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An in memory postgres DB instance for your unit tests
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import { _Column, IValue, _IIndex, NotSupported, _Transaction, QueryError, _IType, SchemaField, ChangeHandler, nil } from './interfaces-private.ts';import type { MemoryTable } from './table.ts';import { Evaluator } from './valuetypes.ts';import { ColumnConstraint, AlterColumn } from './parser/syntax/ast.ts';import { nullIsh } from './utils.ts';import { buildValue } from './predicate.ts';import { fromNative } from './datatypes.ts';import { columnEvaluator } from './transforms/selection.ts';import { BIndex } from './btree-index.ts';

export class ColRef implements _Column {
default: IValue | nil; notNull = false; usedInIndexes = new Set<BIndex>(); changeHandlers = new Set<ChangeHandler<any>>();
constructor(private table: MemoryTable , public expression: Evaluator , _schema: SchemaField) { }
addConstraint(constraint: ColumnConstraint, t: _Transaction): this { switch (constraint.type) { case 'primary key': this.table.createIndex(t, { columns: [{ value: this.expression }], primary: true, }); break; case 'unique': this.table.createIndex(t, { columns: [{ value: this.expression }], notNull: constraint.notNull, unique: true, }); break; case 'not null': this.addNotNullConstraint(t); break; default: throw NotSupported.never(constraint, 'add constraint type'); } this.table.schema.db.onSchemaChange(); return this; }

private addNotNullConstraint(t: _Transaction) { // check has no null value const bin = this.table.bin(t); for (const e of bin.values()) { const val = this.expression.get(e, t); if (nullIsh(val)) { throw new QueryError(`Cannot add not null constraint on column "${}": it contains null values`); } } this.notNull = true;
// just amend schema (for cloning) this.table.schema.db.onSchemaChange(); }
rename(to: string, t: _Transaction): this { if (this.table.getColumnRef(to, true)) { throw new QueryError(`Column "${to}" already exists`); }
// first, move data (this cannot throw => OK to modify mutable data) this.table.remapData(t, v => { const ov = v[!]; delete v[!]; v[to] = ov; }); // for (const v of this.table.bin(t)) { // const ov = v[]; // delete v[]; // v[to] = ov; // }
// === do nasty things to rename column this.replaceExpression(to, this.expression.type); this.table.schema.db.onSchemaChange(); return this; }
alter(alter: AlterColumn, t: _Transaction): this { switch (alter.type) { case 'drop default': this.default = null; break; case 'set default': const df = buildValue(this.table.selection, alter.default); if (!df.isConstant) { throw new QueryError('cannot use column references in default expression'); } if (alter.updateExisting) { const defVal = df.get(); this.table.remapData(t, x => x[!] = defVal); } this.default = df; break; case 'set not null': this.addNotNullConstraint(t); break; case 'drop not null': this.notNull = false; break; case 'set type': const newType = fromNative(alter.dataType); const conv = this.expression.convert(newType); const eid =;
this.table.remapData(t, x => x[!] = conv.get(x, t));
// once converted, do nasty things to change expression this.replaceExpression(eid!, newType); break; default: throw NotSupported.never(alter, 'alter column type'); } this.table.schema.db.onSchemaChange(); return this; }
private replaceExpression(newId: string, newType: _IType) { const on =!.toLowerCase(); const nn = newId.toLowerCase(); this.expression = columnEvaluator(this.table, newId, newType);
// replace in table this.table.columnsByName.delete(on); this.table.columnsByName.set(nn, this); }
drop(t: _Transaction): void { const on =!.toLowerCase(); const i = this.table.columnDefs.indexOf(this); if (i < 0) { throw new Error('Corrupted table'); }
// remove indices for (const u of this.usedInIndexes) { this.table.dropIndex(u); }
// remove associated data this.table.remapData(t, x => delete x[!]);
// nasty business to remove columns this.table.columnsByName.delete(on); this.table.columnDefs.splice(i, 1); this.table.schema.db.onSchemaChange(); }
checkConstraints(toInsert: any, t: _Transaction) { if (!this.notNull) { return; } const col = this.expression.get(toInsert, t); if (nullIsh(col)) { throw new QueryError(`null value in column "${}" violates not-null constraint`); } }
setDefaults(toInsert: any, t: _Transaction) { const col = this.expression.get(toInsert, t); if (!nullIsh(col)) { return; } if (!this.default) { toInsert[!] = null } else { toInsert[!] = this.default.get(); } }}