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An in memory postgres DB instance for your unit tests
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import { IMigrate } from './migrate/migrate-interfaces.ts';import { TableConstraint, CreateColumnDef, StatementLocation, DataTypeDef, FunctionArgumentMode } from '';

export type nil = undefined | null;
export type Schema = { name: string; fields: SchemaField[]; constraints?: TableConstraint[];}

export interface SchemaField extends Omit<CreateColumnDef, 'dataType' | 'kind'> { type: IType; serial?: boolean;}
export interface IType { /** Data type */ readonly primary: DataType; readonly name: string; toString(): string;}
// todo support all types enum DataType {
inet = 'inet', record = 'record', uuid = 'uuid', text = 'text', citext = 'citext', array = 'array', bigint = 'bigint', float = 'float', decimal = 'decimal', integer = 'integer', jsonb = 'jsonb', regtype = 'regtype', regclass = 'regclass', json = 'json', bytea = 'bytea', interval = 'interval', timestamp = 'timestamp', timestamptz = 'timestamptz', date = 'date', time = 'time', null = 'null', bool = 'bool',
point = 'point', line = 'line', lseg = 'lseg', box = 'box', path = 'path', polygon = 'polygon', circle = 'circle',}
export interface MemoryDbOptions { /** * If set to true, pg-mem will stop embbeding info about the SQL statement * that has failed in exception messages. */ noErrorDiagnostic?: boolean; /** * If set to true, then the query runner will not check that no AST part * has been left behind when parsing the request. * * ... so setting it to true could lead to unnoticed ignored query parts. * * (advice: only set it to true as a workaround while an issue on is being fixed... ) */ noAstCoverageCheck?: boolean; /** * If set to true, this will throw an exception if * you try to use an unsupported index type * (only BTREE is supported at time of writing) */ noIgnoreUnsupportedIndices?: boolean; /** * When set to true, this will auto create an index on foreign table when adding a foreign key. * 👉 Recommanded when using Typeorm .synchronize(), which creates foreign keys but not indices ! **/ readonly autoCreateForeignKeyIndices?: boolean;}
export interface IMemoryDb { /** * Adapters to create wrappers of this db compatible with known libraries */ readonly adapters: LibAdapters; /** * The default 'public' schema */ readonly public: ISchema; /** * Get an existing schema */ getSchema(db?: string | null): ISchema; /** * Create a schema in this database */ createSchema(name: string): ISchema; /** * Get a table to inspect it (in the public schema... this is a shortcut for db.public.getTable()) */ getTable<T = any>(table: string): IMemoryTable<T>; getTable<T = any>(table: string, nullIfNotFound?: boolean): IMemoryTable<T> | null;
/** Subscribe to a global event */ on(event: 'query', handler: (query: string) => any): ISubscription; on(event: GlobalEvent, handler: () => any): ISubscription; on(event: GlobalEvent, handler: () => any): ISubscription; /** Subscribe to an event on all tables */ on(event: TableEvent, handler: (table: string) => any): ISubscription;
/** * Creates a restore point. * 👉 This operation is O(1) (instantaneous, even with millions of records). * */ backup(): IBackup;
/** * Registers an extension (that can be installed using the 'create extension' statement) * @param name Extension name * @param install How to install this extension on a given schema */ registerExtension(name: string, install: (schema: ISchema) => void): this;
/** Registers a new language, usable in 'DO' blocks, or in 'CREATE FUNCTION' blocks */ registerLanguage(languageName: string, compiler: LanguageCompiler): this;}

export type ArgDef = DataType | IType | ArgDefDetails;
export interface ArgDefDetails { /** Argument type */ type: IType; /** Optional argument name */ name?: string; /** * Arguments are 'in' by default, but you can change that. */ mode?: FunctionArgumentMode;}
export type LanguageCompiler = (options: ToCompile) => CompiledFunction;
export interface ToCompile { /** Function being compiled (null for "DO" statements compilations) */ functioName?: string | nil; /** Code to compile */ code: string; /** Expected arguments */ args: ArgDefDetails[]; /** Expected return type (if any) */ returns?: IType | nil;}
export class AdvancedResult { constructor(readonly result: any, outArgs: any[]) { }}
export type CompiledFunction = (...inArguments: any[]) => AdvancedResult | PlainResult;
export type PlainResult = Object | number | Date | null | void;
export interface CompiledFunctionResult { /** The function result, if function "returns" something */ result?: any; /** The functions out arguments, as indexed in the `args` passed to your language compiler function */ outArgs?: any[];}
export interface IBackup { /** * Restores data to the state when this backup has been performed. * 👉 This operation is O(1). * 👉 Schema must not have been changed since then ! **/ restore(): void;}
export interface LibAdapters { /** Create a PG module that will be equivalent to require('pg') */ createPg(queryLatency?: number): { Pool: any; Client: any };
/** Create a pg-promise instance bound to this db */ createPgPromise(queryLatency?: number): any;
/** Create a slonik pool bound to this db */ createSlonik(queryLatency?: number): any;
/** Create a pg-native instance bound to this db */ createPgNative(queryLatency?: number): any;
/** Create a Typeorm connection bound to this db */ createTypeormConnection(typeOrmConnection: any, queryLatency?: number): any;
/** Create a Knex.js instance bound to this db */ createKnex(queryLatency?: number): any;}
export interface ISchema { /** * Execute a query and return many results */ many(query: string): any[]; /** * Execute a query without results */ none(query: string): void; /** * Execute a query with a single result */ one(query: string): any; /** * Another way to create tables (equivalent to "create table" queries") */ declareTable(table: Schema): IMemoryTable; /** * Execute a query */ query(text: string): QueryResult;

