mode = this.readInt16(); this.mode = mode === TEXT_MODE ? TEXT_MODE : BINARY_MODE; // Currently will be zero (text) or one (binary). const format = mode === TEXT_MODE ? "text" : "binary";
fields.push({ name, tableID, columnID, dataTypeID, dataTypeSize, dataTypeModifier, format, }); }
this.fields = fields; }
/** * ErrorResponse * Identifies the message as an error */ parseE() { = "error";
const fields: Record<string, unknown> = {};
let fieldType = this.readString(1);
while (fieldType !== "\0") { fields[fieldType] = this.readZeroString(); fieldType = this.readString(1); }
this.message = fields.M; this.severity = fields.S; this.code = fields.C; this.detail = fields.D; this.hint = fields.H; this.position = fields.P; this.internalPosition = fields.p; this.internalQuery = fields.q; this.where = fields.W; this.schema = fields.s; this.table = fields.t; this.column = fields.c; this.dataType = fields.d; this.constraint = fields.n; this.file = fields.F; this.line = fields.L; this.routine = fields.R; }
readInt16(): number { const value = readInt16BE(this.chunk, this.offset); this.offset += 2; return value; }
readInt32(): number { const value = readInt32BE(this.chunk, this.offset); this.offset += 4; return value; }
readString(length: number): string { return this.decoder.decode(this.readBytes(length)); }
readBytes(length: number): Uint8Array { return this.chunk.subarray(this.offset, this.offset += length); }
readZeroString(): string { const start = this.offset; const end = this.chunk.indexOf(0, start); this.offset = end + 1; return this.decoder.decode(this.chunk.subarray(start, end)); }}