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PostgreSQL client for Deno
import { Client, ClientConfig } from "./client.ts";import Query from "./query.ts";
interface PoolConfig extends ClientConfig { max?: number; waitForConnections?: boolean; queueLimit?: number; idleTimeoutMillis?: number; waitForConnectionsMillis?: number;}
interface ClientOfPool extends Client { timeoutId: number; release: Function;}
interface Queue extends Function { timeoutId: number;}
export class Pool { private idle: ClientOfPool[] = []; private clients: ClientOfPool[] = []; private queue: Function[] = []; private ended = false;
readonly clientConfig: ClientConfig; readonly max: number; readonly waitForConnections: boolean; readonly queueLimit: number; readonly idleTimeoutMillis: number; readonly waitForConnectionsMillis: number;
constructor(options: PoolConfig) { this.max = options.max ?? 10; this.waitForConnections = options.waitForConnections ?? true; this.queueLimit = options.queueLimit ?? 0; this.idleTimeoutMillis = options.idleTimeoutMillis ?? 10000; this.waitForConnectionsMillis = options.waitForConnectionsMillis ?? 0; this.clientConfig = { user: options.user, hostname: options.hostname, database: options.database, password: options.password, port: options.port, certFile: options.certFile, }; }
async connect(): Promise<ClientOfPool> { if (this.ended) { throw new Error("Cannot use a pool after calling end on the pool"); } if (this.idle.length > 0) { const client = this.idle.pop() as ClientOfPool; if (client.timeoutId) clearTimeout(client.timeoutId); return client; } if (this.clients.length >= this.max) { if (!this.waitForConnections) { throw new Error("No connections available."); } if (this.queueLimit && this.queue.length >= this.queueLimit) { throw new Error("Queue limit reached."); }
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const queue = (client: ClientOfPool) => resolve(client); this.queue.push(queue); if (this.waitForConnectionsMillis) { (queue as any).timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { this.queue = this.queue.filter((c) => c !== queue); const err = new Error("wait for connection timeout"); reject(err); }, this.waitForConnectionsMillis); } }); } const client = new Client(this.clientConfig) as ClientOfPool; await client.connect();
client.release = () => { if (this.queue.length > 0) { const queue = this.queue.shift(); return queue!(client); } else { if (this.idleTimeoutMillis) { client.timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { this.removeClient(client); client.end(); }, this.idleTimeoutMillis); } this.idle.push(client); } };
this.clients.push(client); return client; }
private removeClient(client: ClientOfPool) { this.idle = this.idle.filter((c) => c !== client); this.clients = this.clients.filter((c) => c !== client); }
async query(sql: string): Promise<Query> { const client = await this.connect(); const result = await client.query(sql); client.release(); return result; }
async end(): Promise<void> { if (this.ended) return; this.ended = true; await Promise.all( => { clearTimeout(client.timeoutId); client.end(); })); this.idle.length = 0; this.clients.length = 0; this.queue.length = 0; }}