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An in memory postgres DB instance for your unit tests
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import { ISchema, QueryError, DataType, IType, NotSupported, TableNotFound, Schema, QueryResult, SchemaField, nil } from './interfaces.ts';import { _IDb, _ISelection, CreateIndexColDef, _ISchema, _Transaction, _ITable, _SelectExplanation, _Explainer, IValue, _IIndex, OnConflictHandler } from './interfaces-private.ts';import { watchUse } from './utils.ts';import { buildValue } from './predicate.ts';import { Types, fromNative } from './datatypes.ts';import { JoinSelection } from './transforms/join.ts';import { Statement, CreateTableStatement, SelectStatement, InsertStatement, CreateIndexStatement, UpdateStatement, AlterTableStatement, DeleteStatement, LOCATION, StatementLocation, SetStatement } from './parser/syntax/ast.ts';import { parse } from './parser/parser.ts';import { MemoryTable } from './table.ts';import { buildSelection } from './transforms/selection.ts';import { ArrayFilter } from './transforms/array-filter.ts';import { PgConstraintTable, PgClassListTable, PgNamespaceTable, PgAttributeTable, PgIndexTable, PgTypeTable, TablesSchema, ColumnsListSchema } from './schema/index.ts';
export class Query implements _ISchema, ISchema {
private dualTable = new MemoryTable(this,, { fields: [], name: 'dual' }); private tables = new Map<string, _ITable>(); private lastSelect?: _ISelection<any>;
constructor(readonly name: string, readonly db: _IDb) { this.dualTable.insert(, {}); }
pgSchema() {
this.tables.set('pg_constraint', new PgConstraintTable(this)) this.tables.set('pg_class', new PgClassListTable(this)) this.tables.set('pg_namespace', new PgNamespaceTable(this)) this.tables.set('pg_attribute', new PgAttributeTable(this)) this.tables.set('pg_index', new PgIndexTable(this)) this.tables.set('pg_type', new PgTypeTable(this));

const tbl = this.declareTable({ name: 'current_schema', fields: [ { name: 'current_schema', type: Types.text() }, ] }, true); tbl.insert(, { current_schema: }); tbl.setHidden().setReadonly(); return this; }
informationSchma() { // SELECT * FROM "information_schema"."tables" WHERE ("table_schema" = 'public' AND "table_name" = 'user') this.tables.set('tables', new TablesSchema(this)); this.tables.set('columns', new ColumnsListSchema(this)); }
none(query: string): void { this.query(query); }
one(query: string): any { const [result] = this.many(query); return result; }
many(query: string): any[] { return this.query(query).rows; }

