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An in memory postgres DB instance for your unit tests
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import { IMemoryTable, Schema, QueryError, TableEvent, PermissionDeniedError, NotSupported, IndexDef, ColumnNotFound, ISubscription, nil, DataType } from './interfaces.ts';import { _ISelection, IValue, _ITable, setId, getId, CreateIndexDef, CreateIndexColDef, _IDb, _Transaction, _ISchema, _Column, _IType, SchemaField, _IIndex, _Explainer, _SelectExplanation, ChangeHandler, Stats, OnConflictHandler, DropHandler, IndexHandler, asIndex, RegClass, RegType, Reg, ChangeOpts } from './interfaces-private.ts';import { buildValue } from './predicate.ts';import { BIndex } from './btree-index.ts';import { columnEvaluator } from './transforms/selection.ts';import { nullIsh, deepCloneSimple, Optional, indexHash, findTemplate } from './utils.ts';import { Map as ImMap } from '';import { CreateColumnDef, TableConstraintForeignKey, TableConstraint, Expr, BinaryOperator } from '';import { ColRef } from './column.ts';import { buildAlias, Alias } from './transforms/alias.ts';import { DataSourceBase } from './transforms/transform-base.ts';import { parseSql } from './parse-cache.ts';import { ForeignKey } from './constraints/foreign-key.ts';import { Types } from './datatypes/index.ts';import moment from '';

type Raw<T> = ImMap<string, T>;

interface ChangeSub<T> { before: Set<ChangeHandler<T>>; after: Set<ChangeHandler<T>>;}
interface ChangePlan<T> { before(): void after(): void;}export class MemoryTable<T = any> extends DataSourceBase<T> implements IMemoryTable, _ITable<T> {

private handlers = new Map<TableEvent, Set<() => void>>(); readonly selection: Alias<T>; private _reg?: Reg; get reg(): Reg { if (!this._reg) { throw new QueryError(`relation "${}" does not exist`); } return this._reg; } private it = 0; private cstGen = 0; hasPrimary = false; private readonly = false; hidden = false; private dataId = Symbol(); private serialsId: symbol = Symbol(); private indexByHash = new Map<string, { index: BIndex<T>; expressions: IValue[]; }>(); columnDefs: ColRef[] = []; columnsByName = new Map<string, ColRef>(); name: string;
readonly columns: IValue[] = []; private changeHandlers = new Map<_Column | null, ChangeSub<T>>(); private truncateHandlers = new Set<DropHandler>(); private drophandlers = new Set<DropHandler>(); private indexHandlers = new Set<IndexHandler>();
get type() { return 'table' as const; }
get debugId() { return; }
entropy(t: _Transaction) { return this.bin(t).size; }
isOriginOf(a: IValue<any>): boolean { return a.origin === this.selection; }
constructor(schema: _ISchema, t: _Transaction, _schema: Schema) { super(schema); =; this.selection = buildAlias(this, as Alias<T>;
// fields for (const s of _schema.fields) { this.addColumn(s, t); }

// other table constraints for (const c of _schema.constraints ?? []) { this.addConstraint(c, t); } }
register() { // once fields registered, // then register the table // (column registrations need it not to be registered yet) this._reg = this.ownerSchema._reg_register(this); return this; }

stats(t: _Transaction): Stats | null { return { count: this.bin(t).size, }; }
rename(name: string) { const on =; if (on === name) { return this; } = name; this.ownerSchema._reg_rename(this, on, name); (this.selection as Alias<T>).name =; this.db.onSchemaChange(); return this; }
getColumn(column: string): IValue; getColumn(column: string, nullIfNotFound?: boolean): IValue | nil; getColumn(column: string, nullIfNotFound?: boolean): IValue<any> | nil { const got = this.columnsByName.get(column.toLowerCase()); if (!got && !nullIfNotFound) { throw new ColumnNotFound(column); } return got?.expression; }
explain(e: _Explainer): _SelectExplanation { return { _: 'table', table:, }; }
addColumn(column: SchemaField | CreateColumnDef, t: _Transaction): _Column { if ('dataType' in column) { const tp = { ...column, type: this.ownerSchema.getType(column.dataType), }; delete (tp as Optional<typeof tp>).dataType; return this.addColumn(tp, t); }
const low =; if (this.columnsByName.has(low)) { throw new QueryError(`Column "${}" already exists`); } const cref = new ColRef(this, columnEvaluator(this.selection,, column.type as _IType), column,;