/** * Progressively executes a query, yielding results until the end of enumeration (or an exception) */ queries(text: string): Iterable<QueryResult>;
/** * Get a table in this db to inspect it */ getTable(table: string): IMemoryTable; getTable(table: string, nullIfNotFound?: boolean): IMemoryTable | null;
/** Register a function */ registerFunction(fn: FunctionDefinition): this;

/** * Registers an enum type on this schema * @param name Enum name * @param values Possible values */ registerEnum(name: string, values: string[]): void;
/** * Database migration, node-sqlite flavor * ⚠ Only working when runnin nodejs ! */ migrate(config?: IMigrate.MigrationParams): Promise<void>;}
export interface FunctionDefinition { /** Function name (casing doesnt matter) */ name: string;
/** Expected arguments */ args?: ArgDef[] | nil;
/** Other arguments type (variadic arguments) */ argsVariadic?: DataType | IType | nil;
/** Returned data type */ returns?: DataType | IType | nil;
/** * If the function is marked as impure, it will not be simplified * (ex: "select myFn(1) from myTable" will call myFn() for each row in myTable, even if it does not depend on its result) */ impure?: boolean;
/** If true, the function will also be called when passing null arguments */ allowNullArguments?: boolean;
/** Actual implementation of the function */ implementation: CompiledFunction;}
export interface QueryResult { /** Last command that has been executed */ command: string; rowCount: number; fields: Array<FieldInfo>; rows: any[];
/** Ignored (because of an "if not exists" or equivalent) */ ignored?: boolean; /** Location of the last ";" prior to this statement */ location: StatementLocation;}
export interface FieldInfo { name: string;}

export type TableEvent = 'seq-scan';export type GlobalEvent = 'query' | 'query-failed' | 'catastrophic-join-optimization' | 'schema-change' | 'create-extension';
export interface IMemoryTable<T = any> { /** Subscribe to an event on this table */ on(event: TableEvent, handler: () => any): ISubscription; /** List existing indices defined on this table */ listIndices(): IndexDef[];
/** * Inserts a raw item into this table. * ⚠ Neither the record you provided, nor the returned value are the actual item stored. You wont be able to mutate internal state. * @returns A copy of the inserted item (with assigned defaults) */ insert(item: Partial<T>): T;
/** Find all items matching a specific template */ find(template?: Partial<T> | nil, columns?: (keyof T)[]): Iterable<T>;}

export interface ISubscription { unsubscribe(): void;}
export interface IndexDef { name: string; expressions: string[];}
export class NotSupported extends Error { constructor(what?: string) { super('🔨 Not supported 🔨 ' + (what ? ': ' + what : '')); }
static never(value: never, msg?: string) { return new NotSupported(`${msg ?? ''} ${JSON.stringify(value)}`); }}

interface ErrorData { readonly error: string; readonly details?: string; readonly hint?: string;}export class QueryError extends Error { readonly data: ErrorData; constructor(err: string | ErrorData) { super(typeof err === 'string' ? err : errDataToStr(err)); = typeof err === 'string' ? { error: err } : err; }}
function errDataToStr(data: ErrorData) { const ret = ['ERROR: ' + data.error]; if (data.details) { ret.push('DETAIL: ' + data.details); } if (data.hint) { ret.push('HINT: ' + data.hint) } return ret.join('\n');}

export class CastError extends QueryError { constructor(from: DataType | IType, to: DataType | IType, inWhat?: string) { super(`cannot cast type ${typeof from === 'string' ? from :} to ${typeof to === 'string' ? to :}` + (inWhat ? ' in ' + inWhat : '')); }}export class ColumnNotFound extends QueryError { constructor(columnName: string) { super(`column "${columnName}" does not exist`); }}
export class AmbiguousColumn extends QueryError { constructor(columnName: string) { super(`column "${columnName}" is ambiguous`); }}
export class RelationNotFound extends QueryError { constructor(tableName: string) { super(`relation "${tableName}" does not exist`); }}export class TypeNotFound extends QueryError { constructor(t: string | number | DataTypeDef) { super(`type "${typeof t !== 'object' ? t : typeDefToStr(t)}" does not exist`); }}
export class RecordExists extends QueryError { constructor() { super('Records already exists'); }}

export class PermissionDeniedError extends QueryError { constructor(what?: string) { super(what ? `permission denied: "${what}" is a system catalog` : 'permission denied'); }}

export function typeDefToStr(t: DataTypeDef): string { if (t.kind === 'array') { return typeDefToStr(t.arrayOf) + '[]'; } let ret =; if (t.schema) { ret = t.schema + '.' + ret; } if (t.config?.length) { ret = ret + '(' + t.config.join(',') + ')'; } return ret;}