query(text: string): QueryResult { let last: QueryResult | undefined; for (const r of this.queries(text)) { last = r; } return last ?? { command: text, fields: [], location: {}, rowCount: 0, rows: [], }; }
private parse(query: string) { return parse(query); }
*queries(query: string): Iterable<QueryResult> { query = query + ';'; // console.log(query); // console.log('\n'); try { let parsed = this.parse(query); if (!Array.isArray(parsed)) { parsed = [parsed]; } let t =; for (const _p of parsed) { if (!_p) { continue; }
// query execution let last: QueryResult | undefined = undefined; try { const p = watchUse(_p); p[LOCATION] = _p[LOCATION]; switch (p.type) { case 'start transaction': t = t.fork(); break; case 'commit': t = t.commit(); if (!t.isChild) { t = t.fork(); // recreate an implicit transaction } break; case 'rollback': t = t.rollback(); break; case 'insert': last = this.executeInsert(t, p); break; case 'update': last = this.executeUpdate(t, p); break; case 'select': const subj = this.buildSelect(p); this.lastSelect = subj; const rows = [...subj.enumerate(t)]; last = { rows, rowCount: rows.length, command: 'SELECT', fields: [], location: this.locOf(p), }; break; case 'delete': last = this.executeDelete(t, p); break; case 'create table': t = t.fullCommit(); last = this.executeCreateTable(t, p); t = t.fork(); break; case 'create index': t = t.fullCommit(); last = this.executeCreateIndex(t, p); t = t.fork(); break; case 'alter table': t = t.fullCommit(); last = this.executeAlterRequest(t, p); t = t.fork(); break; default: throw NotSupported.never(p, 'statement type'); } last = last ?? { command: p.type.toUpperCase(), rowCount: 0, fields: [], location: this.locOf(p), rows: [], }; if (!last.ignored) { p.check?.(); } yield last; } catch (e) { e.location = this.locOf(_p); throw e; } }
// implicit final commit t.fullCommit(); this.db.raiseGlobal('query', query); } catch (e) { this.db.raiseGlobal('query-failed', query); throw e; } }
private locOf(p: Statement): StatementLocation { return p[LOCATION] ?? {}; }
executeAlterRequest(t: _Transaction, p: AlterTableStatement): QueryResult { const table = this.db.getSchema(p.table.db) .getTable(p.table.table, p.ifExists); const nop: QueryResult = { command: 'ALTER', fields: [], rowCount: 0, rows: [], location: this.locOf(p), }; function ignore() { nop.ignored = true; return nop; } if (!table) { return nop; } const change = p.change; switch (change.type) { case 'rename': table.rename(; return nop; case 'add column': { const col = table.selection.getColumn(, true); if (col) { if (change.ifNotExists) { return ignore(); } else { throw new QueryError('Column already exists: ' + col.sql); } } table.addColumn(change.column, t); return nop; } case 'drop column': const col = table.getColumnRef(change.column, change.ifExists); if (!col) { return ignore(); } col.drop(t); return nop; case 'rename column': table.getColumnRef(change.column) .rename(, t); return nop; case 'alter column': table.getColumnRef(change.column) .alter(change.alter, t); return nop; case 'rename constraint': throw new NotSupported('rename constraint'); case 'add constraint': table.addConstraint(change.constraint, t, change.constraintName); return nop; default: throw NotSupported.never(change, 'alter request');
} }
executeCreateIndex(t: _Transaction, p: CreateIndexStatement): QueryResult { const indexName = p.indexName; const onTable = this.getTable(p.table); const columns = p.expressions .map<CreateIndexColDef>(x => { return { value: buildValue(onTable.selection, x.expression), nullsLast: x.nulls === 'last', // nulls are first by default desc: x.order === 'desc', } }); onTable .createIndex(t, { columns, indexName, }); return { command: 'CREATE', fields: [], rowCount: 0, rows: [], location: this.locOf(p), }; }
executeCreateTable(t: _Transaction, p: CreateTableStatement): QueryResult { const ret: QueryResult = { command: 'CREATE', fields: [], rowCount: 0, rows: [], location: this.locOf(p), }; // get creation parameters const table =; if (this.getTable(table, true)) { if (p.ifNotExists) { ret.ignored = true; return ret; } throw new QueryError('Table exists: ' + table); }
// perform creation this.declareTable({ name: table, constraints: p.constraints, fields: p.columns .map<SchemaField>(f => { return { ...f, type: fromNative(f.dataType), serial: f.dataType.type === 'serial', } }) }); return ret; }
explainLastSelect(): _SelectExplanation | undefined { return this.lastSelect?.explain(new Explainer(; } explainSelect(sql: string): _SelectExplanation { let parsed = parse(sql); if (Array.isArray(parsed)) { throw new Error('Expecting a single statement'); } if (parsed.type !== 'select') { throw new Error('Expecting a select statement'); } return this.buildSelect(parsed) .explain(new Explainer( }
executeDelete(t: _Transaction, p: DeleteStatement): QueryResult { const table = this.db.getSchema(p.from.db) .getTable(p.from.table); const toDelete = table .selection .filter(p.where); const rows = []; for (const item of toDelete.enumerate(t)) { table.delete(t, item); rows.push(item); } const returning = p.returning && buildSelection(new ArrayFilter(table.selection, rows), p.returning); return { rows: !returning ? [] : [...returning.enumerate(t)], rowCount: rows.length, command: 'DELETE', fields: [], location: this.locOf(p), } }
buildSelect(p: SelectStatement): _ISelection { if (p.type !== 'select') { throw new NotSupported(p.type); } let sel: _ISelection | undefined = undefined; const aliases = new Set<string>(); for (const from of p.from ?? []) { const alias = from.type === 'table' ? from.alias ?? from.table : from.alias; if (!alias) { throw new Error('No alias provided'); } if (aliases.has(alias)) { throw new Error(`Table name "${alias}" specified more than once`) } // find what to select let newT = from.type === 'statement' ? this.buildSelect(from.statement) : this.db.getSchema(from.db) .getTable(from.table) .selection;
// set its alias newT = newT.setAlias(alias);
if (!sel) { // first table to be selected sel = newT; continue; }

switch (from.join?.type) { case 'INNER JOIN': sel = new JoinSelection(this, sel, newT, from.join.on!, true); break; case 'LEFT JOIN': sel = new JoinSelection(this, sel, newT, from.join.on!, false); break; case 'RIGHT JOIN': sel = new JoinSelection(this, newT, sel, from.join.on!, false); break; default: throw new NotSupported('Joint type not supported ' + (from.join?.type ?? '<no join specified>')); } }
// filter & select sel = sel ?? this.dualTable.selection; sel = sel.filter(p.where);
if (p.groupBy) { sel = sel.groupBy(p.groupBy, p.columns!); sel = sel.orderBy(p.orderBy); } else { sel = sel.orderBy(p.orderBy); sel =!); } if (p.limit) { sel = sel.limit(p.limit); } return sel; }
executeUpdate(t: _Transaction, p: UpdateStatement): QueryResult { const into = this.db .getSchema(p.table.db) .getTable(p.table.table);
const items = into .selection .filter(p.where);
const setter = this.createSetter(t, into, items, p.sets); const ret: any[] = []; let rowCount = 0; const returning = p.returning && buildSelection(new ArrayFilter(items, ret), p.returning); for (const i of items.enumerate(t)) { rowCount++; setter(i, i); ret.push(into.update(t, i)); }
const rows = returning ? [...returning.enumerate(t)] : [];
return { rowCount, rows, command: 'UPDATE', fields: [], location: this.locOf(p), } } private createSetter(t: _Transaction, setTable: _ITable, setSelection: _ISelection, _sets: SetStatement[]) {
const sets = => { const col = (setTable as MemoryTable).getColumnRef(x.column); return { col, value: x.value, getter: x.value !== 'default' ? buildValue(setSelection, x.value).convert(col.expression.type) : null, }; });
return (target: any, source: any) => { for (const s of sets) { if (s.value === 'default') { target[!] = s.col.default?.get() ?? null; } else { target[!] = s.getter?.get(source, t) ?? null; } } } }
executeInsert(t: _Transaction, p: InsertStatement): QueryResult | undefined { if (p.type !== 'insert') { throw new NotSupported(); }
// get table to insert into const table = this.db .getSchema(p.into.db) .getTable(p.into.table); const selection = table .selection .setAlias(p.into.alias);