// auto increments if (column.serial) { t.set(this.serialsId, t.getMap(this.serialsId).set(, 0)); }
this.columnDefs.push(cref); this.columnsByName.set(low, cref);
try { if (column.constraints?.length) { cref.addConstraints(column.constraints, t); } const hasDefault = column.constraints?.some(x => x.type === 'default'); if (!hasDefault) { this.remapData(t, x => (x as any)[] = (x as any)[] ?? null); } } catch (e) { this.columnDefs.pop(); this.columnsByName.delete(low); throw e; }
// once constraints created, reference them. (constraint creation might have thrown)m this.columns.push(cref.expression); this.db.onSchemaChange(); this.selection.rebuild(); return cref; }

getColumnRef(column: string): ColRef; getColumnRef(column: string, nullIfNotFound?: boolean): ColRef | nil; getColumnRef(column: string, nullIfNotFound?: boolean): ColRef | nil { const got = this.columnsByName.get(column.toLowerCase()); if (!got) { if (nullIfNotFound) { return null; } throw new QueryError(`Column "${column}" not found`); } return got; }
bin(t: _Transaction) { return t.getMap<Raw<T>>(this.dataId); }
setBin(t: _Transaction, val: Raw<T>) { return t.set(this.dataId, val); }
on(event: TableEvent, handler: () => any): ISubscription { let lst = this.handlers.get(event); if (!lst) { this.handlers.set(event, lst = new Set()); } lst.add(handler); return { unsubscribe: () => lst!.delete(handler), }; }
raise(event: TableEvent) { const got = this.handlers.get(event); for (const h of got ?? []) { h(); } this.db.raiseTable(, event); }
setReadonly() { this.readonly = true; return this; } setHidden() { this.hidden = true; return this; }

*enumerate(t: _Transaction): Iterable<T> { this.raise('seq-scan'); for (const v of this.bin(t).values()) { yield deepCloneSimple(v); // copy the original data to prevent it from being mutated. } }
find(template?: T, columns?: (keyof T)[]): Iterable<T> { return findTemplate(this.selection,, template, columns); }
remapData(t: _Transaction, modify: (newCopy: T) => any) { // convert raw data (⚠ must copy the whole thing, // because it can throw in the middle of this process !) // => this would result in partially converted tables. const converted = this.bin(t).map(x => { const copy = { ...x }; modify(copy); return copy; }); this.setBin(t, converted); }
insert(toInsert: T): T { const ret = this.doInsert(, deepCloneSimple(toInsert)); return deepCloneSimple(ret); }
doInsert(t: _Transaction, toInsert: T, opts?: ChangeOpts): T { if (this.readonly) { throw new PermissionDeniedError(; }
// get ID of this item const newId = + '_' + (; setId(toInsert, newId);
// serial (auto increments) columns let serials = t.getMap(this.serialsId); for (const [k, v] of serials.entries()) { if (!nullIsh((toInsert as any)[k])) { continue; } (toInsert as any)[k] = v + 1; serials = serials.set(k, v + 1); } t.set(this.serialsId, serials);
// set default values for (const c of this.columnDefs) { c.setDefaults(toInsert, t); }
// check change handlers (foreign keys) const changePlan = this.changePlan(t, null, toInsert, opts); changePlan.before();
// check "on conflict" const onConflict = opts?.onConflict; if (onConflict) { if ('ignore' in onConflict) { if (onConflict.ignore === 'all') { for (const k of this.indexByHash.values()) { const found = k.index.eqFirst(k.index.buildKey(toInsert, t), t); if (found) { return found; // ignore. } } } else { const index = onConflict.ignore as BIndex; const found = index.eqFirst(index.buildKey(toInsert, t), t); if (found) { return found; // ignore. } } } else { const index = onConflict.onIndex as BIndex; const key = index.buildKey(toInsert, t); const got = index.eqFirst(key, t); if (got) { // update ! onConflict.update(got, toInsert); return this.update(t, got); } } }
// check constraints for (const c of this.columnDefs) { c.checkConstraints(toInsert, t); }
// check change handlers (foreign keys) changePlan.after();
// index & check indx contrainsts this.indexElt(t, toInsert); this.setBin(t, this.bin(t).set(newId, toInsert)); return toInsert; }
private changePlan(t: _Transaction, old: T | null, neu: T | null, _opts: ChangeOpts | nil): ChangePlan<T> { const opts = _opts ?? {}; let iter: () => IterableIterator<ChangeSub<T>>; if (!old || !neu) { iter = () => this.changeHandlers.values(); } else { const ret: ChangeSub<T>[] = []; const global = this.changeHandlers.get(null); if (global) { ret.push(global); } for (const def of this.columnDefs) { const h = this.changeHandlers.get(def); if (!h) { continue; } const oldVal = (old as any)[!]; const neuVal = (neu as any)[!]; if (def.expression.type.equals(oldVal, neuVal)) { continue; } ret.push(h); } iter = ret[Symbol.iterator].bind(ret); } return { before: () => { const ran = new Set(); for (const { before } of iter()) { for (const b of before) { if (!b || ran.has(b)) { continue; } b(old, neu, t, opts); ran.add(b); } } }, after: () => { const ran = new Set(); for (const { after } of iter()) { for (const a of after) { if (!a || ran.has(a)) { continue; } a(old, neu, t, opts); ran.add(a); } } }, } }
update(t: _Transaction, toUpdate: T): T { if (this.readonly) { throw new PermissionDeniedError(; } const bin = this.bin(t); const id = getId(toUpdate); const exists = bin.get(id) ?? null;
// set default values for (const c of this.columnDefs) { c.setDefaults(toUpdate, t); }

// check change handlers (foreign keys) const changePlan = this.changePlan(t, exists, toUpdate, null); changePlan.before(); changePlan.after();

// check constraints for (const c of this.columnDefs) { c.checkConstraints(toUpdate, t); }
// remove old version from index if (exists) { for (const k of this.indexByHash.values()) { k.index.delete(exists, t); } }
// add new version to index this.indexElt(t, toUpdate);
// store raw this.setBin(t, bin.delete(id).set(id, toUpdate)); return toUpdate; }
delete(t: _Transaction, toDelete: T) { const id = getId(toDelete); const bin = this.bin(t); const got = bin.get(id); if (!id || !got) { throw new Error('Unexpected error: an operation has been asked on an item which does not belong to this table'); }
// check change handlers (foreign keys) const changePlan = this.changePlan(t, toDelete, null, null); changePlan.before(); changePlan.after();
// remove from indices for (const k of this.indexByHash.values()) { k.index.delete(got, t); } this.setBin(t, bin.delete(id));
return got; }
truncate(t: _Transaction): void { for (const h of this.truncateHandlers) { h(t); } this.setBin(t, ImMap()); }

private indexElt(t: _Transaction, toInsert: T) { for (const k of this.indexByHash.values()) { k.index.add(toInsert, t); } }
hasItem(item: T, t: _Transaction) { const id = getId(item); return this.bin(t).has(id); }
getIndex(...forValues: IValue[]): _IIndex | nil { if (!forValues.length || forValues.some(x => !x || !this.isOriginOf(x))) { return null; } const ihash = indexHash(forValues); const got = this.indexByHash.get(ihash); return got?.index ?? null; }
constraintNameGen(constraintName?: string) { return constraintName ?? ( + '_constraint_' + (++this.cstGen)); }
addCheck(_t: _Transaction, check: Expr, constraintName?: string) { constraintName = this.constraintNameGen(constraintName); const getter = buildValue(this.selection, check).convert(Types.bool);
const checkVal = (t: _Transaction, v: any) => { const value = getter.get(v, t); if (value === false) { throw new QueryError(`check constraint "${constraintName}" is violated by some row`) } }
// check that everything matches (before adding check) for (const v of this.enumerate(_t)) { checkVal(_t, v); }
// add a check for future updates this.onBeforeChange([], (old, neu, ct) => { if (!neu) { return; } checkVal(ct, neu); }); }

createIndex(t: _Transaction, expressions: CreateIndexDef): this; createIndex(t: _Transaction, expressions: string[], type: 'primary' | 'unique', indexName?: string): this; createIndex(t: _Transaction, expressions: string[] | CreateIndexDef, _type?: 'primary' | 'unique', _indexName?: string): this { if (this.readonly) { throw new PermissionDeniedError(; } if (Array.isArray(expressions)) { const keys: CreateIndexColDef[] = []; for (const e of expressions) { const parsed = parseSql(e, 'expr'); const getter = buildValue(this.selection, parsed); keys.push({ value: getter, }); } return this.createIndex(t, { columns: keys, primary: _type === 'primary', notNull: _type === 'primary', unique: !!_type, indexName: _indexName, }); }
if (!expressions?.columns?.length) { throw new QueryError('Empty index'); }
if (expressions.primary && this.hasPrimary) { throw new QueryError('Table ' + + ' already has a primary key'); } if (expressions.primary) { expressions.notNull = true; expressions.unique = true; }