const ret: any[] = []; const returning = p.returning && buildSelection(new ArrayFilter(selection, ret), p.returning);

let values = p.values;
if ( { // const selection = this.executeSelect(t,; throw new Error('todo: array-mode iteration'); } if (!values) { throw new QueryError('Nothing to insert'); } if (!values.length) { return undefined; // nothing to insert }
// get columns to insert into const columns: string[] = p.columns ?? table.selection.columns .map(x =>!) .slice(0, values[0].length);
// build 'on conflict' strategy let ignoreConflicts: OnConflictHandler | undefined = undefined; if (p.onConflict) { // find the targeted index const on = p.onConflict.on?.map(x => buildValue(table.selection, x)); let onIndex: _IIndex | nil = null; if (on) { onIndex = table.getIndex(...on); if (!onIndex?.unique) { throw new QueryError(`There is no unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT specification`); } }
// check if 'do nothing' if ( === 'do nothing') { ignoreConflicts = { ignore: onIndex ?? 'all' }; } else { if (!onIndex) { throw new QueryError(`ON CONFLICT DO UPDATE requires inference specification or constraint name`); } const subject = new JoinSelection(this , selection // fake data... we're only using this to get the multi table column resolution: , new ArrayFilter(table.selection, []).setAlias('excluded') , { type: 'boolean', value: false } , false ); const setter = this.createSetter(t, table, subject,; ignoreConflicts = { onIndex, update: (item, excluded) => { const jitem = subject.buildItem(item, excluded); setter(item, jitem); }, } } }
// insert values let rowCount = 0; for (const val of values) { rowCount++; if (val.length !== columns.length) { throw new QueryError('Insert columns / values count mismatch'); } const toInsert: any = {}; for (let i = 0; i < val.length; i++) { const v = val[i]; const col = table.selection.getColumn(columns[i]); if (v === 'default') { continue; } const notConv = buildValue(null, v); const converted = notConv.convert(col.type); if (!converted.isConstant) { throw new QueryError('Cannot insert non constant expression'); } toInsert[columns[i]] = converted.get(); } ret.push(table.insert(t, toInsert, ignoreConflicts)); }
const rows = returning ? [...returning.enumerate(t)] : [];
return { rowCount, rows, command: 'INSERT', fields: [], location: this.locOf(p), } }

getTable(table: string): _ITable; getTable(table: string, nullIfNotFound: false): _ITable; getTable(name: string, nullIfNotFound?: boolean): _ITable | null; getTable(name: string, nullIfNotFound?: boolean): _ITable | null { name = name.toLowerCase(); const got = this.tables.get(name); if (!got && !nullIfNotFound) { throw new TableNotFound(name); } return got ?? null; }

declareTable(table: Schema, noSchemaChange?: boolean): MemoryTable { const nm =; if (this.tables.has(nm)) { throw new Error('Table exists: ' + nm); } const trans =; const ret = new MemoryTable(this, trans, table); trans.commit(); this.tables.set(nm, ret); if (!noSchemaChange) { this.db.onSchemaChange(); } return ret; }
_doRenTab(table: string, to: string) { const t = this.getTable(table); const nm = to.toLowerCase(); if (this.tables.has(nm)) { throw new Error('Table exists: ' + nm); } const onm = table.toLowerCase(); this.tables.delete(onm); this.tables.set(nm, t); }
tablesCount(t: _Transaction): number { return this.tables.size; }

*listTables(): Iterable<_ITable> { for (const t of this.tables.values()) { if (!t.hidden) { yield t; } } }}
class Explainer implements _Explainer { private sels = new Map<_ISelection, number>(); constructor(readonly transaction: _Transaction) { }
idFor(sel: _ISelection<any>): string | number { if (sel.debugId) { return sel.debugId; } if (this.sels.has(sel)) { return this.sels.get(sel)!; } const id = this.sels.size + 1; this.sels.set(sel, id); return id; }