const ihash = indexHash( => x.value));
const indexName = this.determineIndexRelName(expressions.indexName, ihash, expressions.ifNotExists, 'idx'); if (!indexName) { return this; }

const index = new BIndex(t, indexName, expressions.columns, this, ihash, !!expressions.unique, !!expressions.notNull);
// fill index (might throw if constraint not respected) const bin = this.bin(t); for (const e of bin.values()) { index.add(e, t); }
// =========== reference index ============ this.indexHandlers.forEach(h => h('create', index)); // ⚠⚠ This must be done LAST, to avoid throwing an execption if index population failed for (const col of index.expressions) { for (const used of col.usedColumns) { this.getColumnRef(!).usedInIndexes.add(index); } } this.indexByHash.set(ihash, { index, expressions: index.expressions }); if (expressions.primary) { this.hasPrimary = true; } return this; }
private determineIndexRelName(indexName: string | nil, ihash: string, ifNotExists: boolean | nil, sufix: string): string | nil { if (indexName) { if (this.ownerSchema.getOwnObject(indexName)) { if (ifNotExists) { return null; } throw new QueryError(`relation "${indexName}" already exists`); } return indexName; } else { const baseName = indexName = `${}_${ihash}_${sufix}`; let i = 1; while (this.ownerSchema.getOwnObject(indexName)) { indexName = baseName + (i++); } return indexName!; } }
dropIndex(t: _Transaction, uName: string) { const u = asIndex(this.ownerSchema.getOwnObject(uName)) as BIndex; if (!u || !this.indexByHash.has(u.hash)) { throw new QueryError('Cannot drop index that does not belong to this table: ' + uName); } this.indexHandlers.forEach(h => h('drop', u)); this.indexByHash.delete(u.hash); u.dropFromData(t); this.ownerSchema._reg_unregister(u); }

onIndex(sub: IndexHandler): ISubscription { this.indexHandlers.add(sub); return { unsubscribe: () => this.indexHandlers.delete(sub), }; }
listIndices(): IndexDef[] { return [...this.indexByHash.values()] .map<IndexDef>(x => ({ name:!, expressions: => x.sql!), })); }
addForeignKey(cst: TableConstraintForeignKey, t: _Transaction) { const ihash = indexHash( => x)); const constraintName = this.determineIndexRelName(cst.constraintName, ihash, false, 'fk'); if (!constraintName) { return this; } const got = new ForeignKey(constraintName) .install(t, cst, this);
// todo; return this; }
addConstraint(cst: TableConstraint, t: _Transaction) { // todo add constraint name switch (cst.type) { case 'foreign key': return this.addForeignKey(cst, t); case 'primary key': return this.createIndex(t, cst.columns, 'primary', cst.constraintName); case 'unique': return this.createIndex(t, cst.columns, 'unique', cst.constraintName); case 'check': return this.addCheck(t, cst.expr, cst.constraintName); default: throw NotSupported.never(cst, 'constraint type'); } }
onBeforeChange(columns: (string | _Column)[], check: ChangeHandler<T>): ISubscription { return this._subChange('before', columns, check); } onCheckChange(columns: string[], check: ChangeHandler<T>): ISubscription { return this._subChange('before', columns, check); }
private _subChange(key: keyof ChangeSub<T>, columns: (string | _Column)[], check: ChangeHandler<T>): ISubscription { const unsubs: (() => void)[] = []; for (const c of columns) { const ref = typeof c === 'string' ? this.getColumnRef(c) : c;
let ch = this.changeHandlers.get(ref); if (!ch) { this.changeHandlers.set(ref, ch = { after: new Set(), before: new Set(), }); } ch[key].add(check); unsubs.push(() => ch![key].delete(check)); } return { unsubscribe: () => { for (const u of unsubs) { u(); } } } }

drop(t: _Transaction) { this.drophandlers.forEach(d => d(t)); t.delete(this.dataId); for (const i of this.indexByHash.values()) { i.index.dropFromData(t); } // todo should also check foreign keys, cascade, ... return this.ownerSchema._reg_unregister(this); }
onDrop(sub: DropHandler): ISubscription { this.drophandlers.add(sub); return { unsubscribe: () => { this.drophandlers.delete(sub); } } }
onTruncate(sub: DropHandler): ISubscription { this.truncateHandlers.add(sub); return { unsubscribe: () => { this.truncateHandlers.delete(sub); } }